Restoration course of blood and tears
13 I do not have a teacher. Even God could not be my teacher. If God had been my teacher, then all people of prayer would also have been my teachers. How did I become the Teacher? I made myself into the Teacher. How did I become the True Parent? I made myself into the True Parent. How did I become the True Owner? I made myself into the Owner. This is re-creation. If God could have done it for me, He would have done it immediately. (316-261, 2000.02.15)
14 I once prayed for seventeen hours straight. I often prayed for more than twelve hours, staying up all night in the process. I prayed until my cotton- padded pants were so soaked with the tears of my bitter weeping that I could wring water from them. The Unification Movement was not built with games and laughter. I built it by going the way of truth, with blood, sweat and tears, wringing my own flesh and spilling my own blood. I came to know the standard, I fulfilled it, and I built a victorious foundation. Only because I know it is correct, having confirmed it through my own experimentation, am I teaching it to you. I am not saying I will become the True Parent; I already have. That is why I could proclaim True Parents and the Completed Testament Age. Now is the time to firmly secure the Completed Testament Age. We are in a time when nothing in this world can invade that. (257-308, 1994.03.16)
15 How can I sleep soundly while Unification Church members receive persecution throughout the world? How many times have I been unable to eat or sleep? After learning that a missionary had been sentenced to death by a communist regime, would it have been right for me to sleep or to eat well? Even though I had never met him, he had heard my words from a distance, across many national borders, and said while offering his life, ''Father, please be victorious! I am crossing over first.” How do you think I felt at the core of my being—in my bone marrow and flesh- when I was told that he had spoken those last words? I was deeply sorrowful that we did not yet have a nation. Who could ever fathom that God would have to suffer this much? (365-326, 2002.01.14)
16 Until I was thirty years old there was not a day that I did not go hungry. It was not for lack of money or food. I deliberately ate only two meals a day. Until I was thirty, I did not buy clothes for myself. This was because I knew I was responsible for saving the world’s poor. Even when I had nothing to eat and could not afford to wear good clothes, I prayed that God would save the hungry and liberate the poor, who could not wear good clothes. Such prayers reach Heaven directly. (276-099, 1996.02.04)
17 We are called to bear a great cross. Our individual and family ordeals have been but preparation to build a tribal foundation. You should not think that the path we are called to go will be easier simply because we no longer face persecution or trials as before. Our scope is greater now. If in the past we bore our cross while sitting down, from now on we must bear it while walking. If in the past we bore our cross with our eyes fixed only on one point, from now on we have to look in every direction—east, west, north and south—as we go forward. I must attend to the path that God takes, and you must attend to the path I take. I am walking a more difficult path than you are, and God who is leading me is walking an even more difficult path than I am. (13-232, 1964.03.22)
18 God wants to give all good things to His sons and daughters, and His sons and daughters want to possess all the precious things God has. Likewise, I want to give you everything, and you also want to possess all the good things I have. Such is family with True Parents at its center. We all desire this. I try to give you all good things on behalf of God and you, in turn, want to receive them. This is a basic principle. I am guiding you along this path because I know this principle. (127-329, 1983.05.22) |