~하지 않을 거예요
I decided not to~
~하지 않기로 결심했어요
I'm not going to give up.
You're working with Steven on a project again?
He is notorious for turning things in late. 일을 늦게 하는 것으로 유명하잖아
I'm not going to fall for his excuses again. 핑계에는
I've been sparring, I can take you anytime. 언제든 상대해 주지
I'm not going to make this easy on you. 내가 이번엔 안 봐 줄 거다
I decided not to hire your friend.
That's a shame. 안타깝군요
But I understand, he is a bit inexperienced.
I am not going there, period.
이게 내가 할 말의 전부예요
going with you/ going to agree on that idea
That decision is long overdue. 그 결심은 진작 오래 전에 했었어야죠
The report/ The resume