3D Model and Animations
- IAE and CFM engine models
- Fully animated exterior, including animated RAT, APU, landing lights, and advanced flight controls animation
- Flex wing
- Full size, animated 3D cabin
- Custom effects including water spray, Airbus-specific "double" strobe light, and engine fire effects
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Virtual Cockpit
- Professionally modeled and textured for totally realistic look
- All switches and controls operable from virtual cockpit
- Advanced animations, including opening windows, tray tables, adjustable pilot's seat and more
- Realistic multi-stage lighting
- Smooth EFIS displays with enhanced readability
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Flight Model
- Accurate flight model for each model, including custom files for CFM and IAE engine variants
- Flight dynamics tested by real A320 pilots on a full-motion simulator to provide the most realistic feel
- Accurate "on the numbers" performance for all stages of flight
- Realistic behavior in emergency situations(e.g. engine failure)
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Systems & Instruments
- Fly-By-Wire, including fully simulated Normal, Alternate, and Direct laws
- FMGS ? Flight Management and Guidance System
- ADIRS ? Air Data Inertial Reference System
- AFS ? Auto Flight System
- DFDR and CVR - Digital Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder
- Complete EFIS with PFD, ND and ECAM displays complete with ECAM checklists, as well as EFIS control panel
- Standby instruments
- Weather Radar
- Terrain-on-ND
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FMGS ? Flight Management and Guidance System
- Complete Lateral and Vertical Navigation modes
- Cost Index calculations
- Complete and updatable Navigation Database, including SID/STAR database
- Fuel Predictions
- Secondary Flight Plan
- Accurate performance calculations
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Miscellaneous and Convenience Features
- AirSimmer NET-Crew: Share the cockpit with fellow pilots over the Internet and learn Crew Resource Management
- Voice checklists
- Fluid-smooth EFIS displays using cutting-edge technology developed by the AirSimmer Team
- Virtual First Officer
- Advanced Failures Simulation Engine
- Load Editor
- Fuel Planner
- Cabin/Ground Crew Calls
- Advanced Pushback Interface
- Free liveries
- Pilot learning curve philosophy: three levels of complexity: beginner, advanced and professional.
- SID/STAR Maker
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첫댓글 Features를 보니 왠지 CLS A340에 필적하는 물건(VC좋음, 2D즐, FMC는 있는데 기능 없음)일지도...-_- 그래도 Wilco의 2D/3D때문에 많이 용서가 되는군요. 2000때부터 X까지 에어버스는 전혀 신경 안 쓰다가, 이제 웬만한 보잉 기체는 다 제작되니까 이제 에어버스에서 전쟁을 시작하는군요. PMDG A320이 나오면 어떻게 될지...
ㅋㅋㅋ CLS A340에 필적하는 물건...
Features 제대로 보신지 모르겠지만 Full support 랍니다.
으으음~ 좋아좋아.. 330도 만들었으면 좋겠네요 :D
2d 패널은 아직 작업중인가 보네요 Available soon 인거 보니.. 디테일은 아주 훌륭하네요. 거기다 Flight1을 통해 출시한다고 하니.. 디테일이나 리얼리티면에서는 검증받은 것 같군요.(Flight1의 제품들 대부분이 리얼리티면에서는 최고죠)
네. 디테일 면에서는 PMDG를 능가할 거 같아요. 제대로 구현 되느냐가 문제지만요. fligft1를 통해 배급한다고 하니 어느정도 검증을 되었을 테고 기대해 보아야죠.
헐... 이거 fsx용으로 나왔나요? 엄청 좋네요. LDS에서 출시한 기체로군요.
아아...도대체 A330을 만든다는 말은 아무도 하지 않는군요...나중을 기대해 보아야 겠지요
PMDG에서 에어버스 시리즈를 만든다는 얘기가 있었지요. 윌코에서도 만든다는 얘기를 들은적이 있습니다^^ 곧 나오겠죠 뭐.. ㅋ^^
디테일은 그래도 정말 좋긴 좋네요.....^^ SID/STAR까지 만든다니 좋군요 제발 PSS A330을 물러나게할 A330이 나오면 좋겠어요
오 ;; 디테일 깔끔... 패널 깔끔 ;;;