Turn over a new leaf : Start to do someting again in a better way, forgetting past errors.
(과거를 잊고 새롭게 시작하다. 마음을 고처먹고 새로 시작하다. 새로운 페이지를 꾸미다, 새로운 인생을 시작하다, 심기일전하다)
If you turn over a new leaf, you will start to behave better or become a better person.
A : Do you mean Joseph decided to turn over a new leaf and is determinded to do something good for the society?
(요셉이 심기일전하여 사회에 뭐엇인가 좋은 일을 공헌하겠다는 뜻입니까?)
B : Yeah, Joseph promised to turn over a new leaf and do good things for our society.
(네, 요셉은 마음을 고쳐먹고 우리 사회에 좋은 일을 하겠다고 약속했습니다.)
* Jospeph said he has turned over a new leaf, and that he's going to quit smoking and drinking and start to exercise every day
(요셉은 새롭게 마음을 고처먹고 담배와 술을 끊고 매일 운동하겠다고 말했다)
* Mrs Lee decided to turn over a new leaf after her mother's death.
(이여사는 그녀의 어머니 죽음이후 새로운 생활을 하기로 결심하였다.)
* Becoming a father made him turn over a new leaf.
(아버지가 되자 그는 새 사람이 되었다.)
Have a nice weekends! See you next Monday.>
첫댓글 This morning.. at the staff meeting.. I mentioned to every staffs. Now, fun of summer was finished. You and I will forget that andd Turn over a new leaf with new mind...
From now on I have to turn over a new leaf, and will do my best to achieve the goal of the latter half of the year.
Yes... You are right ..Joseph...
대단하신분들이시네~....영어로 대화까정 하시구...*^*^*