출처: McKinsey 기술 도입 설문 조사 데이터
이미지 설명 끝.
기술 도입을 확장하는 과정에는 사용자 신뢰와 준비성, 비즈니스 모델 경제, 규제 환경, 인재 가용성이 중요한 역할을 하는 유리한 외부 생태계도 필요합니다. 이러한 생태계 요인은 지역과 산업에 따라 다르기 때문에 서로 다른 도입 시나리오가 전개되는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 라틴 아메리카의 주요 은행은 북미의 대응 은행과 동등한 수준의 Gen AI 사용 사례를 구축하고 있지만, 제조 부문의 로봇 도입은 자동화를 위한 비즈니스 사례에 영향을 미치는 노동 비용이 다르기 때문에 상당히 다릅니다.
임원들이 이러한 복잡성을 헤쳐 나가면서, 그들은 새로운 기술을 비즈니스 모델에 성공적으로 통합하기 위해 장기적인 기술 도입 전략을 내부 역량과 외부 생태계 조건 모두에 맞춰야 합니다. 임원들은 완전한 도입을 위한 불확실성과 예산 제약을 헤쳐 나가는 동안 적절한 투자 수준에 대한 결정을 내리기 위해 우선순위가 높은 사용 사례에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 생태계 조건을 모니터링해야 합니다(임원들이 모니터링해야 하는 각 트렌드 또는 특정 사용 사례 내의 "전 세계 도입 개발" 섹션 참조). 전반적으로, 장기적인 관점을 취하는 리더들(인재를 키우고, 영향을 찾을 수 있는 곳에서 테스트하고 학습하고, 미래를 위해 비즈니스를 재구성하는 것)은 잠재적으로 무리보다 앞서 나갈 수 있습니다.
The 15 tech trends
This report lays out considerations for all 15 technology trends. For easier consideration of related trends, we grouped them into five broader categories: the AI revolution, building the digital future, compute and connectivity frontiers, cutting-edge engineering, and a sustainable world. Of course, there’s significant power and potential in looking across these groupings when considering trend combinations.
To describe the state of each trend, we developed scores for innovation (based on patents and research) and interest (based on news and web searches). We also sized investments in relevant technologies and rated their level of adoption by organizations.
Color = adoption level, score
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
Size = equity investment, $ billion
The AI revolution
Generative AI
Generative AI describes algorithms (such as ChatGPT) that take unstructured data as input (for example, natural language and images) to create new content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos. It can automate, augment, and accelerate work by tapping into unstructured mixed-modality data sets to generate new content in various forms.
In 2019, the interest score for Generative AI was 0.01 on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is low and 1 is high. The innovation score was 0.01 on the same scale. The adoption rate was scored at 4. The investment in 2019 was 4 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 defined as “frontier innovation” and 5 defined as “fully scaled.” The investment was 4 billion dollars. By 2023, the interest score for Generative AI was 0.64. The innovation score was 0.08. The investment was 36 billion dollars. Job postings within this trend changed by 111 percent from 2022 to 2023
adoption score, 2023
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
equity investment,2023
job postings
Learn more about this trend
Industries affected
Aerospace and defense
Automotive and assembly
Aviation, travel, and logistics
Business, legal, and professional services
Consumer packaged goods
Construction and building materials
Electric power, natural gas, and utilities
Financial services
Healthcare systems and services
Information technology and electronics
Media and entertainment
Metals and mining
Oil and gas
Pharmaceuticals and medical products
Public and social sectors
Real estate
Aerospace and defense, Agriculture, Automotive and assembly, Aviation, travel, and logistics, Business, legal, and professional services, Chemicals, Consumer packaged goods, Construction and building materials, Education, Electric power, natural gas, and utilities, Financial services, Healthcare systems and services, Information technology and electronics, Media and entertainment, Metals and mining, Oil and gas, Pharmaceuticals and medical products, Public and social sectors, Real estate, Retail, Semiconductors, Telecommunications,
The AI revolution
Applied AI
Applied AI technologies and techniques use models trained through machine learning to solve classification, prediction, and control problems in order to automate activities, add or augment capabilities and offerings, and improve decision making.
In 2019, the interest score for Applied AI was 0.26 on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is low and 1 is high. The innovation score was 0.49 on the same scale. The adoption rate was scored at 4. The investment in 2019 was 57 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 defined as “frontier innovation” and 5 defined as “fully scaled.” The investment was 57 billion dollars. By 2023, the interest score for Applied AI was 0.5. The innovation score was 0.98. The investment was 86 billion dollars. Job postings within this trend changed by -29 percent from 2022 to 2023
adoption score, 2023
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
equity investment,2023
job postings
Learn more about this trend
Industries affected
Aerospace and defense
Automotive and assembly
Aviation, travel, and logistics
Business, legal, and professional services
Construction and building materials
Consumer packaged goods
Electric power, natural gas, and utilities
Financial services
Healthcare systems and services
Information technology and electronics
Media and entertainment
Metals and mining
Oil and gas
Pharmaceuticals and medical products
Public and social sectors
Real estate
Aerospace and defense, Agriculture, Automotive and assembly, Aviation, travel, and logistics, Business, legal, and professional services, Chemicals, Construction and building materials, Consumer packaged goods, Education, Electric power, natural gas, and utilities, Financial services, Healthcare systems and services, Information technology and electronics, Media and entertainment, Metals and mining, Oil and gas, Pharmaceuticals and medical products, Public and social sectors, Real estate, Retail, Semiconductors, Telecommunications,
The AI revolution
Industrializing machine learning
The industrializing machine learning trend encapsulates a rapidly evolving ecosystem of software and hardware solutions that enable the acceleration and derisking of the development, deployment, and maintenance of machine learning solutions.
In 2019, the interest score for Industrializing machine learning was 0.02 on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is low and 1 is high. The innovation score was 0.13 on the same scale. The adoption rate was scored at 3. The investment in 2019 was 37 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 defined as “frontier innovation” and 5 defined as “fully scaled.” The investment was 37 billion dollars. By 2023, the interest score for Industrializing machine learning was 0.04. The innovation score was 0.31. The investment was 3 billion dollars. Job postings within this trend changed by -36 percent from 2022 to 2023
adoption score, 2023
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
equity investment,2023
job postings
Learn more about this trend
Industries affected
Aerospace and defense
Automotive and assembly
Aviation, travel, and logistics
Business, legal, and professional services
Consumer packaged goods
Electric power, natural gas, and utilities
Financial services
Healthcare systems and services
Information technology and electronics
Media and entertainment
Metals and mining
Oil and gas
Pharmaceuticals and medical products
Public and social sectors
Real estate
Aerospace and defense, Agriculture, Automotive and assembly, Aviation, travel, and logistics, Business, legal, and professional services, Chemicals, Consumer packaged goods, Education, Electric power, natural gas, and utilities, Financial services, Healthcare systems and services, Information technology and electronics, Media and entertainment, Metals and mining, Oil and gas, Pharmaceuticals and medical products, Public and social sectors, Real estate, Retail, Semiconductors, Telecommunications,
Building the digital future
Next-generation software development
Next-generation software development includes tools and technologies that enable modern code deployment pipelines and automated code generation, testing, refactoring, and translation. These can improve application quality and development processes.
In 2019, the interest score for Next-generation software development was 0.03 on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is low and 1 is high. The innovation score was 0.14 on the same scale. The adoption rate was scored at 3. The investment in 2019 was 54 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 defined as “frontier innovation” and 5 defined as “fully scaled.” The investment was 54 billion dollars. By 2023, the interest score for Next-generation software development was 0.03. The innovation score was 0.2. The investment was 17 billion dollars. Job postings within this trend changed by -37 percent from 2022 to 2023
adoption score, 2023
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
equity investment,2023
job postings
Learn more about this trend
Industries affected
Advanced industries
Business, legal, and professional services
Consumer packaged goods
Financial services
Healthcare systems and services
Information technology and electronics
Media and entertainment
Advanced industries, Business, legal, and professional services, Consumer packaged goods, Financial services, Healthcare systems and services, Information technology and electronics, Manufacturing, Media and entertainment, Telecommunications,
Building the digital future
Digital trust and cybersecurity
The digital trust and cybersecurity trend encompasses the technologies behind trust architectures and digital identity, cybersecurity, and Web3. These technologies enable organizations to build, scale, and maintain the trust of stakeholders.
In 2019, the interest score for Digital trust and cybersecurity was 0.18 on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is low and 1 is high. The innovation score was 0.11 on the same scale. The adoption rate was scored at 3. The investment in 2019 was 25 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 defined as “frontier innovation” and 5 defined as “fully scaled.” The investment was 25 billion dollars. By 2023, the interest score for Digital trust and cybersecurity was 0.41. The innovation score was 0.18. The investment was 34 billion dollars. Job postings within this trend changed by -34 percent from 2022 to 2023
adoption score, 2023
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
equity investment,2023
job postings
Learn more about this trend
Industries affected
Aerospace and defense
Aviation, travel, and logistics
Consumer packaged goods
Electric power, natural gas, and utilities
Financial services
Healthcare systems and services
Information technology and electronics
Media and entertainment
Pharmaceutical and medical products
Public and social sectors
Aerospace and defense, Aviation, travel, and logistics, Consumer packaged goods, Education, Electric power, natural gas, and utilities, Financial services, Healthcare systems and services, Information technology and electronics, Media and entertainment, Pharmaceutical and medical products, Public and social sectors, Retail, Telecommunications,
Compute and connectivity frontiers
Advanced connectivity
Advanced connectivity covers wireless low-power networks, 5G and 6G cellular, Wi-Fi 6 and 7, low-Earth-orbit satellites, and other telecommunications technologies.
In 2019, the interest score for Advanced connectivity was 0.17 on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is low and 1 is high. The innovation score was 0.49 on the same scale. The adoption rate was scored at 4. The investment in 2019 was 37 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 defined as “frontier innovation” and 5 defined as “fully scaled.” The investment was 37 billion dollars. By 2023, the interest score for Advanced connectivity was 0.23. The innovation score was 0.63. The investment was 29 billion dollars. Job postings within this trend changed by -24 percent from 2022 to 2023
adoption score, 2023
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
equity investment,2023
job postings
Learn more about this trend
Industries affected
Aerospace and defense
Automotive and assembly
Aviation, travel, and logistics
Construction and building materials
Electric power, natural gas, and utilities
Financial services
Healthcare systems and services
Information technology and electronics
Media and entertainment
Metals and mining
Oil and gas
Aerospace and defense, Agriculture, Automotive and assembly, Aviation, travel, and logistics, Construction and building materials, Electric power, natural gas, and utilities, Financial services, Healthcare systems and services, Information technology and electronics, Media and entertainment, Manufacturing, Metals and mining, Oil and gas, Retail, Telecommunications,
Compute and connectivity frontiers
Immersive-reality technologies
Immersive-reality technologies enable real-time interactions in three-dimensional virtual worlds (that could incorporate the actual physical world). A virtual world can range from a fully computer-generated space in virtual reality (VR), to mixed reality (MR), all the way to augmented reality (AR), where computer-generated objects are superimposed on the real world. These technologies leverage spatial computing to interpret physical space (for example, by leveraging sensors and cameras such as in a VR headset to recognize gestures) and simulate the addition of data, objects, and people to the virtual world.
In 2019, the interest score for Immersive-reality technologies was 0.09 on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is low and 1 is high. The innovation score was 0.15 on the same scale. The adoption rate was scored at 2. The investment in 2019 was 5 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 defined as “frontier innovation” and 5 defined as “fully scaled.” The investment was 5 billion dollars. By 2023, the interest score for Immersive-reality technologies was 0.12. The innovation score was 0.24. The investment was 6 billion dollars. Job postings within this trend changed by -36 percent from 2022 to 2023
adoption score, 2023
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
equity investment,2023
job postings
Learn more about this trend
Industries affected
Aerospace and defense
Automotive and assembly
Aviation, travel, and logistics
Construction and building materials
Consumer packaged goods
Electric power, natural gas, and utilities
Financial services
Healthcare systems and services
Information technology and electronics
Media and entertainment
Real estate
Aerospace and defense, Automotive and assembly, Aviation, travel, and logistics, Construction and building materials, Consumer packaged goods, Education, Electric power, natural gas, and utilities, Financial services, Healthcare systems and services, Information technology and electronics, Media and entertainment, Real estate, Retail,
Compute and connectivity frontiers
Cloud and edge computing
Cloud and edge computing refers to workloads that are distributed across locations, such as hyperscale remote data centers, regional centers, and local nodes, to optimize for latency, data-transfer costs, adherence to data sovereignty regulations, autonomy over data, security considerations, etcetera.
In 2019, the interest score for Cloud and edge computing was 0.04 on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is low and 1 is high. The innovation score was 0.14 on the same scale. The adoption rate was scored at 4. The investment in 2019 was 50 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 defined as “frontier innovation” and 5 defined as “fully scaled.” The investment was 50 billion dollars. By 2023, the interest score for Cloud and edge computing was 0.05. The innovation score was 0.2. The investment was 54 billion dollars. Job postings within this trend changed by -38 percent from 2022 to 2023
adoption score, 2023
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
equity investment,2023
job postings
Learn more about this trend
Industries affected
Aerospace and defense
Automotive and assembly
Aviation, travel, and logistics
Business, legal, and professional services
Electric power, natural gas, and utilities
Financial services
Healthcare systems and services
Information technology and electronics
Media and entertainment
Pharmaceuticals and medical products
Aerospace and defense, Automotive and assembly, Aviation, travel, and logistics, Business, legal, and professional services, Chemicals, Electric power, natural gas, and utilities, Financial services, Healthcare systems and services, Information technology and electronics, Manufacturing, Media and entertainment, Pharmaceuticals and medical products, Retail, Semiconductors, Telecommunications,
Compute and connectivity frontiers
Quantum technologies
Quantum-based technologies make use of the unique properties of quantum mechanics to execute certain complex calculations exponentially faster than classical computers, secure communication networks, and produce sensors with higher sensitivity levels than their classical counterparts.
In 2019, the interest score for Quantum technologies was 0.01 on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is low and 1 is high. The innovation score was 0.02 on the same scale. The adoption rate was scored at 1. The investment in 2019 was 0 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 defined as “frontier innovation” and 5 defined as “fully scaled.” The investment was 0 billion dollars. By 2023, the interest score for Quantum technologies was 0.02. The innovation score was 0.04. The investment was 1 billion dollars. Job postings within this trend changed by -17 percent from 2022 to 2023
adoption score, 2023
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
equity investment,2023
job postings
Learn more about this trend
Industries affected
Aerospace and defense
Automotive and assembly
Aviation, travel, and logistics
Financial services
Information technology and electronics
Pharmaceuticals and medical products
Aerospace and defense, Automotive and assembly, Aviation, travel, and logistics, Chemicals, Financial services, Information technology and electronics, Pharmaceuticals and medical products, Telecommunications,
Cutting-edge engineering
Future of robotics
The future of robotics covers the advancement of robots from handling fixed-purpose and preprogrammed tasks to being capable of adapting to new, real-life inputs with increasing degrees of autonomy and dexterity.
In 2019, the interest score for Future of robotics was 0.01 on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is low and 1 is high. The innovation score was 0.03 on the same scale. The adoption rate was scored at 2. The investment in 2019 was 3 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 defined as “frontier innovation” and 5 defined as “fully scaled.” The investment was 3 billion dollars. By 2023, the interest score for Future of robotics was 0.01. The innovation score was 0.05. The investment was 6 billion dollars. Job postings within this trend changed by -20 percent from 2022 to 2023
adoption score, 2023
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
equity investment,2023
job postings
Learn more about this trend
Industries affected
Automotive and assembly
Consumer packaged goods
Information technology and electronics
Metals and mining
Oil and gas
Pharmaceutical and medical products
Agriculture, Automotive and assembly, Chemicals, Consumer packaged goods, Information technology and electronics, Manufacturing, Metals and mining, Oil and gas, Pharmaceutical and medical products, Retail, Semiconductors, Telecommunications,
Cutting-edge engineering
Future of mobility
Mobility technologies cover autonomous and electric vehicles, urban air mobility, and autonomous-driving, connectivity, electrification, and shared-mobility (ACES) technologies, with the aim to improve the efficiency and sustainability of land and air transportation.
In 2019, the interest score for Future of mobility was 0.29 on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is low and 1 is high. The innovation score was 0.19 on the same scale. The adoption rate was scored at 2. The investment in 2019 was 151 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 defined as “frontier innovation” and 5 defined as “fully scaled.” The investment was 151 billion dollars. By 2023, the interest score for Future of mobility was 0.49. The innovation score was 0.33. The investment was 83 billion dollars. Job postings within this trend changed by -5 percent from 2022 to 2023
adoption score, 2023
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
equity investment,2023
job postings
Learn more about this trend
Industries affected
Automotive and assembly
Aviation, travel, and logistics
Electric power, natural gas, and utilities
Financial services
Metals and mining
Oil and gas
Public and social sectors
Automotive and assembly, Aviation, travel, and logistics, Electric power, natural gas, and utilities, Financial services, Metals and mining, Oil and gas, Public and social sectors, Retail,
Cutting-edge engineering
Future of bioengineering
Bioengineering is the application of engineering principles to biology, utilizing technological advancements to improve health and human performance, transform food value chains, and create innovative offerings.
In 2019, the interest score for Future of bioengineering was 0.13 on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is low and 1 is high. The innovation score was 0.39 on the same scale. The adoption rate was scored at 2. The investment in 2019 was 97 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 defined as “frontier innovation” and 5 defined as “fully scaled.” The investment was 97 billion dollars. By 2023, the interest score for Future of bioengineering was 0.14. The innovation score was 0.52. The investment was 62 billion dollars. Job postings within this trend changed by -23 percent from 2022 to 2023
adoption score, 2023
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
equity investment,2023
job postings
Learn more about this trend
Industries affected
Consumer packaged goods
Healthcare systems and services
Pharmaceuticals and medical products
Agriculture, Chemicals, Consumer packaged goods, Healthcare systems and services, Pharmaceuticals and medical products,
Cutting-edge engineering
Future of space technologies
Space technologies cover satellites, launchers, and habitation technologies that enable innovative space operations and services.
In 2019, the interest score for Future of space technologies was 0.12 on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is low and 1 is high. The innovation score was 0.07 on the same scale. The adoption rate was scored at 1. The investment in 2019 was 5 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 defined as “frontier innovation” and 5 defined as “fully scaled.” The investment was 5 billion dollars. By 2023, the interest score for Future of space technologies was 0.17. The innovation score was 0.09. The investment was 9 billion dollars. Job postings within this trend changed by -9 percent from 2022 to 2023
adoption score, 2023
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
equity investment,2023
job postings
Learn more about this trend
Industries affected
Aerospace and defense
Aviation, travel, and logistics
Aerospace and defense, Agriculture, Aviation, travel, and logistics, Telecommunications,
A sustainable world
Electrification and renewables
The electrification and renewables trend encompasses the entire energy production, storage, and distribution value chain. Technologies include renewable sources, such as solar and wind power; clean firm-energy sources, such as nuclear and hydrogen, sustainable fuels, and bioenergy; and energy storage and distribution solutions such as long-duration battery systems and smart grids.
In 2019, the interest score for Electrification and renewables was 0.52 on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is low and 1 is high. The innovation score was 0.29 on the same scale. The adoption rate was scored at 3. The investment in 2019 was 160 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 defined as “frontier innovation” and 5 defined as “fully scaled.” The investment was 160 billion dollars. By 2023, the interest score for Electrification and renewables was 0.73. The innovation score was 0.36. The investment was 183 billion dollars. Job postings within this trend changed by 1 percent from 2022 to 2023
adoption score, 2023
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
equity investment,2023
job postings
Learn more about this trend
Industries affected
Automotive and assembly
Aviation, travel, and logistics
Construction and building materials
Electric power, natural gas, and utilities
Metals and mining
Oil and gas
Real estate
Agriculture, Automotive and assembly, Aviation, travel, and logistics, Chemicals, Construction and building materials, Electric power, natural gas, and utilities, Metals and mining, Oil and gas, Real estate,
A sustainable world
Climate technologies beyond electrification and renewables
Climate technologies (beyond electrification and renewables) center on solutions that mitigate the negative effects of resource consumption on the climate, either by removing CO2 from the atmosphere or by producing existing materials and inputs with lower carbon equivalents.
In 2019, the interest score for Climate technologies beyond electrification and renewables was 0.2 on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is low and 1 is high. The innovation score was 0.15 on the same scale. The adoption rate was scored at 2. The investment in 2019 was 51 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 defined as “frontier innovation” and 5 defined as “fully scaled.” The investment was 51 billion dollars. By 2023, the interest score for Climate technologies beyond electrification and renewables was 0.25. The innovation score was 0.2. The investment was 68 billion dollars. Job postings within this trend changed by -11 percent from 2022 to 2023
adoption score, 2023
(1 = frontier innovation;
5 = fully scaled)
equity investment,2023
job postings
Learn more about this trend
Industries affected
Automotive and assembly
Aviation, travel, and logistics
Construction and building materials
Electric power, natural gas, and utilities
Metals and mining
Oil and gas
Real estate
Agriculture, Automotive and assembly, Aviation, travel, and logistics, Chemicals, Construction and building materials, Electric power, natural gas, and utilities, Metals and mining, Oil and gas, Real estate,
The AI revolution group
The AI revolution group
The AI revolution group
Building the digital future group
Building the digital future group
Compute and connectivity frontiers group
Compute and connectivity frontiers group
Compute and connectivity frontiers group
Compute and connectivity frontiers group
Cutting-edge engineering group
Cutting-edge engineering group
Cutting-edge engineering group
Cutting-edge engineering group
A sustainable world group
A sustainable world group, score (0 = lower; 1 = higher) Innovation, score
Generative AI
Applied AI
Industrializing machine learning
Next-generation software development
Digital trust and cybersecurity
Advanced connectivity
Immersive-reality technologies
Cloud and edge computing
Quantum technologies
Future of robotics
Future of mobility
Future of bioengineering
Future of space technologies
Electrification and renewables
Climate tech beyond
electrification and renewables
저자에 관하여
라레나 예 는 맥킨지 베이 지역 사무소의 수석 파트너이고, 마이클 추이는 맥킨지 글로벌 연구소의 파트너이고, 로저 로버츠 는 파트너이고, 메나 이슬러 는 준파트너입니다.
저자는 이 연구에 기여한 다음의 McKinsey 동료들에게 감사드리고자 합니다: Aakanksha Srinivasan, Ahsan Saeed, Alex Arutyunyants, Alex Singla, Alex Zhang, Alizee Acket-Goemaere, An Yan, Anass Bensrhir, Andrea Del Miglio, Andreas Breiter, Ani Kelkar, Anna Massey, Anna Orthofer, Arjit Mehta, Arjita Bhan, Asaf Somekh, Begum Ortaoglu, Benjamin Braverman, Bharat Bahl, Bharath Aiyer, Bhargs Srivathsan, Brian Constantine, Brooke Stokes, Bryan Richardson, Carlo Giovine, Celine Crenshaw, Daniel Herde, Daniel Wallance, David Harvey, Delphine Zurkiya, Diego Hernandez Diaz, Douglas Merrill, Elisa Becker-Foss, Emma Parry, Eric Hazan, Erika Stanzl, Everett 산타나, 지아코모 가토, 그레이스 W 첸, 함자 칸, 하싯 제인, 헬렌 우, 헤닝 솔러, 이안 드 보드, 잭슨 펜츠, 제프리 카소, 제시 클렘프너, 짐 보엠, 조슈아 카츠, 줄리아 페리, 줄리안 세비야노, 저스틴 그리스, 커스틴 하이네케, 키티 라크너, 크리스틴 제닝스, 리즈 그레넌, 루크 토마스, 마리아 포고시안, 마크 파텔, 마틴 해리스 아들, Martin Wrulich, Martina Gschwendtner, Massimo Mazza, Matej Macak, Matt Higginson, Matt Linderman, Matteo Cutrera, Mellen Masea, Michiel Nivard, Mike Westover, Musa Bilal, Nicolas Bellemans, Noah Furlonge-Walker, Obi Ezekoye, Paolo Spranzi, Pepe Cafferata, Robin Riedel, Ryan Brukardt, Samuel Musmanno, Santiago Comella-Dorda, Sebastian Mayer, Shakeel Kalidas, Sharmila Bhide, Stephen Xu, Tanmay Bhatnagar, Thomas Hundertmark, Tinan Goli, Tom Brennan, Tom Levin-Reid, Tony Hansen, Vinayak HV, Yaron Haviv, Yvonne Ferrier 및 Zina Cole.
또한 그들은 Ajay Agrawal, Azeem Azhar, Ben Lorica, Benedict Evans, John Martinis, Jordan Jacobs를 포함한 McKinsey Technology Council의 외부 멤버들에게 통찰력과 관점에 감사를 표하고 싶어합니다.
이 대화형 콘텐츠를 생생하게 만들어 준 McKinsey Global Publishing의 동료인 Barr Seitz, Diane Rice, Kanika Punwani, Katie Shearer, LaShon Malone, Mary Gayen, Nayomi Chibana, Richard Johnson, Stephen Landau, Victor Cuevas에게 특별히 감사드립니다.
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