Dear AHIS Community,
The use of E-Learning Platform has always been and will be one of the important communication tools and objectives of the School . Since its' introduction in 2015, the school's Blackboard Learn has served faithfully as a learning platform for students, where teachers posted additional/supporting learning resources,e-quizzes, etc. to enhance students' learning experience.
T...oday, as we are all fully aware, the Movement Restriction Order (MCO) has been extended untill 14 April 2020 and all malaysians , including our students will be confined to their homes. As such, the School Management Board is pleased to announce the implementation of the more advance Blackboard E- Learning platform where students will continue to learn via Blackboard by going through the topics and sub-topics in PDF format, which is in line with the students' respective subject, year-group and curricula. Students can practice and test themselves using the worksheets, e-quizzes, and topical tests. They can also widen their learning experience by watching relevant video-clips and visiting the website links to helpful internet resources and other materials posted by their teachers.
Parents will be able to monitor, and keep track of their son's/daughter's progress via the 'My Grade Book' link which automatically collates students marks upon their completion and submission of e-quizzes and tests. Once the students return to school, the transition from online learning to classroom learning will be fluid. Details of the online learning plan has been posted in the Parents Portal.
In this challenging time, we want to assure that our students' well-being and success remains our priority. Please stay safe, take all necessary precautions and remain vigilant.
Together We Excel
School Management Team
첫댓글 인터넷이 발달한 나라에서는 어디서나 E-learning을 하고 있는 것 같네요. 우리나라도 그렇잖아요. 학교에서 친구들과 사회성을 기르면서 공부해야 하는데.....21세기라 이런 것도 가능한 것이겠지요?