1. (I turn ~)저는 열여섯 살이지만 몇 개월 후면 열일곱 살이 돼요.
2. (I have known ~) 제 남자친구 '가브리엘'과는 2년 동안 사귀어 왔습니다.
3. (He is ~) 가브리엘은 제 첫 남자친구이고요.
4. (He asked ~)사귄 지 4개월 됐을 때, 가브리엘은 저에게 청혼을 했고, 저는 그 청혼을 받아들였어요.
5. (He had been hinting ~) 그는 줄곧 약혼에 대해 시사해 왔고, 저는 거절할 용기가 없었어요.
6. (He is ~) 가브리엘은 제게 매우 소중한 사람이지만, 사람들은 자꾸 제게 '선택을 열어 두라'는 말을 해요.
7. (I told ~) 저는 가브리엘에게 제가 아직 어리기 때문에 (그는 열여덟입니다) 천천히 생각해보고 싶다고 얘기했어요.
8. (But he says ~) 하지만 그는 만약 내가 자기와 헤어지고(break up) 다른 남자와 사귀면(date) 다시는 저를 만나지 않을 거라고 하네요.
9. (I want to make sure ~) 저는 제가 남은 생을 함께 보내고 싶어하는 사람이 가브리엘이라는 확신을 갖고 싶어요.
10. (Sometimes I wish ~) 제가 약혼이나 결혼을 하기엔 너무 어리다는 생각이 들어서 가끔은 가브리엘과 사귀지 말았었으면 하는 적도 있고요.
11. 가브리엘은 내게 소중해요 (dear).
12. (I am scared ~) 그에게나 저 자신에게나 상처를 주고 싶지 않지만, 우리 관계를 망칠까봐(mess up) 두렵기도 해요.
13. (How can I make ~)어떻게 해야 진정한 사랑을 찾았다고 제 자신을 믿게 할 수 있을까요?
1. (confused) 당혹스럽습니다.
2. (What is the rule of ~ ) 요즘에는 마실 것을 살 때의 에티켓이 무엇인지요?
3. (I feel as though ~) 밖에 있을 때, 여자들을 만나면 마실 것은 내가 항상 사야 할 것 같은 생각이 들어요.
4. (but I can’t ~) 하지만 제가 계속 이렇게 할 수 있는 형편이 아니거든요.
5. (I’m afraid ~) 제가 먼저 산다고 제안하지 않으면 저를 ‘짠돌이(cheap)’로 생각할까 봐 걱정이 돼요.
6. (I’m not dating ~) 저는 지금은 아무도 사귀고 있지 않지만, 여성인 친구들이나 다른 여자들을 만날 때마다 이런 행동이 저의 '남자로서의 의무(macho duty)'처럼 느껴져요.
7. (What is ~)이런 상황에서 일반적으로 수긍될 수 있는 사교 규약이 있다면 무엇인가요?
1. 막내 아들 '트렌트'는 열일곱 살입니다.
2. (At a very early age, it was apparent ~) 얘는 어린 나이에 벌써 운동에 재능이 있는 게 확실했어요.
3. (Years of stellar performance in ~) 몇 년간 야구 및 다른 스포츠에서 탁월한 실력을 보였고 그로 인해 트렌트의 사회적 지위가 높아졌습니다.
4. (which has made ~) 그리고 이로 인해 우리 사이가 멀어졌습니다. .
5. (Trent is ~) 트렌트는 관리할 수 없게 되었어요.
6. (He regards ~) 얘는 내가 설득하거나 지도, 훈계하는 것을 일상적인 성가신 것(daily hindrance)으로 여겨버립니다.
7. (I lost ~) 저는 아버지로써의 위신을 잃었어요.
8. (I support and always will ~)나는 한결같이 아들의 목표를 지지해왔고 앞으로도 지지할 것이지만, 아이가 본인의 사회적 위치를 너무 즐기고 있어 제가 볼 때 현실과의 괴리가 있는 것 같습니다.
9. 대학 장학금이 떼논 당상(a given)이기는 하지만요.
10. (Is this unique ~) 제 문제가 특수한 경우입니까? 제게 해줄 만한 조언은 없습니까?
TOPIC 4: 저는 헤일리라는 멋진 여자와 3년 동안 사귀고 있는 24세 남성입니다. 그녀는 성격 좋고, 좋은 직장에 다니며, 사람이 넘치고, (결혼 한다면) 훌륭한 아내가 될 사람입니다.
저희 가족은 헤일리를 정말 좋아합니다. 하지만 제 친구들은 그렇지 않아서 저로 하여금 복잡한 감정이 들게 합니다. 어떤 날엔 그녀를 사랑하지만, 다른 날엔 헤어지고 싶습니다. 그러고는 우리가 함께하는 인생이 얼마나 환상적일지 생각합니다. 이상하죠? 왜냐면 헤일리의 성격이 변하는 것이 아니라, 완전히 저만의 문제이니까요. 만일 그녀와 헤어진다면 그것이 제 인생 최대의 실수가 되어 후회할까 봐 두려워요.
제가 그녀에 대한 사랑을 찾을 수 있도록 올바른 방향으로 지시하고 인도해 주세요.
TOPIC 1: I am 16 but will be 17 in a few months. I have known my boyfriend, "Gabriel," for two years. He is my first boyfriend.
After four months of dating, Gabriel has asked me to marry him, and I said yes. He had been hinting about engagement, and I didn't have the heart to say otherwise. Gabriel is very dear to me, but I keep hearing people say, "Keep your options open." I told Gabriel that I am young (he's 18), and I want to take it slowly, but he says if I break up with him to date other guys, he will never date me again.
I want to make sure Gabriel is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Sometimes I wish I hadn't started dating him because I feel too young to be engaged or married. I love Gabriel dearly. I don't want to break his heart or mine. I am also scared I might mess up this relationship. What should I do to make myself believe that I have found my true love?
TOPIC 2: I am confused. What is the rule of etiquette for buying drinks these days? I feel as though I am required to buy drinks for women whenever I am out, but I can't afford to keep this up. I'm afraid if I don't offer, I will be regarded as cheap.
I'm not dating anyone, but I still feel like it is my "macho duty" whenever I'm out with female friends or meeting women. What is the acceptable social protocol?
TOPIC 4: My youngest son,"Trent," is 17. At a very early age it became apparent that he was a gifted athlete. Years of stellar performance in baseball and other sports have elevated him to a high social status -- and it has created a rift between us.
I have and always will support my son's goals, but I see a disassociation with reality while he revels in his status. A college scholarship is a given.
Is my issue unique? Do you have any advice for me?
1. 그게 구형 TV 아무거에나 다 맞을까요? 아무 옛날 TV에서도 잘 될라나? Would that ~ ?
2. 케이블 TV, 위성 TV 혹은 다른 유료 TV서비스에 가입하지 않으면…..: If you don't ~
3. 전국 TV방송사 직원들이 몇 달 동안 전국을 돌며 TV시청자들에게 매서운 경고를 하고 다녔다: Workers for the nation's TV broadcasters have ~
4. TV나이는 문제가 되지 않아요: It shouldn't ~
5. 이들이 하고자 하는 말은 실내안테나를 이용해서 공중파 TV채널을 잡는 구형 TV들은 조만간 전혀 신호가 잡히지 않을 것이라는 것이다: Their message is ~~
6. 연방정부에 의해 강제로 기존의 (아날로그식) TV 송출을 중단하는 것에 대해 계속 혼란이 있었다: there was ~
7. 2월 17일, 전국 TV방송이 디지털 방송으로 전환될 예정이다: On February 17th, the nation's TV broadcast system ~
8. 디지털 TV방송은 기존의 아날로그 식에 비해 화질과 음질이 더 뛰어나다: Digital TV signals ~
9. 일부 방송국들은 앞으로도 30일 동안은 계속해서 아날로그 방송으로 기상 및 긴급 소식을 방송할 것이다: Some stations will continue ~
10. 기술자들은 그 순간에 대비해 이미 예행연습을 해왔다: technicians already have ~
11. 전국 1천 7백 개 방송국들은 아날로그 송출을 중단할 것이다: the country's 1,700 TV stations will ~
12. 대부분 방송국들이 현재 아날로그와 디지털 신호를 들 다 내보낸다: Most stations currently ~
13. 기존의 아날로그식은 다음 달 중단된다: the old analog signal is ~
14. 디지털 TV 신호만 나가게 된다: the DTV signal is ~
15. TV시청 가구의 85% 이상은 변화를 느끼지 못할 것이다: more than 85 percent of TV households won't ~
16. 그 이후에 판매된 모든 TV는 디지털 수신장치가 내장되어 있다: All sets sold after that ~
17. 구형, 아날로그 전용 TV를 갖고 있는 사람들도 디지털 전환기에 연결하면 디지털 신호를 수신할 수 있다: even those who own an older, analog-only TV can get a digital signal by hooking it up to a digital converter box
1. 지금부터 5년쯤 전에 Direct TV를 신청하기로 했다. 그 전까지 DISH NETWORK에 대해서 다양한 얘기를 들어봤는데 DTV가 내가 찾는 조합에 가장 잘 맞았다. 회사에서 남자 한 분이 나와서 설치해주니까 바로 볼 수 있었다. 처음에는 프리미엄 채널을 무제한으로 볼 수 있도록 해줬고, 최대한 볼 수 있는만큼 즐겼다. 내게 DTV의 최대 강점은 풋볼 경기들을 볼 수 있다는 것인데, 버튼만 누르면 내가 원하는 어떤 경기든 다 볼 수 있는 것 같았다. 위성 TV의 한 가지 단점은 연중 특정 기간, 특히 태풍이 몰리는 철에는 수신이 잘 안되는 것이다.
2. 전 세계 해커들에게 일종의 강력한 경고의 메시지로, 지난 금요일 미 당국은 전 세계 컴퓨터를 감염시켰던 ‘블래스터 인터넷’ 웜 바이러스를 흉내내어 바이러스를 만든 혐의를 시인한 10대 청소년 한 명을 체포했다.
제프리 리 파슨이라고 하는 18세의 이 청소년은 미네아폴리스 교외 지역인 홉킨스의 자기 집에서 체포되었으며 의도적으로 컴퓨터에 피해를 입힌 혐의로 기소되었다. 유죄 확정될 경우 이 소년은 최대 10년 형 및 25만 달러의 벌금형에 처해질 수 있다.
3. ‘Full Power’ TV 방송국이란 ABC, NBC, CBS같은 전국 그리고 지역 방송국들을 포함한다.
하지만 6월 12일까지 디지털 전환 의무 대상이 되지 않고 계속 아날로그 방송을 할 수 있는 방송국도 7천 3백개 이상이 있다.
4. TV리서치 전문 Niesen/NetRatings는 전체 TV시청 가구가 2009년에서 2010년 시즌 동안 1.5% 증가할 것이라고 어제 발표했다. 대략 750억 달러에 달하는 TV광고 수입이 Nielsen사의 자료에 기초해 결정되기 때문에 Niesen은 TV시청 가구 통계 분야에서 권위있는 회사이다.
5. 1998년 이전에 구입한 TV라면 디지털 수신기가 내장되어 있지 않을 가능성이 높다. 1998년 이전에 제조된 거의 모든 TV는 전통적인 아날로그 TV이며, 위성, 케이블을 신청하거나 혹은 전용 콘버터를 구입하지 않으면 디지털 TV신호를 디스플레이 하지 못한다.
PBS NEWSHOUR 4. Switch to Digital TV Prompts Concerns, Calls for Delay
The impending switch to digital TV has caused confusion in some households and prompted Congress to consider delaying the switchover even further over concerns that the message has not yet reached some important groups. Kwame Holman reports
JUDY WOODRUFF: And now the final battle in the revolutionary switch to digital television. Kwame Holman reports.
CUSTOMER: Would that fit on any old TV? Will that work on any old TV?
BROADCAST WORKER: If you don't subscribe to cable, satellite, or another paid TV service...
CUSTOMER: I don't have neither one of them.
BROADCAST WORKER: ... you would need a converter box.
KWAME HOLMAN: Workers for the nation's TV broadcasters have spent months traveling the country delivering a blunt warning to TV viewers.
BROADCAST WORKER: It shouldn't matter the age of the TV. You need an antenna, and you need a converter box.
KWAME HOLMAN: Their message is that older televisions that use rabbit ears to get TV channels over the air soon will receive no signal at all. At several events around
BROADCAST WORKER: Do you have any questions about the transition?
CUSTOMER: What transition?
BROADCAST WORKER: The digital television transition.
Switch to occur Feb. 17
KWAME HOLMAN: On February 17th, the nation's TV broadcast system is set to switch to digital-only TV signals, which offer enhanced images and sound over the old, so-called analog signals.
Some stations will continue to broadcast weather and emergency information for 30 days over the analog airwaves, but technicians already have done dry runs preparing for that moment when the country's 1,700 TV stations will shut off their analog transmitters.
ANNOUNCER: If you get TV by a rooftop antenna or rabbit ears, you need to prepare your TV set.
KWAME HOLMAN: Most stations currently send out both the old analog and the digital TV signals, but when the old analog signal is shut off next month, and the DTV signal is transmitted alone, more than 85 percent of TV households won't notice a change.
That's because they already receive a digital signal through their cable, satellite, or other subscription TV service, or their TV was purchased after March 2007. All sets sold after that have built-in digital receivers.
And even those who own an older, analog-only TV can get a digital signal by hooking it up to a digital converter box.
Manager John Zittrauer at electronics giant Best Buy showed how it's done.
JOHN ZITTRAUER, manager, Best Buy: Basically, you have going in from your antenna, where it says "in," going out to your TV. Now, if you have a TV that has the red, yellow and white -- what they call the composite connections -- you can run that to your TV and that's going to get you a better signal. But even if you have the older TV that just has that antenna input, you're fine, just in, and then out.
Message may not have reached all
KWAME HOLMAN: But PBS President Paula Kerger says she's worried about parts of the public television audience, because 20 percent of them rely on over-the-air TV.
PAULA KERGER, president, PBS: The public service media, which public broadcasting PBS represents, we are particularly concerned that the American people are receiving a television signal in terms of information, in terms of security, and, in the case of children in particular, so that they have access to educational high-quality programs that they rely on.
About 2 million children are watching public television over the air. There are a lot of people in rural areas for whom public television is extremely important. And those are the people that I am very worried about will lose access to the kinds of programs that we produce.
KWAME HOLMAN: Nielsen, the television research company, has reported that PBS viewership could decline by 17 percent in the immediate aftermath of shutting down the analog TV signal.
KWAME HOLMAN: Industry groups and broadcasters, such as PBS, have been advertising aggressively about the coming switch to digital-only TV. But some worry not enough has been done to reach certain viewer groups, including many Hispanics who may not be ready for the switch.
Spanish-language network Univision aired an extended public service announcement during last fall's Latin Grammys program, which had an estimated audience of 12 million. The other major Spanish-language network, Telemundo, with a daily audience of more than a million, also has been telling viewers about the switch.
JOE UVA, CEO, Univision: The Hispanic community in this country is much more affected by getting their signal through the air than any other sub-segment of the population. And as the largest Spanish-language media broadcaster in the
DAVID REHR, president, National Association of Broadcasters: Digital television will give people unbelievable pictures, better sound quality, more programs and services than ever before.
KWAME HOLMAN: David Rehr is president of the National Association of Broadcasters.
DAVID REHR: It's a real benefit to consumers because they'll get a wow experience with their television.
Switch caught in some snafus
KWAME HOLMAN: The "wow" from the switch to digital's better picture and sound allows the
The switch also enables individual broadcasters to offer multi-channel streams or several different channels from the same broadcaster.
The federal government made money on the switch by selling the so-called "spectrum" analog channels occupy to private companies. Other space on the vacated analog spectrum will go to police and fire departments to improve their communications and to create wireless broadband networks. So far, the government has raised about $20 billion from its spectrum auctions.
Kevin Martin has just left the chairmanship of the Federal Communications Commission.
KEVIN MARTIN, outgoing chairman, Federal Communications Commission: One of the things that we learned after September 11th was how important it was for the local police and local fire departments to be able to communicate. And they've all got older, outdated radios that don't actually talk to each other.
KWAME HOLMAN: But not all has gone according to plan. Consumer advocates pushed for a federal program, administered by the Commerce Department, that sends two $40 coupons per household to anyone who asks for them. The coupons are to be used toward the purchase of digital converter boxes.
But with just over a month to go before the switch to digital...
GENE KIMMELMAN, vice president for international affairs, Consumers Union: The program is out of money. The program can't work to help them unless Congress steps in to help us out.
KWAME HOLMAN: Gene Kimmelman leads work on federal issues for Consumers Union.
GENE KIMMELMAN: With a program that ran out of money and where the government cannot tell us how millions of people who are their waitlist can be taken care of in time, we absolutely need a delay. We need probably no more than six months just to make sure that people who have already said, "I need this just to keep my TV working," get their coupon or get a converter box to actually just keep getting over-the-air signals.
CUSTOMER: I called up for the free coupons, and they said that they ran out of money for the free coupons.
BROADCAST WORKER: Right now, the ceiling for the coupon program has been reached, and so there's a waiting list, so you can apply for a coupon, but...
CUSTOMER: I did. I did. They said it would be seven to eight weeks.
Obama calls for delay
KWAME HOLMAN: The Obama administration agreed, calling for the switch to digital-only TV to be delayed until all of the 1 million applicants still waiting for converter box coupons got them. But PBS's Paula Kerger is not sure pushing the digital deadline is the way to go.
PAULA KERGER: I think there is some concern that, if the date shifts once, then perhaps it will just continue to be pushed out, and I think that it is clear this transition needs to occur.
And so whether it occurs on Feb.17 or if it occurs a few months later, there will be a hard date. And I think the communication around that needs to be very clear that this is a transition that is happening and that everyone that is affected by it needs to make some decision about how they want to receive television.
KWAME HOLMAN: Congress is seeking more money for converter box coupons. But with many still unprepared, the Senate was moving tonight to extend the deadline for the permanent switch.