Luke 02:05 02:31 10:39 13:19
관계대명사 계속적 용법 ➔ 접속사 + 대명사 : 관계대명사 계속적 용법는 접속사 + 대명사로 고쳐볼 수 있다.
for all the things|they had heard and seen, | which were just as they had been told.
선행사 for it were -
관계대명사 계속적용법은 선행사에 대한 추가적인 정보을 제공하는 역할과 동시에 접속사 + 대명사의 역할을 하며, 앞에서부터 순차적으로 해석한다. 이때 접속사는 문맥에 따라 크게 4가지 용법으로 바꿔쓸 수 있다.
㉮ 순접 역할을 하는 and : She had a son, who became a doctor.= She had a son, and he became a doctor.
She had a handsome husband, whom she loved greatly. (그녀는 잘생긴 남편이 있었고, 그녀는 그를 매우 사랑했다.) She had a handsome husband, and she loved him greatly.
㉯ 역접 역할을 하는 but : He bought a new shirt, which was too large. = (그는 새로운 셔츠를 샀는데, 그것은 너무 컸다.) He bought a new shirt, but it was too large.
I met my friend, who did not tell me the news. = I met my friend, but he did not tell me the news.
He said he saw me there, which( = but it) was a lie 거기서 나를 보았다고 말했으나 그것은 거짓말이었다
⦗사람을 나타내는 명사·형용사를 선행사로 하여⦘ …이지만 그것은〔을, 에〕 《⑴ 절 속의 be 동사의 보어가 됨. ⑵ 선행사가 명사인 경우는, 사람 그 자체가 아니라 지위·성격·인품·직업 따위를 가리킴》• He is very smart, ~ I am not. 그는 매우 약삭빠르지만 나는 그렇지가 않다
㉰ 이유원인 역할을 하는 because, for : • Few people could follow the speaker, who spoke too quickly. 그 연사의 말을 알아들은 사람은 적었는데, 그건 연설이 너무나도 빨랐기 때문이다《who ≒because he spoke ...》
We trust him, who is very honest. = We trust him, for[because] he is very honest.
I like him, who is very kind I like him, for[because] is very kind
㉱ 양보 역할을 하는 though : He dismissed his servant, who had been faithful to him. = though he
This dictionary, which is old, is very useful to me. = though it
I love Mike, who is ugly. I love Mike, though he is ugly.
••✍•☞ 深化-참고
문맥에 따라 접속사가 달라진다. :
The guy, who studied very hard, failed the test. = The guy, though he studied very hard, failed the test.
The guy, who studied very hard, had a full mark. = The guy, for[because] studied very hard, had a full mark.