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카페 게시글
영어자료실 스크랩 1. 19. 금 retract 철회하다 down-to-earth 현실적인, 실제적인, 진실한
상당구 추천 0 조회 35 09.08.10 10:45 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

출처 : EBS radio / Morning special


1. 19. 금 retract 철회하다 down-to-earth 현실적인, 실제적인, 진실한

1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs under criticism for failing to bring home 9 relatives of POWs.

외교통상부의 안이한 대처로, 국군 포로들의 북한 내 가족 9명이, 북송된 사실이 알려지면서, 외교부에 대한 비난이 끊이지 않고 있습니다.

* under criticism 비난 받다 = under fire

* bring home 데리고 오다, 집, 고향, 고국으로 데리고 오다..

* POW : prinsoner of war 전쟁포로

2. Christopher Hill visits Seoul today to tune nuke talks after finishing talks with North Korean counterpart in Berlin

'베를린 북미회동'을 마친, 크리스토퍼 힐 미 국무부 차관보가 북핵 6자 회담 조율을 위해, 오늘 방한합니다.

* tune 조정하다..조율하다..

* counterpart  Someone's or something's counterpart is another person or thing that has a similar function or position in a different place.

3. Snow falls in Malibu and western parts of L.A. in 20 years as the cold snap lingers in the west of the U.S.

미국 서부 지역에 한파가 계속되고 있는 가운데, 로스앤젤레스 서부와 말리부에 20년 만에 눈이 내렸습니다.

* as the cold snap lingers  When something such as an idea, feeling, or illness lingers, it continues to exist for a long time, often much longer than expected.

* cold snap 한파 * linger hang around, stick around

4. Pressure mounts on Israeli PM Ehud Olmert to resign over the military's failure to stop Hezbollah rocket attacks from Lebanon.

이스라엘 국민들이, 레바논과의 충돌을 막지 못했다는 책임을 물어, 에후트 올메르트 총리에게 사퇴를 요구하고 있습니다.

* Pressure mounts on 압력이 점점 더 심해지고 있다.. it increases in intensity.

5. Korea retracted its key demand for the United States on anti-dumping rules, a leaked government report says.

정부가 한미 FTA 협상의 핵심 쟁점이었던, 미측에 대한 무역구제 요구 사항을 포기했다는 문건이 언론에 공개됐습니다.

* retracted its key demand 주요 요구 사항을 철회하다..

  take it back, offer a retraction, retract a comment or statement

If you retract something that you have said or written, you say that you did not mean it. 했던 말이나, 요구를 없던 일로 하겠다는 것..

* a leaked government report 새어나간, 공개된 정부 문서..

Asha-Rose Migiro Named Highest Ranking Woman at U.N.

Asha-Rose Migiro, 50, becomes the first woman and first African to hold the position of Deputy UN Secretary-General, a post created in 1998. When she made history last year, becoming Tanzania's first woman Foreign Minister, some people started referring to her as the "Condoleezza Rice of Tanzania"

But Mrs. Migiro, a seasoned human rights champion, preferred the title "Dr. Asha-Rose of Tanzania.“ She is a Muslim, has a law doctorate from Germany, and is described as a hardworking, modest and a down-to-earth politician. Married to a Christian, a university lecturer with whom she has two children, she rose to prominence ten years ago after acquiring a ruling party parliamentary seat reserved for women.

* seasoned (가루)양념한, (사람) 경험이 많은, 노련한, flavoring,

* marinated 양념에 재워둔 a seasoned actor 베테랑 배우

* down-to-earth 더할 나위 없는, 현실적인, 실제적인,

 = genuine 진실된, humble 겸손한 antonym matrialistic, unrealistc, flashy(겉만번지르르한,충동적인), fake, erogant,

* human right champion 인권운동가 인권옹호가

* doctorate 박사학위, 학위

* prominence 두드러짐 탁월

Journalist fined over islam joke

A Court in Casablanca has given two Morrocan journalists suspended sentences of three years for de-faming Islam and breaching public morality. The journalists' Weekly Magazine had published an article entitled "How Morroccan's laugh at religion, sex and politics". The Court banned publication of the Magazine for two months and fined two journalists about $8000.

The journalists said the jokes they published were in common usage. Their lawyer says they plan to appeal against the sentence. The prosecutors had urged sentences of three to five years, saying journalists must balance liberties and responsibilities. Meanwhile, the two journalists, backed by many international organizations, feel their prosecution was a blow to press freedom.

* defaming 중상하다, …의 명예를 훼손하다..모욕하다.. defamation

= If someone defames another person or thing, they say bad and untrue things about them

* a blow to press freedom 자유를 억업하는 것이다.

* blow 일격, 충격.. wind blow, blow out the candle, blow off the baloon

* suspend 보류하다
