사랑하는 나의 천사 강동원에게
2019년 8월 26일 월요일 맑음
된장찌개랑 밥 비벼서 갓김치 얹어서 먹었는데, 그냥 술술 잘 넘어갔어.
뭐랄까? 잠깐 잊고 있었던 익숙한 맛이랄까?
그동안 된장찌개랑 밥이 고팠나? 한입 터지게 김치 얹어서 먹었어.
먹고 나도 속도 편하고 밥 먹은 거 같았어.
진짜 밥 먹어도 밥 먹은 거 같지도 않고 배만 부르고 입만 버린 것 같을 때도 있잖아.
맛난것 먹고 싶어도 돈 아낄려고 집밥 먹었는데 김치가 맛나서 잘먹어 버렸어.
사실 김치는 시장 김치야, 집에 김치는 금방 담았을 때나 맛있잖아.
김치 맛나게 담을 줄 아는게 돈 버는 것 같아.
요즘은 요리 잘하는 것도 돈 버는 것 같아.
요즘 강동원 다큐 봐서 그런지 삼겹살 구워 먹고 싶어졌어.
요즘은 다큐때 강동원 모습이랑 목소리가 생생해!
잘못을 지적해 주는 천사 강동원이 있어서 난 용기를 낼 수 있었어.
내 자신이 바르고 싶어서 잘못을 인정했어 부끄러운 행동들도...
천사의 검에 베여봐야 해!
잘못을 하면 바로 잡아주는 천사가 어디선가 나타나야 해.
그래야 믿음이 생겨!
내 짝, 정혼자, 천사 강동원도 믿고 봉우할아버지도 믿어.
봉우 할아버지께서는 누구나 마음소리 다 들을 수 있었다고 하셨어. 진짜야.
강동원은 나의 천사고 나의 사랑이야 그게 진짜야!
난 진짜가 좋아!
환상 속에서 꿈을 꾸는게 아니야 그렇지?
강동원 만나!
강동원의 정혼녀, 국민학교 동창생 짝, 권동휘
To Loved angel GangDongWon
Clear, Monday, 26, August, 2019
I had putting Gat Kimchi on mixing boild rice with DoenJang JjiGe and then,
I was just swallowed soft-flowing it.
What would I tell ...?
That would be the familiar taste I has forgotten for a while ...?
Meanwhile, I would starve rice and DoenJang JjiGe?
I had a mouthful putting Kimchi on.
I felt comfortable in my stomach after a meal and it was like to eat rice.
You know, you have done that, It don’t think I had real rice after I had a meal and just my stomach is full and
I think I just lost my appetite.
I want to have tasty food but, had housemade food in order to save money,
and then, It was delicious. I had well.
Actually, Kimchi is to buy in the market.
Housemade Kimchi is delicious when It make Kimchi in a moment. isn’t it?
I think that it can make tasty Kimchi is making money.
These days, I think, being a good cook is making money too.
Nowadays, Maybe I wanted to have roasting SamGyopSal(bacon) if I watched GangDongWon’s documentary of monotube in YouTube.
Recently, GangDongWon’s appearance and voice in documentary is lively.
I clould take courage because I had my angel GangDongWon who told my mistakes.
I want to be right and I admitted I was wrong and shameful acts too...
You should cut by angel’s sword!
When you are wrong, An angel must come out anywhere for correcting mistakes.
And so, You get a faith.
I believe my school mate, fiance, angel GangDongWon and BongWoo grandfather too.
BongWoo grand father said, anybody can hear sound of mind. It’s real.
GangDongWon is my angel and my love. that’s real.
I love the real!
It’s not a dream in a fantasy. is it?
GangDongWon Let’s meet!
from, GangDongWon’s fiancee, elementary schoolfellow, mate, KwonDongHwi.