The Way Of The Spiritual Leader - 345 Chapter 5 - Ministering and Giving Guidance to the Members Section 3 - Essential Elements of Guidance Given to Members 3. Love
2) The Universe Also Likes Love - 2
It is not only true in the case of man, but also for dogs, they like it when their owners love. Waving their tail like this . . . Is this true or false? If men love a garden, then birds will gather in it and sing.
This is why love is so wonderful. Have you ever thought about what God's hobby might be? Works of literature? The only thing that God is interested in is love.
Ladies and gentlemen, what is your object of interest? [Love] Whom did you take after? [God] For this reason, you are said to be the children of God centering on love.
For the hope and happiness that we have just talked about, can there be hope without love? Is there happiness without love?
Even if there is no hope and happiness, if you bring love along and place it there, then hope will automatically be attracted to it. Happiness will automatically be drawn to it.
Our ladies here, are you going to marry seeking after love or hope? What are you going to seek when you marry? [Love] Do you like love? [Yes)
I do not like love! Even if you say that it is not true because you like it too much. Just as when you eagerly eat food, when you are too happy and too excited, as you swallow food it gets caught in your throat. It will get stuck.
Do you really like love? [Yes] Look. Parents who love their children would want to embrace the hand of their child in their bosom no matter how dirty and ugly it is.
They will not say, "Yuck! This hand is really dirty. Go to the bathroom and wash it with soap." Love is the only thing that can make hell transform into heaven. Accordingly, as long as you possess love, you can turn hell into heaven. (90-312) |