The Power of True Love
1 The fastest action in the world is the action of love. In the world the highest speed is not that of electricity; it is love. It has the most amazing power; it can fly. If two people located at opposite ends of the earth were to fall in love with each other, their love would pull them together, closing the distance between them. Love has such power. So today in the religious world it is said, “Search for love. Stay close to the God of love. Have a deep heart. Pray.” Why? It is because when you make contact with the world of love, you can participate with God in all His activities of love. This means you accompany God in His work. (112-204, 1981.04.12)
2 Love is destined to expand in all four directions: north, south, east and west. From this point of view, with love at the center, front and back, right and left, and above and below combine in an ideal way and begin circular motion. Thus the whole universe is revolving. As the universe turns, the things at the center have to turn with it. There’s no other choice. What is at the center of this universal rotation? It is the axis, which is eternally unchanging. Money, knowledge and authority all change. In our time, when even people’s feelings change, what can be the eternally unchanging axis? There is one thing that never changes and that is the relationship between parents and children. Even in the animal world this is so. Only parents’ love for their children is eternal. (227-121, 1992.02.11)
True love's power is activated through giving and receiving 3 In order for people to exist, they must sustain a process of giving and receiving, starting with the physical body. Having established the prerequisites for reciprocation, men and women interact with each other; only then can they exist. If men were to say they don’t need women, and women were to say they don’t need men, this world would be in ruins within one hundred years. To maintain existence, that is to say, to give and receive, we each need a partner. Therefore, to this day men and women have been loving each other and forming families. Love is the power that initiates the interaction between men and women, and it is the power of the action itself. There must be giving and receiving action at the source in order for the power called love to arise. For this action to arise, we absolutely need men and women. To establish the prerequisites for reciprocation, we need men and women. (18-324, 1967.08.13)
4 All material things are composed of energy, but energy cannot come into existence by itself. Unless a reciprocal standard is set, giving and receiving does not occur and energy cannot come to exist. You generate energy through the giving and receiving action of your entire body. Energy is generated in proportion to this action. Before there can be energy, there must be giving and receiving action. Then what initiates such action? Nothing can do this by itself; an object partner is needed. This is the absolute requirement for the appearance of all beings. If there is no object partner, there is no giving and receiving action. (18-323, 1967.08.13)
5 The more you love, the more your love grows. Love does not disappear; instead it prospers. There is no way to prosper without love. Furthermore, there is no eternal life without love. So Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment.” (Matt. 22:37-38) This is the commandment we need to observe absolutely. Prosperity is possible only through building loving relationships and following the way of love. (38-328, 1971.01.08)
6 When you invest beyond your limits and even your life, the power of true love generates ten thousand times more energy. You will never fail when you invest true love. The amount of true love you invest will multiply and develop. The more you set the power of true love in motion, the greater it will grow so that you can embrace the world, the universe and even God. (221-251, 1991.10.25)
7 True love will never be exhausted. The more it is set in motion, the greater it gets. In mechanics, input always exceeds output. But in the world of love, output exceeds input. This is why love is the nucleus of everything. There is always enough true love to provide for your object partner and still have more left over. There is no shortage. Since you always have something remaining after giving true love to your object partner, the more you love, the more true love increases. (219-018, 1991.08.25)
8 In a relationship of true love, output is greater than input. Saints were persecuted and, at that time, killed, yet their constant investment in true love produced an output greater than the input, and made an imprint in history. Since God has done the same thing, the creation of the universe was possible. When true love is invested, it grows greater and greater. If there is a heart that invests, the foundation for life to exist remains forever. (213-258, 1991.01.21)
9 True love stimulates the world and supplies it with the surplus energy it needs to rotate eternally. It also sustains the consumption of energy by adding more than it consumes. This is why only true love can exist forever. For people, the most precious things are life and love. Life comes from love. Therefore, everyone who has life automatically pursues love. (109-143, 1980.11.01)
10 When we say that true love is the origin of life and is able to sustain the universe, we can compare it to air. If I continue to give over and over again for the sake of the universe from a position of low pressure, the universe will pull me to the center and raise me up. I will be at the very center and then rise to the top. What is true love? If I go to the eternal zero point by investing myself completely, over and over again, the universe will add to me. If I go to that place, God will take notice and move on my behalf. The more I invest and forget how much I have given, the more God will support me. If I keep investing with God supporting me, I will become the center. Once I become the center, as I keep investing, I will never sink down into the earth. Instead, I will rise up. Everything will get bigger, and since I keep moving at the center, everything will become rounded. This is how the universe stays in motion and assumes a spherical form. (221-106, 1991.10.23)
11 Since the object partner of love will be eternal, God continues to invest eternally until it comes into being. And when He has a partner He wants to invest infinitely into that partner, even to His very essence. Since God’s investment is infinite, all pairs that move in the world of love have an eternal quality. We can conclude that the love partner of the absolute, infinite God will live for eternity. (221-107, 1991.10.23)
12 God’s love is love for the sake of others and only for the sake of others. Because God wants to keep giving, true love also cannot help but keep giving, and since they give to each other, they revolve. God’s love is like that. Since God wants to give endlessly, and the original nature of love is also to give endlessly, they revolve. How did the universe begin? It began from the point of revolving. All existing things, by their intrinsic nature, have to revolve. Then what can go on forever? The love that gives eternally, the love at the very center, will keep revolving forever. When the power of giving and the power of receiving become one and they want to keep giving, they expand. Since there is power in this principle, expansion takes place and the universe is formed. (128-292, 1983.09.11)
13 Love functions as a lubricant and as an orbit in which things move. Without love there is no lubrication. Automobiles need oil to move. For things to move, we need to oil them. There must be lubrication. Everything needs lubrication if it is to move. Only love can be the lubricant for the highest joy. It does not disappear because it is rooted in the eternal God. The more love moves, the more it develops. (180-163, 1988.08.22) |