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카페 프로필 이미지
강남 꿈틀에서 래팅할래? (영어회화 동호회)
카페 게시글
[토]-English Talkaholic [모임공지] Minutes of the last meeting & announcement for the study on 11/2(a reply must be given to participate)
Tia~* 추천 0 조회 126 13.10.28 17:58 댓글 15
게시글 본문내용
  • 작성자 13.10.28 18:01

    첫댓글 1st/Tia/It's cold! ㅠ.ㅠ

  • 13.10.28 19:04

    2nd/JAY/ what a fast uploading! me in;)

  • 작성자 13.10.31 11:21

    See you dear~^^*

  • 13.10.29 15:31

    3rd/Law/Becoming one of the talkaholics!!!

  • 작성자 13.10.31 11:24

    Let yourself immerse in crazy talks and chats!ㅋ

  • 13.10.31 12:19

    I really wanna join this weekend. However, tmrw will be a tough day for me. I am still not sure to attend, but I will do my best. I will let you know our beautiful leader tia on Saturday morning. Cheers!

  • 작성자 13.11.01 09:05

    It must've been hectic around you these days. I hope you things will get better after this week!
    Thank you for your kind notice, and please make sure to be on time if you're able to come ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • 13.10.31 22:41

    4th / leo / i bet i would definitely come as long as i am not drinking ^^;;

  • 작성자 13.11.01 09:07

    You've been a shepherd boy.

  • 13.11.01 09:11

    I am sorry to hear that ㅜㅠ

  • 13.11.01 02:02

    5th / Alex / i ll try my best to be there on time!!

  • 작성자 13.11.01 09:13

    I guess you are a late sleeper as I see the time you left reply, so 11:00 o'clock might be a bit of hassle for you and I appreciate your effort! ㅋㅋ

  • 13.11.01 14:47

    6th/Jenna/i have to leave at 1 but i am very excited to join the class again!

  • 작성자 13.11.01 17:46

    What a surprise! How have you been????

  • 13.11.01 18:13

    7th/andy/able to join!!
