1.특별 검사
2.상담, 상의, 협의(consultation),심의(deliberation)
3.변호사, 변호인단, 법률 고문
4.조언, 충고, 권고(advice)
take counsel with
hold counsel with
…과 상의[협의]하다
a counsel of perfection
(영) 완벽하지만 실행이 불가능한 조언
King's Counsel (약자: K.C.)
Queen's Counsel (약자 Q.C.)
(영) 칙선(勅選) 변호사
[계획·방침·행동 등을] 권하다(recommend)
counsel+[목적어]+to do
(…하라고) 조언하다(advise)
He counseled them to avoid
[=He counseled their avoiding] rash action.
그는 그들에게 경솔한 행동을 피하라고 충고했다
independent counsel
특별검사, 독립검사
counsel for~측의 변호사
house counsel
전속 변호사
The GNP, on the other side, has been demanding an investigation by an independent counsel.
반면에 한나라당은 특별검사에 의한 조사를 요구해왔다.
We are against calling an independent counsel investigation right now, said Uri spokesman Oh Young-sik.
당장 특별검사를 임명하는 데는 반대한다"고 오영식 우리당 대변인이 말했다.
The independent counsel has been probing whether politicians influenced the deal.
특검은 유전사업 거래에 정치적 외압이 있었는지 여부를 조사해 왔다.
Currently, 922 teachers and 3,500 professional counselors counsel students on school violence at schools across the nation.
현재 922명의 교사와 3,500명의 전문 상담가들이 전국의 학교에서 학교 폭력 문제에 대해 학생들을 상담하고 있습니다.
The Pope told priests to counsel couples better before they get married.
교황은 사제들이 결혼을 앞둔 남녀들에게 상담을 해줄 것을 촉구했다.
I was an officer to counsel students through the difficult four years.
하버드에서, 저는 4년간의 힘든 시간을 보내는 학생들과 상담하는 일을 했었습니다.
The main opposition party is organizing efforts to push for an investigation by an independent counsel just in case the government is trying to conceal the scandal.
주 여당(민주당)은 정부가 이 사건을 감출 경우에 대비해 자율 고문변호사를 통해 조사에 압력을 가하고있다.
Apple understandably needs Korean legal counsel for a lawsuit filed in Korea.
국내 재판에서 애플이 한국인 변호사를 쓰는 것은 당연하다.
Indeed, there is this phenomenon now where the general counsels are becoming the CEOs.
실제로 현재의 실상은 고문변호사가 회사의 최고경영자로 탈바꿈하고 있다는 것입니다.
Additionally, the vice president offersadvice on policies and counsel theirpresidents to make good decisions.
게다가, 부통령은 대통령이 좋은 결정을 할 수 있도록 정책들에 대한 조언을 제공합니다.
Regarding the present economicapprehensions, may I counsel calmand good sense?
현재의 각종 경제적 우려와 관련하여 필자는 냉정하고 합리적으로 생각할 것을 권하고 싶다.
We can stand in the background andprovide aid, counsel and addedsecurity for Iraq's still-fragile military.
우리는 배경에서 서서 지원과 조언, 그리고 아직 취약한 이라크 군대를 위한 추가 안보조치를 제공할 수있다.
Additionally, the vice president offersadvice on policies and counsel theirpresidents to make good decisions.
게다가, 부통령은 대통령이 좋은 결정을 할 수 있도록 정책들에 대한 조언을 제공합니다.
1. The act of exchanging opinions and ideas; consultation: joined in counsel with colleagues before deciding the issue.
2. Advice or guidance, especially as solicited from a knowledgeable person. See Synonyms at advice.
3. Private, guarded thoughts or opinions: keep one's own counsel.
4. A lawyer or group of lawyers giving legal advice and especially conducting a case in court.
v. coun·seled, coun·sel·ing, coun·sels or coun·selled or coun·sel·ling
1. To give counsel to; advise: counseled us to be prudent.
2. To recommend: counseled care in the forthcoming negotiations.
To give or take advice. See Usage Note at council.
[Middle English counseil, from Old French conseil, from Latin cōnsilium; akin to cōnsulere, to take counsel, consult.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. advice or guidance on conduct, behaviour, etc
2. discussion, esp on future procedure; consultation: to take counsel with a friend.
3. a person whose advice or guidance is or has been sought
4. (Law) a barrister or group of barristers engaged in conducting cases in court and advising on legal matters: counsel for the prosecution.
5. a policy or plan
6. (Ecclesiastical Terms) Christianity any of the counsels of perfection or evangelical counsels, namely poverty, chastity, and obedience
7. counsel of perfection excellent but unrealizable advice
8. private opinions or plans (esp in the phrase keep one's own counsel)
9. archaic wisdom; prudence
vb, -sels, -selling or -selled, -sels, -seling or -seled
10. (tr) to give advice or guidance to
11. (tr; often takes a clause as object) to recommend the acceptance of (a plan, idea, etc); urge
12. (intr) archaic to take counsel; consult
[C13: from Old French counseil, from Latin consiliumdeliberating body; related to consul, consult]
ˈcounsellable, ˈcounselable adj
Usage: Avoid confusion with council
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈkaʊn səl)
n., pl. -sel for 3, n.
1. advice; opinion or instruction regarding the judgment or conduct of another.
2. interchange of opinions as to future procedure; consultation; deliberation.
3. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) the lawyer or lawyers representing one party or the other in court.
4. deliberate purpose; plan; design.
5. Archaic. a private or secret opinion or purpose.
6. Obs. wisdom; prudence.
7. to give advice to; advise.
8. to urge the adoption of, as a course of action; recommend.
9. to give counsel or advice.
10. to get or take counsel or advice.
keep one's own counsel, to remain silent.
– counsel
1. 'council'
Council /'kaʊnsəl/ is a noun. A council is a group of people who run a local area such as a town, city, or county.
...Wiltshire County Council.
Some other groups of people who run organizations are also called Councils.
...the Arts Council.
...the British Council of Churches.
2. 'counsel'
Counsel is usually a verb.
If you counselsomeone, you give them advice about their problems.
Part of her work is to counsel families when problems arise.
Someone's counsel is the lawyer who gives them advice on a legal case and speaks on their behalf in court.
Singleton's counsel said after the trial that he would appeal.
A lawyer or team of lawyers conducting a case in court or giving legal advice.
Noun1.counsel - a lawyer who pleads cases in court
counselor-at-law, pleader, advocate, counsellor, counselor
law, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"
attorney, lawyer - a professional person authorized to practice law; conducts lawsuits or gives legal advice
2.counsel - something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action
genetic counseling - guidance for prospective parents on the likelihood of genetic disorders in their future children
marriage counseling - counseling on marital problems and disagreements
confidential information, steer, tip, wind, hint, lead - an indication of potential opportunity; "he got a tip on the stock market"; "a good lead for a job"
Verb1.counsel - give advice to;
"The teacher counsels troubled students";
"The lawyer counselled me when I was accused of tax fraud"
advise, rede
urge, urge on, exhort, press - force or impel in an indicated direction; "I urged him to finish his studies"
dissuade, deter - turn away from by persuasion; "Negative campaigning will only dissuade people"
hash out, talk over, discuss - speak with others about (something); talk (something) over in detail; have a discussion;
"We discussed our household budget"
admonish, monish, warn, discourage - admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior;
"I warned him not to go too far";
"I warn you against false assumptions";
"She warned him to be quiet"
tip off, tip - give insider information or advise to;
"He tipped off the police about the terrorist plot"
misadvise, misguide - give bad advice to
propound - put forward, as of an idea
consult - advise professionally; "The professor consults for industry"
contraindicate - make a treatment inadvisable
1. advice, information, warning, direction, suggestion,recommendation, caution, guidance, admonition
He had always been able to count on her wise counsel.
2. legal adviser, lawyer, attorney, solicitor, advocate,barrister
The defence counsel warned that the judge should stop the trial.
1. advise, recommend, advocate, prescribe, warn, urge,caution, instruct, exhort, admonish
My advisors counselled me to do nothing.
1. An exchange of views in an attempt to reach a decision:
conference, consultation, deliberation, parley.
2. An opinion as to a decision or course of action:
advice, recommendation.
3. A person who practices law:
attorney, counselor, lawyer.
Slang: ambulance chaser.
Chiefly British: barrister.
4. Law. One who advises another, especially officially or professionally:
adviser, consultant, counselor, mentor.
To give recommendations to (someone) about a decision or course of action:
1. advice.
He'll give you good counsel on your problems.
2. a barrister or advocate.
counsel for the defence.
to advise; to recommend.
ˈcounsellor , (American) counselor
a person who gives advice. consejero, asesor
References in classic literature?
At first, his mind reverted to Defarge, and he thought of finding out the wine-shop again and taking counsel with its master in reference to the safest dwelling-place in the distracted state of the city.
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All the next day they lay in a pine wood near to the town of Logrono, resting their horses and taking counsel as to what they should do.
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And I might have gone, my dear Herbert, but for the prospect of taking counsel with your friendship and affection.
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They are taking counsel, saith this letter, to send over a governor-general, in whose breast shall be deposited all the law and equity of the land.