Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 203. The love between a man and a woman in the original creation
11 You need to understand that the reason for your birth as a woman or a man is to join your partner in virtue through true love. When we examine this, woman and man are each composed of yin and yang. From the viewpoint of the Divine Principle, yin and yang are called characteristics of sung sang or internal nature and hyung sang or external form. When we look at individual beings, we can see that each of us has yin and yang aspects. Yin and yang correspond to the attributes that enable us to receive internal nature and external form. God divided yin and yang because of love. (216-189, 1991.03.31)
12 What do the subject and object partners—in other words, yang nature and yin nature—have as their central focus when they unite? Love is not just a concept. It is a reality. What is the reality through which love can be established? We did not know what it was that made a man a man, and a woman a woman. Quite simply, it is the reproductive organs. The world is perishing, however, because all men believe their reproductive organs belong to them, and all women believe the same about theirs. Both men and women have a misconception about who owns their reproductive organs. Everyone says that love is absolute and eternal and thinks of it in an idealized fashion, but if people only knew clearly that the ownership of eternal love has been vested in one’s loving counterpart, then the world would not be as it is today. (279-245, 1996.09.15)
13 If you want to realize love, you must invest and forget, invest and forget. Why must we possess such love? It is because love grows larger and larger— not smaller—the more it moves. Natural phenomena in the world of physical dynamics are such that the more things move and the more they act, the more they are diminished. But in the world of true love, the more things move, the more they grow. Because God knew that, He was able to initiate the process of Creation with true love as His central focus. When a person matures and begins to interact in a certain way for the first time, it is love that is behind this. Once they are fully grown, young men and women seek to interact focusing on love. Their eyes, which had been only for themselves, change, and they now look outward. Even self-centered and prim young women glance to their sides when they reach their adolescence. Their eyes, which had previously been only for their mother and father, start to stray elsewhere. This is not a bad thing. Rather, it is natural. It permits them to grasp the larger world of their future spouse, in order to maintain their course in life. (237-127, 1992.11.13)
14 How do you want to live? The answer is simple. Is there something in this world you would wish to gaze upon until your eyes popped out, smell until you lost your sense of smell, listen to until your ears burst, and touch until your hands no longer had feeling? This thing is not money, knowledge or power. It is love. The more you hold love in your hands, the more you want to hold onto it. And when you let go, you liberate everything fully at once. The thing that makes all things possible is love. Your eyes must meet at the correct focal point and your nose must also have the right focus. You can only hear well when your ears find the right focus. The balance or focal point between the ear’s three semicircular canals must be just right so that you do not feel dizzy. Human beings all live with focal points. What is the integrated focal point for a person? There is the focal point of the eyes, the ears, the nose, the mouth and the sense of touch. But what is the root of all these focal points? Love is the root of the creation and the movement of all the focal points. Nothing other than love. (195-032, 1989.11.01)
15 Only your partner can stand eternally in the position of the owner of your love. A woman is the one who perfects a man. Only a woman makes a man an owner of love, and only a man makes a woman an owner of love. Any other kind of owner is false. There is only one key—one partner—to unlock a person’s love, not two. (453-259, 2004.06.13)
16 God’s Will is the fulfillment of His purpose of creation. Individuals can reach that point within the realm of God’s love. However, fallen people— no matter how hard they try—have no way to pass through and succeed in any matters. But God, by adhering to absolute conditions, has established a path to love that will allow everyone to be recognized as scoring one hundred percent. Therefore, people have formed the religious realm in order to receive the privilege of that love, and a way of maintaining faith absolutely has unfolded through that realm. A man and woman who are united in mind and body, and who have the basis in their relationship that allows God’s love to be with them, are to receive the Blessing and marry. In doing so, they will explode for the first time with the power of an earthquake. Love is established at the same time that heaven and earth vibrate. (101-047, 1978.10.28)
17 Establishing a family in which God’s love and the three great kinds of human love can blossom together is the desire of the world, of humanity and of the future. The love of husband and wife is a precious and beautiful thing that can finally spread the fragrances of history in accordance with the principles of heaven and earth and appear as a new flower. (35-243, 1970.10.19)
18 The ideal married couple we speak of in the Unification Church is a couple who can realistically manifest the highest art and the highest literature. Before we encounter the highest ideal and the highest world of culture, the highest, sweetest love shared by a husband and wife must become the most sublime work of art in the world. The life of a husband and wife should inspire the most sublime work of literature. It should be the subject of a great literary work. (22-270, 1969.05.04)
19 The place where a husband and wife share true love after marrying is the palace that is the origin of the love, life and lineage of God and humankind. It is the starting point of the kingdom of heaven on earth and in the spirit world that actualizes the ideal. With true love as their center, the children born of this love become the perfect union of husband and wife, form a family attending God, and become the origin of peace and the ideal. The man and woman, who by themselves represent only halves, unite into one and complete the ideal love of God as His object partners. (259-046, 1994.03.27) |