Bring home the bacon : bring home a paycheck, support a family.
(생계비를 벌다. 성공을 거두다)
A : I heard you had a traffic accident. Who is bring the home the bacon?
(교통사고를 당했다고 들었는데 생활비는 누가 벌어 옵니까?)
B : I'm disabled by that accident, so my wife brings home the bacon.
(그 사고로 불구가 되어서 제 부인이 생활비를 법니다.)
A : What about porters and bellboys in the hotel?
(짐꾼과 호텔의 벨보이는 얼마를 주지요?)
B : They should receive 35 cents for each piece of luggage plus at leat a 10% tip.
(적어도 10퍼센트 팁외에 짐하나에 35센트를 받지요)
A : Should we tip gas station attendants, too?
(주요소 종업원에게도 팁을 주어야 하나요?)
B : No tips are given to gas station attendants, theatre ushers, or airline employees.
(아니요. 팁은 주유소 종업원이나 극장좌석안내원이나 항공사 직원에게는 주지 않아요.)
Have a nice day!
첫댓글 Our country's welfare policy is very poor.. Most of people are bring home the bacon.. We will must divide our welfare for them fairly...
Yeah, our social welfare or welfare for the aged is terribly poor compare to Bangladesh that is one of the most poor country in the world. Our country is still far from advanced countries in terms of politics, social welfare, educational system and policy, etc.
The cost of bringing up a child till a university education is \230 million..The cost is too high..To bring home the bacon is getting more and more hard in a young couple's position... Good night~~!^^*
I agree with you. The cost of school education for our children is exorbitantly expensive compare to developed countries and in regards to educational expenses, I guess our country will take the first place among the countries joined OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).