Change horses in midstream : to make new plans or choose a new leader in an activity that has already begun
(계획이나 사람을 중도에 갈아 치우다.)
A : I heard Joseph brought a civil suit against his neighbor.
(요셉이 그의 이웃을 상대로 소송을 제기했다고 들었는데.)
B : Yeah. That true. He have decided to change lawyers but I told him that he should not change horses in midstream.
(그래 사실이야. 그가 변호사를 바꾸려고 했서 중도에 바꾸지 말라고 말했어.)
* The house is half-built. It's too late to hire a different architect. You can't change horses in midstream.
(그 집은 이미 반은 되어가고 있습니다. 다른 건축가를 쓰기에는 늦었습니다. 중도변경은 안됩니다.)
A : Do you have any precious stones with you?
(보석을 가지고 계신가요?)
B : I have a couple of smoky topaz for gifts.
(선물용으로 두개의 연수정이 있어요.)
A : Is this camera also a gift?
(이 카메라도 선물용입니까?)
B : No. It's for my own personal use.
(아니요. 제 개인용입니다.)
Have a nice weekends! see you next Monday.
첫댓글 Many Ministers were changed in the short term.. So country's policies have not consistency.. Mr. president.. Stop.. Change horses in midstream.. Please... That is unbenefitable...
I think the frequent change of the Cabinet gives negative effect on the policies of each government ministry. Thank you.
Joseph.. Have a nice weekend.... Nice dinner...too..
I've been planning to settle in new house for a long time...But because the real estate market doing is very bad, I must change horses in midstream and remodeled a house at the beginning of this year..^^*.. Have a nice weekends!~~
Did you have a housewarming party... If not or call me... Yunseul...
Thank you!..I'm glad you speak that way~^^*..I'm sorry,but I can't afford^^;..I would like to invite you to a part next time..ㅎ..