또 연속 꼬리글 3개 넘으셨군요. 항상 저에게 위안을 주시는 한단인님. 돼지 초원에서 못기를 것도 없죠. 물론 집돼지의 직계조상은 멧돼지겠죠. 그런데 집돼지 데리고 다니려면 좀 골치아프죠. 전형적인 유목민중에 돼지사육하는 부족은 없는걸로 압니다. 뉴기니아 등지에는 수렵농경민이 있습니다. 오히려 유목민보다 흔함.
많은 곳에서 유목민(때로는 정착목축민까지)과 농경민이 공존하기도 합니다. 특히 중동지역에서 이들의 갈등이 유명한 아벨과 카인 그리고 노아의 방주에 나오는 "나쁜놈들"의 원형이라고도 하죠. 단 부여(고구려는 더더욱)는 이런 유목민(공존하는)도 흔적을 찾기가 힘들다라는게 제의견.
가장 큰 문제는 한국인의 근원이 뭔지 확실치 않다는 것. 특히 부여인의 원조가 뭔지 모르죠. 만약 극한지역에서 보이는 순록유목민들이었으면 일종의 유목민이라고 볼 수 있겠죠. 그런데 부여 고구려를 계속 초원식 유목민과 연결지으려는 노력은 객관적 고려에 따른 것이 아니라 조갑제식 "뭘모르는 낭만주의"가 아닐까 합니다. "달리는 말, 드넓은 초원, 탁트인 지평선" 뭐 그런 이미지에서 부터 시작해서 "광야를 끝없이 말달리는 우리조상, 그러나 도심의 조그만 땅에 매달린 우리" 따위의 조갑제식 철부지 낭만주의....
이것은 일부 인류학자들이 주장하기도 하는건데 몽골족 자체도 원래 수렵 -> 원시농경/수렵민 이였는데 점진적으로 유목생활을 배웠다합니다. 그리고 취수혼등이 꼭 유목민의 것이라는 것은 믿기 어렵네요. 대부분의 농경민도 유목민적 과거가 있으니 그냥 귀에 걸면 귀거리 코에 걸면 코거리. 제가 한번 찾아보죠.
찾았는데 다음과 같은 원문
LEVIRATE (Lat. levir, a husbands brother), a custom, sometimes even a law, compelling a dead mans brother to marry his widow. It seems to have been widespread in primitive times, and is common to-day. Of the origin and primitive purpose of the levirate marriage various explanations have been put forward:
I. It has been urged that the custom was primarily based on the law of inheritance; a wife, regarded as a chattel, being inherited like other possessions. The social advantage of providing one who should maintain the widow doubtless aided the spread of the custom. The abandonment of a woman and her children in the nomadic stage of civilization would be equivalent to death for them; hence with some peoples the levirate became a duty rather than a right. Among the Thlinkets, for example, when a man dies, his brother or his sisters son must marry the widow, a failure in this duty occasioning feuds. The obligation on a man to provide for his sister-in-law is analogous to other duties devolving on kinsfolk, such as the vendetta.
2. J. F. McLennan, however, would assume the levirate to be a relic of polyandry, and in his argument lays much stress on the fact that it is the dead mans brother who inherits the widow. But among many races who follow the custom, such as the Fijians, Samoans, Papuans of New Guinea, the Caroline Islanders, and some tribes in the interior of Western Equatorial Africa, the rule of inheritance is to the brother first. Thus among the Santals, when the elder brother dies, the next younger inherits the widow, children and all the property. Further, there is no known race where it is permitted to a son to marry his own mother. Inheriting a woman in primitive societies would be always tantamount to marrying her, and, apart from any special laws of inheritance, it would be natural for the brother to take over the widow. In polygamous countries where a man leaves many widows the son would have a right of ownership over these, and could dispose of them or keep them as he pleased, his own mother alone excepted. Thus among the Bakalai, an African tribe, widows may marry the son of their dead husband, or in default of a son, can live with the brother. The Negroes of Benin and the Gabun and the Kaffirs of Natal have similar customs. In New Caledonia every man, married or single, must immediately marry his brothers widow. In Polynesia the levirate has the force of law, and it is common throughout America and Asia.
3. Another explanation of the custom has been sought in a semi-religious motive which has had, extraordinary influence in countries where to die without issue is regarded as a terrible calamity. The fear of this catastrophe would readily arise among people who did not believe in personal immortality, and to whom the extinction of their line would be tantamount to annihilation. Or it is easily conceivable as a natural result of ancestor-worship, under which failure of offspring entailed deprivation of cherished rites and service.i Thus it is only when the dead man has no offspring that the Jewish, Hindu and Malagasy laws prescribe that the brother shall raise up seed to him. In this sense the levirate forms part of the Deuteronomic Code, under which, however, the obligation is restricted to the brother who dwelleth together (i.e. on the family estate) with the dead man, and the first child only of the levirate marriage is regarded as that of the dead man. That the custom was obsolescent seems proved by the enjoining of ceremony on any brother who wished to evade the duty, though he had to submit to an insult from his sister-in-law, who draws off his sandal and spits in his face. The biblical story of Ruth exemplifies the custom, though with further modifications (see RUTH, BOOK OF). Finally the custom is forbidden in Leviticus, though in New Testament times the levirate law was still observed by some Jews. The ceremony ordained by Deuteronomy is still observed among the orthodox. Among the Hindus the levir did not take his brothers widow as wife, but he had intercourse with her. This practice was called niyoga.
4. Yet another suggested origin of the levirate is agrarian, the motive being to keep together under the levirate husband the property which would otherwise have been divided among all the I brothers or next of kin.
See J. F. McLennan, Studies in Ancient History (London, 1886) and The Levitate and Polyandry,~ in The Fortnightly Review, n.s. vol. xxi. (1877); C. N. Starcke, The Primitive Family in its Origin and Development (London, 1889); Edward Westermarck, History of Human Marriage (London, I894), pp. 510-514, where are valuable notes containing references to numerous books Of travel; H. Spencer, Principles of Sociology, ii 649; A. H. Post, Einleitung in das Stud. d. Ethnolog. Jurssprud. (1886).
유목민에 관한 것은 없고 오히려 4번, 땅의 경작등이 근원이라는 설도 있네요. 실제로 대양주의 파푸아 뉴기니 사람들 몇개의 폴리네시아 사람들 등 유목민이 전혀 아닌 부족도 많네요.
따라서 한단인님의 학설 -> X
남계중심의 부족구조를 가진 부족에 많다는 설도 있고 등등... 고구려의 장가드는 풍습은 오히려 모계사회의 잔재라 보는이들도 있고 등등.
첫댓글 아 원문이 아니라 요약이었군요. 아니 사전이군요 ㅋㅋㅋ.
크아악,,꼬릿말 3개 넘기지 말라고 노래를 부르는 제가,,쩝,,할말 없군요,,그런데,,돼지를 초원에서 키우려면 뭘 먹여야,,?돼지가 풀뜯어 먹는다는 얘기는,,ㅇㅅㅇ;; 남는 음식 줄래도 줄수 있을런지..잘 모르겠네요. 쩝,,뭐 그리 중요한 건 아니니까,,그런데,,영어,,라뇨~! 전 영어랑 상극이란 말입니다아~! 너무 하세요~!
아,,그리고 조갑제식 낭만주의,,라고 하셨는데,,확실히 근거 부족 상태에서 추측만으로 낸 이런 결론은 확실히 객기긴 객기 맞군요. 그리고 그냥 써갈겨본 글 토론이나 하려고 쓴건데 학설이라고 비행기 태우시면 저 앞으로 글쓰기 민망해집니다요.. 아참,,영어,,그거 해석 해주심,,ㅡ,.ㅡ? (먼산)
한단인님을 직접 지칭한게 아니라 그런류의 글을 많이 쓰는 비전문가들, 거기에 동조하는 몇몇 전문가들(아무아무개 박물관장 등등) 이 일으키는 몰상식한 대중적 몰이해를 비판한겁니다.
麗輝님과 한단인님이 빨리 박사학위를 받고 교단에 서면 시정되리라 믿습니다.