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카페 게시글
영어자료실 스크랩 1. 16. 화 devotee 애호가 열애자 sewage 하수 오물 /su;idz/
상당구 추천 0 조회 8 09.08.10 10:46 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

출처 : EBS radio / Morning special


1. 16. 화 devotee 애호가 열애자 sewage 하수 오물 /su;idz/


1 UN agree on dispatch of Korean peacekeeping forces to Lebanon.

유엔이 한국군의 레바논 평화유지군 파병 계획을 공식 수락했습니다.

dispatch <군대·특사 등을> 급파[특파]하다

= If you dispatch someone to a place, you send them there for a particular reason.

2 The Korean government inks contract with Algeria, Africa to build new town.

정부가 아프리카 알제리에 신도시를 건설한다는 내용의 합의각서를 체결했습니다.

inks 잉크, 서명하다. =it's like you sign a document

3 Infectious diseases have stricken a North Korean city on the east coast, affecting up to 4,000 people.

북한에서 각종 전염병이 확산되며 북한 주민 4000명 이상이 감염된 것으로 알려졌습니다.

Infectious 전염성의, 전염병의// <영향·감정 등이> 옮기[전달되기] 쉬운

=A disease that is infectious can be caught by being near a person who has it. Compare contagious.

=If a feeling is infectious, it spreads to other people.

4 Saddam Hussein's half brother and the former head of Iraq's Revolutionary Court were hanged.

사담 후세인 전 이라크 대통령의 이복동생과 이라크 혁명재판 소장도 결국 교수형에 처해졌습니다.

5 The Australian Government is outraged at a leaked federal proposal to tax rainwater collected from roofs.

호주 연방정부가 추진중이던 ‘빗물 과세’ 내용이 외부로 유출되면서 논란이 일고 있습니다.

outrage 격분시키다. 또는 …에게 난폭한 짓을 하다 / 불법행위

=If you are outraged by something, it makes you extremely shocked and angry.

=rainwater = 빗물

Ganges flushed for Hindu bathers

Some 70m devotees are expected over the 45-day festival India's Ganges river at the city of Allahabad has been flushed with fresh water from upstream to improve bathing for millions at a key Hindu festival. Some holy men, or sadhus, had threatened to boycott bathing in waters they considered too polluted.

Local official said: "We are trying to win them over. There is enough fresh and clean water in the Ganges and it is fit for bathing." Offerings cast into the river and waste and sewage dumped into it have polluted the river over many years.

(1st) flush - If you flush, your face goes red because you are hot or ill, or because you are feeling a strong emotion such as embarrassment or anger.

- When someone flushes a toilet after using it, they fill the toilet bowl with water in order to clean it, usually by pressing a handle or pulling a chain.  You can also say that a toilet flushes.

(2nd) win them over If you win someone over or win them round, you persuade them to support you or agree with you.

* devotee 애호가 열애자

* upstream 상류의 상류로거슬러오르는

* sadhu 탁발승 고행자

* sewage 하수 오물 /su;idz/

'Lost' producers discuss series' end

Makers of the tropical island drama "Lost" say they're talking with ABC executives about setting an end date for the series. There's no sense the finale is coming anytime soon. But knowing they have a deadline will help writers of the convoluted drama lay out how they want the story to end, producers said.

The producers, citing Fox's "The X-Files," said they didn't want to wear out their welcome. "That was a great show that probably ran two seasons too long," Cuse said. "That is a cautionary tale for us." The producers said that will be rectified right away for the season's second half as "Lost" goes back to the beach.

(1st) wear out their welcome 너무 오래 묵어 미움을 사다

If you say that someone wear out or outstays their welcome you mean that they stay somewhere longer than they are wanted or expected to.

(2nd) rectify If you rectify something that is wrong, you change it so that it becomes correct or satisfactory. 개정,수정,조정하다

* impose on ~를 위압하다 악용하다...

* hibernate 겨울잠 자다

* convolute 뒤얽힌 소용돌이의 둘둘말린

* cautionary 경계의 훈계의 담보의 보증의
