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카페 게시글
영어자료실 스크랩 1. 29. 월 mull 심사숙고하다(ove), 실수하다 curb 구속, 속박, 제재하다
상당구 추천 0 조회 54 09.08.10 10:41 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

출처 : EBS radio / Morning special

1. 29. 월 mull 심사숙고하다(ove), 실수하다  curb 구속, 속박, 제재하다

1 U.S. said to mull partial lifting of its financial curbs on a Banco Delta Asia with North Korea.

미국이 BDA 은행의 북한 계좌 동결 해제 문제에 대해 검토 중 인 것으로 알려졌습니다.

* mull 심사숙고하다(over), 엉망으로 만들다, 실수하다, If you mull something, you think about it for a long time before deciding what to do ponder upon

* curbs 구속하다, 속박하다, 제재하다. If you curb something, you control it and keep it within limits.

2 Canada calls for Korea to reveal scientific grounds for banning its beef.

캐나다는 우리 정부가 취한 캐나다산 쇠고기 전면 수입금지 조치의 과학적 근거를 밝혀 달라고 공식으로 요구했습니다.

* grounds 근거, 이유, 동기 If something is grounds for a feeling or action, it is a reason for it. If you do something on the grounds of a particular thing, that thing is the reason for your action.

on what ground(reason)? 무슨 근거로? 무슨 이유로?

3 Key Uri Party member, Chun Jung Bae, announced his decision to bolts from party yesterday.

열린우리당 창당을 주도했던 천정배 의원이 어제 탈당을 공식 선언했습니다.

* bolts 결석, (회합에서)빠져나감, 탈당, 번개, 볼트,  a sudden desertion from a meeting, political party, social movement, etc. leave, take off

4 IRAN has started to install 3000 centrifuges to enrich uranium under its disputed nuclear programme.

이란은 핵무기 제조의 논란에도 불구하고 예고대로 원심분리기 3천기를 설치하기 시작했습니다.

5 Japan's defense minister chides U.S. handling of the relocation of an American base in Japan.

일본 방위청 장관은 주일미군 재편과 관련, 미국 정부를 거듭 비판하며 논란이 커지고 있습니다.

* chides 꾸짖다, 핀잔주다 ~~에게 잔소리 하다. If you chide someone, you speak to them angrily because they have done something wicked or foolish.~ formal expression‎!

Japan PM vows new national identity

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe vowed to shake off the legacy of World War II defeat to create a "new national identity" as he tried to revive sagging public support. Abe renewed promises to rewrite the U.S.-imposed pacifist constitution and bring patriotism into the schools, a taboo since World War II, although he also said he would work to repair ties with neighboring China and Korea.

The conservative premier outlined his policy proposals in an address to a new session of Parliament as he faces growing questions over his leadership.

* shake off If you shake off something that you do not want such as an illness or a bad habit, you manage to recover from it or get rid of it. 털어내다, 극복하다, overcome, get over

* sagging When something sags, it hangs down loosely or sinks downwards in the middle. 처지는, 늘어지는..

* saggin moral / sagging economy

* pacifist constitution 평화주의 헌법, 정체, 율령

* premier 수상 총리 으뜸

* outline 개략적으로 설명하다

China's Starbucks showdown illustrates Web's influence

Six years ago, Starbucks drew a blip of attention when it opened a small shop inside the Forbidden City, Beijing's vast imperial palace. Back then, China's Internet barely existed, blogging had not yet earned a Mandarin word - boke - and Rui Chenggang was just a fresh college graduate breaking into television news.

Palace authorities are weighing whether to banish the coffee chain from the historic site, and thousands of Web users are visiting Rui's Web site each day to praise or blast him. To many of them, he is either the voice of China's conscience or a flag-waving opportunist, though Rui says he didn't set out to open a national debate on China's ambivalent embrace of the West.

* blip of attention A blip of attention is a sudden or temporary interest.

* blip off 죽이다

* a blip of something in the newspaper.. 신문의 짧은 기사..

* weighing If you weigh the facts about a situation, you consider them very carefully before you make a decision, especially by comparing the various facts involved.저울질하다, 무게가 나가다, 무게를 재다, 고민하다

* it weights heavily on your mind 마음을 짓누르다..

* Mandarin 북경관화(언어)

* banish 추방하다 내쫓다 떨치다(걱정등)

* flag-waving 애국적(당파적) 선동

* set out 준비, 출발하다

* ambivalant 상극의, 양면가치의
