We must protect True Parents’ family
8 As individuals, you need to protect yourselves from Satan. On the front line between Satan and God, you who are standing on God’s side have to protect yourselves by establishing a victorious foundation such that Satan cannot attack you. Your families need a foundation of victory in Satan’s world, and on that foundation you need to protect the Lord’s family. Likewise, protecting the individuals in Jesus, tribe requires many diverse peoples to constitute a realm of protection. Those peoples need to stand on a foundation of victory in Satan’s world and then create a realm of protection for the tribe on Jesus* side. (52-228, 1972.01.01)
9 Cain’s family exists for Abel’s family, Cain’s tribe exists for Abel’s tribe, Cain’s people exist for Abel’s people and Cain’s nation exists for Abel’s nation. It is only when such concepts are firmly established that a realm of protection emerges for the first time. With the attitude that you will take responsibility for difficult situations, you can attain the realm of rest, in other words, the kingdom of heaven. (52-235, 1972.01.01)
10 Today both the left wing and the right wing are on the verge of collapse. Who brought things to this point? God and True Parents did. You families who have become one with True Parents have inherited True Parents’ path, so you should be bold and strong wherever you are in the world. Then, just as God and this universe protect me, they will protect your families, and winning the heart of a nation will be no problem. You should stand at the forefront with me. You should not retreat. You should advance directly toward true love. (201-129, 1990.03.27)
11 Wherever you go, you should proudly identify yourself as a Unification Church member. “We belong to True Parents. We are True Parents sons and daughters.” Please do not fight; to fight is to accept Satan. You should go around proclaiming, “We are the number one children of God!” Then Satan will not be able to accuse you. You should carry such conviction firmly within you. (201-129, 1990.03.27)
12 Jesus came to earth embodying Heaven’s dignity. Heaven and earth had been split apart, and had Jesus brought heaven and earth together, he could have formed a national realm of victory for the first time in Satan’s world—in the spirit world and the physical world. Had he succeeded in establishing that realm, it would have been a realm where Satan could not reign. Had he given God a nation that could not be invaded by Satan, there God could have rested at the center with His tribe, or among His people. Unless a nation fights and wins, God cannot rest as the head of a tribe. Unless a tribe fights and wins, God cannot rest as the head of a family. For this reason, unless God has a national realm of victory, He cannot have a people’s realm of rest, and unless He has a people’s realm of victory, He cannot have a tribal realm of rest. Likewise, if God does not gain victory in the tribe, then the family realm of rest cannot emerge, and without the family level of victory, the individual realm of rest cannot be attained. (51-035, 1971.11.04) |