We must love God absolutely
13 God created human beings according to His original ideal, with the desire to connect with them through His true love. Unless you feel such a profound love toward God that you don’t care about losing your life, you cannot overcome life-and-death circumstances. Therefore, a perfect religion does not start from affirmation but from denial—from complete denial, even of life itself. Without going through such a position of total denial, you cannot stand in front of Satan with a clear conscience. This has been the position of those who have pursued a life of faith. (35-161, 1970.10.13)
14 Human beings fell due to their disbelief in God. To reverse this we must believe in the Savior and follow him. In so doing, we need to prepare a home filled with love. This means we must become one with the returning Jesus, substantially unite with him as bridegrooms and brides, and then all three should unite in heart. This is the process that humankind must go through to be restored. Thereupon the state originally desired by God at the time of the creation—the place where God, True Parents and true children come together—will become a reality on earth. It is where a new heaven and a new earth will begin. Everything in the world thus far is the result of leaving God. Therefore we need to go through the course of indemnity. Given the current situation of humanity, we Unification Church members are in a critical position. We must do our work well in order to save the people of Korea and the world. Our sacrifices up to this point were to build the altar on the level of the Korean people. Henceforth, we need to move forward once more and become sacrificial offerings on the world level. These are the two missions we must fulfill. (015-263, 1965.10.17)
15 What did Jesus mean when he said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” He meant that we should be absolutely public. To be public from an absolute perspective means there is no “I.” It means we represent the whole and treat the whole as our subject partner. This fallen world belongs to Satan’s realm. Therefore, we should attend God as our absolute subject partner, the central being who represents the whole. Again, we must have no concept of “I.” If we do, the condition for the satanic realms ownership over us will remain. From the point of absolutely denying ourselves, we need to create oneness between all material things and our mind and body, with the absolute Subject Partner as our center. Then we should make offerings. (110-012, 1980.11.08)
16 Jesus told Nicodemus, “No one can see the kingdom of God without being born again.” (John 3:3) This means you must totally deny the life that you have lived thus far—your entire personal history. Even if you have justifiable excuses or notable accomplishments, still you must deny yourselves. As fallen people, you cannot escape the realm of the Fall without going through this course. You lived your life thus far as people who were dead; hence it must be denied entirely. (6-278, 1959.06.07) |