2002년 1월1일부터 3월 31일까지 일반이민 점수가 25점으로 상향됩니다.
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The government is to increase by one point the qualifying passmark for General Skills category migrants seeking permanent residence in New Zealand.
Announcing the decision today, Immigration Minister Lianne Dalziel, said this slight adjustment would ensure effective management of residence approvals under the Annual Immigration Programme.
"From 1 January 2002 to 31 March 2002, people applying for permanent residence under the General Skills category will need a total of 25 points, instead of the 24 points which is currently required."
Lianne Dalziel said the adjustment was being made to ensure the number of people coming into the country did not exceed the upper limit for residence approvals in any year under the government's immigration programme.
"Currently demand for residence is high, particularly in the Skilled/Business immigration stream. Immigration Service forecasts indicate that the General Skills Category passmark needs to be changed to manage the number of residence approvals this year."
"A moderate adjustment to the passmark, effective from early 2002 will help bring residence approvals within the agreed range by managing down the number of residence applications being lodged."
Ms Dalziel said the adjustment was in line with the government's immigration policy which came into effect in October, allowing for revision of the passmark for General Skills Category applications on a quarterly basis.
"The NZ Immigration Service will monitor the number of applications under the revised passmark. Any further adjustment to the passmark, either up or down, will be made at the end of the first quarter (31 March 2002)," Lianne Dalziel said.