Discussion Paper No. 554 afghanistan figure kyoto universty.pdf
Afghanistan Revival:
Irrigation on the right and left banks of Amu Darya
Fuchinoue, H.1, Tsukatani, T.2, Toderich, K.N.3
October 2002
KyotoInstitute of Economic Research
Kyoto University
1 Kyoto University Graduate School of Economics, hiva@t02.mbox.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
2 Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research, tsuka@kier.kyoto-u.ac.jp
3 Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Samarkand Branch, ktoderich@yahoo.com
Thiswork forms a part of Monbukagakusho (Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Project No
12372008, 2000), entitled ‘Interdisciplinary Studies on Environment, Economy
and Energy in Central Asia’. The authors are thankful to V.E. Chub from Uzbek
Glavgidromet, Abdusattor Saidov from Tajik Academy of Sciences for their sincere support to this work.
1.8 Stalin and Koreans
We had better review the history of Stalin era to understand why Amu Darya River Basin
became one of the most prosperous rice producing districts in Central Asia. The keys to answering this issue are “Stalin” and “Koreans.” In 1937, about 180 thousand Koreans were compulsorily migrated from boundary areas of Far East edge to Central Asia. The National Council of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) and the Central Committee of USSR adapted the Decision No.1428-326cc on August 21, 1937. According to the Decision, the purpose of this forced migration was to prevent Japanese intelligence from penetrating Far East areas in Soviet Union. Provision 3 and 4 of the decision presented related information about the issue.
3. A Korean person can have possessions, agricultural tools, and animals in the case of
4. The movable properties, real estates and seeds that the migrating people will leave are
estimated in money and compensated for.
Nevertheless, Aeliah Lee argued that these provisions were not implemented (Lee, 2002.)
At that time, Korean people did not have enough time to prepare the forced migration. Migration of 180 thousand Koreans had been completed within 2 months. This instance showed us how intensively and immediately this forced migration was implemented. Some Koreans received a receipt or a certificate for their property, but most of them were never compensated for. In short, Koreans arrived in Central Asia with nothing.
Lee insisted that there were a few other purposes of Korean migration. First, theSoviets
expected the installation of far advanced rice cultivation skills of Koreans into semi-arid barren lands of Central Asia. Besides, the Soviets wanted to supply labor forces where the population was decreased strikingly. Therefore, forced migration of Koreans facilitated rice cultivation in AmuDarya River Basin. This was a passive or dark-side reason.
There was a positive reason. Before the forced migration, a small population of Koreans
voluntarily migrated in Central Asia. A 1926 census showed a small number of Korean residents in Tashkent, Buhara, and Surkhandarya. Korean Agricultural Cooperative Association existed in Tashkent in 1924 (Maruge, 1982.) They named their rice, “Uzris” in Uzbekistan and “Kazris” in
Kazakhstan. Uzris is still a popular cultivated sort in Surkhandarya region today.
As we can see in this section, the Right Bank of Amu Darya has been highly productive
lands for irrigated agriculture. Besides, some new irrigation technologies such as subsurface drip irrigation are available to increase production and to improve yields of crops. These technologies also enable us to cultivate crops that we cannot cultivate with limited water resources in the semi-acid region so far.
We assume that the Left Bank of AmuDarya possesses equivalent edaphicand agricultural potential compared to the Right Bank. Therefore, we should apply these new irrigation technologies to the Left Bank to construct permanent food production for starved Afghan
people. In the next section, we will review the Left Bank of Amu Darya, Afghanistan
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