The path to inheriting True Parents’ realm of victory
11 The settlement of the Completed Testament Age means that we who center on the True Parents1 family have become one large family in the plus position. All human beings are in the minus position. With True Parents’ family in the plus position, all other families are its counterparts. If they unite as one with True Parents family by taking the position of a perfect minus, they will all rise to the same position as the True Parents' family. This is the formula for recovering the universe. Three main conditions are required for this to happen. First, the lineage must be changed. Second, the right of ownership must be changed. Finally, the realm of heart must be changed. The realm of heart includes three stages: the individual, family and tribe. The stages in this realm form one set that cannot be divided up. Therefore, as tribal messiahs you must connect these three stages of heart into one. Based on this foundation, you can then move up to the level of the nation. (268-080, 1995.03.05)
12 God’s ideal of creation is based on love that partakes of His chief attributes: absolute love, unique love, unchanging love and eternal love. Based on such love, you can maintain your purity. This means that coming from a fallen lineage, you need to maintain your purity—to take the completely correct position for true love and true life. On the foundation of purity you can change your lineage. After that, you can experience pure love. You receive your inheritance after settling as a family of filial children; and then you expand the scope of your family to become a family of patriots, saints and divine sons and daughters, uniting the world on the horizontal plane. Then you will inherit the authority of victory which is as sweet as a fragrant flower. (410-055, 2003.06.30)
13 In order to become the eldest son, and to inherit the right of the eldest son, you have to be better than Satan. You have to represent God in all areas and stand in the position to take responsibility in accordance with God’s rules and principles. The person who loves God the most receives the prize. Because of this principle, it is possible for God to carry out the providence of restoration. Inheritance is received based on love, and it is in accordance with this principle that you can claim back the birthright of the eldest son. As sons and daughters on Heavens side, you must be more filial to your parents than the sons and daughters of Satan’s world. As people on Heaven’s side, you must love your family, your nation, the world and all humankind more than the people of Satan’s world do. You must be better in all aspects. They have to give you their inheritance voluntarily; you cannot take it by force. (102-182, 1978.12.24) |