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카페 게시글
영어자료실 스크랩 1. 18. 목 buck 껑충뛰다,반항,돌파하다 hunker 쭈그리고앉다,잠복하다,고집하다
상당구 추천 0 조회 16 09.08.10 10:45 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

출처 : EBS radio / Morning special

1. 18. 목 buck 껑충뛰다,반항,돌파하다 hunker 쭈그리고앉다,잠복,고집하다

1. Hyundai Motor union reached an agreement and ends nearly 3-week labor dispute on year-end bonuses.

현대 자동차 노조가 사측과 합의에 도달해, 3주간 계속됐던 연말 성과금 지급에 대한 시위를 마무리 지었습니다.

2. The Korean Air Force held a meeting yesterday and decided to add 20 next-generation fighter jets by 2012

우리 공군은 어제 전체회의를 갖고, 오는 2012년까지, 차기 전투기 20대를 도입하기로 결정했습니다.

3. Government released a set of new regulations to toughen rules on private DNA tests that could mislead the public.

정부가, 일반 대중들을 오도할 우려가 있는, 상업적인 유전자 검사를, 강력히 금지하는 법안을 내놓았습니다.

* toughen(tighten) rules 규제를 강화하다

4. Pregnant Chinese women who are near their due date will be turned away at Hong Kong.

앞으로 출산을 앞두고 홍콩에서 아이를 낳으려는, 중국 본토의 임산부들이, 홍콩에 입국할 수 없게 될 예정입니다.

* due date 출산예정일

* when are you due? what is your due date? when are you expecting?

5. According to a recent survey, 51 percent of workers diagnosed themselves workaholics.

최근 설문 조사 결과에 따르면, 직장인의 절반이, 스스로를 “일 중독” 이라고 진단하는 것으로 나타났습니다.

* take a physical examination 건강진단 받다

  = a check up, a health(medical) examination,

Thousands shiver as storm toll hits 54

Hundreds of people hunkered down in emergency shelters and thousands stuck it out in darkened homes after a winter storm that left 54 dead in nine states. About 340,000 homes and businesses in several states were still without electricity after a storm that brought ice, snow, flooding and high winds to a swath of the country from Texas to Maine.

Subfreezing temperatures were expected to continue in the state, with little sunshine to aid in melting the ice until Thursday or Friday, said National Weather Service meteorologist. Gusty winds were forecast to make the Northeast bone-chilling through Wednesday night before warming Thursday.

* hunker (down) 쭈그리고 앉다, 잠복하다, 버티다, 고집하다

* stuck it out 버티다

* swath 넓은 길, 긴행열, 한번 낫질한 자취

* subfreezing 빙점이하의

* gusty 돌풍의 돌발적인 원기왕성한 * gusty /gu; /맛있는 식욕을 돋구는

* shiver down one's spine 등골이 오싹하다

* spine chiller 등골이 오싹하게 만드는 소설 영화

* spine 등뼈 척추 가시(thorn) 바늘 기개 기골 근성

French celebrate biggest baby boom since 1980s

It's almost a "bébé" boom: France had more babies in 2006 than in any year in the past quarter century, capping a decade of rising fertility that has bucked Europe's greying trend. The government trumpeted the figures as a victory for family-friendly policies such as cheap day care and generous parental leave.

The fertility rate was two children per woman, up from 1.92 in 2005 - presumably making France the most fertile nation in the European Union. The growing birth rate was a welcome boost for a government plagued by a stagnant economy and high unemployment. France is one of the few countries in Europe where most of the population growth comes from births instead of from immigration.

* cap 마무리짓다, 뚜껑을 덮다

* buck 껑충뛰다, 반항하다, 단호히 반대하다, 돌파하다, 내기하다

* trumpet 나팔불다 퍼뜨리다 과시하다

* presumably 아마도..

* plague 역병 전염병 천벌

* stagnant 정체된.. stagnant relationship
