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카페 게시글
영어자료실 스크랩 1. 22. 월 divisive 불화를 일으키는 tatter 넝마 찢다 conspire 공모하다
상당구 추천 0 조회 21 09.08.10 10:44 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

출처 : EBS radio / Morning special

1. 22. 월 divisive 불화를 일으키는 tatter 넝마 찢다 conspire 공모하다

1 Korea's nuclear envoy to visit China early this week to discuss the resumption of six-nation talks on North Korea's nuke program.

한반도평화교섭 본부장이 이번 주 초 중국을 방문해 북 핵 관련 6자회담 재개 문제 등 을 논의할 예정입니다.

* envoy 사절 외교관

* resumption 되찾음, 회수, 회복, 재점유

- you resume an activity, it begins again.

- If someone resumes, they begin speaking again after they have stopped for a short time.

* nuke 핵무기(nuclear weapon)

2 Nigerian envoy promises reinforced security for Korean workers in his country.

나이지리아 당국은 우리 근로자들의 안전 보장을 더욱 강화하겠다고 밝혔습니다.

* reinforced 강화하다, 보강하다. (원래 있던것을 더 보강할때)

* If something reinforces a feeling, situation, or process, it makes it stronger or more intense.

* If something reinforces an idea or point of view, it provides more evidence or support for it.

3 A moderate earthquake that hit Pyeongchang recently has no impact on bid for Winter Olympics.

최근 강원도 평창에서 발생했던 지진이 동계올림픽 유치에 악영향을 주지는 않을 것으로 알려졌습니다.

* moderate 알맞은, 적당한, 중간의

* Moderate political opinions or policies are not extreme.

* You use moderate to describe something that is neither large nor small in amount or degree.

* impact (물체와 물체의) 충돌(collision), 격돌 또는 영향력 (influence)

*The impact that something has on a situation, process, or person is a sudden and powerful effect that it has on them.

4 A strong earthquake of magnitude 7.2 struck off Indonesia's Sulawesi island which could pose a tsunami risk yesterday.

인도네시아 술라웨시섬 인근에서 리히터 규모 7.2의 강진이 발생, 쓰나미(지진해일) 사태의 위험성이 고조되고 있습니다.

* pose 포즈를 취하다...<위험성을> 내포하다, 지니다

* If something poses a problem or a danger, it is the cause of that problem or danger.

5 Iran has conducted three days of military maneuvers, including short-range missile tests.

이란이 사흘 일정의 군사훈련에 돌입했으며 미사일을 시험 발사할 예정이라고 알려졌습니다.

* conducted 행위, 행실, 수행하다

* When you conduct an activity or task, you organize it and carry it out.

* If you conduct yourself in a particular way, you behave in that way.

* maneuvers / manoeuvre 책략, 작전, 훈련

* If you manoeuvre something into or out of an awkward position, you skilfully move it there.

*If you manoeuvre a situation, you change it in a clever and skilful way so that you can benefit from it.

Hillary Clinton steps into U.S. presidential race

Six years after making history by winning a United States Senate seat as first lady, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton announced that she was taking the first formal step to seek the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, a journey that would break yet more political barriers in her extraordinary and controversial career.

"I have never been afraid to stand up for what I believe in or to face down the Republican machine," Clinton said on the Web site. The successes and shadows of those years will likely loom over Clinton, who was both a hands-on adviser and a divisive presence in his administration.

(1st) stand up for~: If you stand up for someone or something, you defend them and make your feelings or opinions very clear. 보호,옹호하

(2nd) hands-on: Hands-on experience or work involves actually doing a particular thing, rather than just talking about it or getting someone else to do it. 실질적인, practical

* barrier 관문, 장벽, 장애

* face downs 결정적대결 showdown

* machine 간부집단 지배세력

* loom 희미하게 나타나다

* divisive 불화를 일으키는

The happiest man in the world?

To scientists, he is the world's happiest man. His level of mind control is astonishing and the upbeat impulses in his brain are off the scale. Now Matthieu Ricard, a French academic-turned-Buddhist monk, is to share his secrets to make the world a happier place. The trick, he reckons, is to put some effort into it. In essence, happiness is a "skill" to be learned.

His advice could not be more timely as tomorrow Britain will reach what, according to a scientific formula, is the most miserable day of the year. Tattered new year resolutions, the faded buzz of Christmas, debt, a lack of motivation and the winter weather conspire to create a peak of misery and gloom.

(1st) reckons: -If you reckon that something is true, you think that it is true. -If you reckon on something, you feel certain that it will happen and are therefore prepared for it. 생각하다 간주하다

(2nd) miserable: -If you are miserable, you are very unhappy.

-If you describe a place or situation as miserable, you mean that it makes you feel unhappy or depressed.

* upbeat 낙관적인 행복한 즐거운 상승기조의

* impulse 충동 욕구

* scale 저울

* tatter 넝마 나부랭이 갈갈이찢다 해지게하다

* timely 알맞은 적시의

* conspire 공모하다 음모를 꾸미다 협력하다 상호작용하다..
