~ 이 두려워요(무서워요)
I'm afraid of dogs.
I'm afraid of my new manager. He's so gruff. 퉁명스러운
He's a nice guy, you just have to get used to the way he talks. 그분의 말투에
I'm afraid of public speaking. 여러 사람들 앞에서 말하는 게
Really? How are you going to give the keynote address at the conference then. 그럼 총회 때 기초연설을 어떻게 하시려고 그래요?
I'm afraid that we can't finish this project by the due date. 마감일까지
I'm afraid you have no choice.
So we spent all our money?
I'm afraid so.
안타깝지만 그런 것 같아요
We should've been more frugal.좀 더 절약했어야 했어
Is the copy machine broken again?
I'm afraid so. We need to fix it.
Can we order a pizza?
I'm afraid not. 안됐지만 그건 안 되겠는 걸
They're already closed.
Can you come and work on Saturday?
I'm afraid not. I alrready have other plans.