Through thick and thin : through good times and bad
좋을 때나 나쁠 때나
A : I didn't know that you stood by your mother.
(난 당신이 당신 엄마 편인줄 몰랐어요)
B : Don't get me wrong. I always stood by you through thick and thin.
(오해하지 마오. 난 항상 좋을 때나 나쁠 때나 당신편이었소.)
I will be with this company through thick and thin.
(좋을 때나 나쁠 때나 난 이 회사와 함께 하겠다.)
Have a good weekwends!
첫댓글 We had small argues with my wife about my own family problems. Sometimes I agree that elder brother's opinion.. Then My wife had a her regret.. At this time, I told her I am always with you through thick and thin..
When my wife has a disagreement with my mother, I stood by my mother, but at night I told her that I would stand by her through thick and thin. Ha ha ha.