Proto-South Dravidian : *cur-, *cur-uḷ-
Meaning : to wind, twist
Tamil : curi (-v-, -nt-)
Tamil meaning : to be spiral as conch, whirl round, eddy (as water), curl
Tamil derivates : (-pp-, -tt-) to wind spirally, whirl, curl, lie in a circle; n. whirling, spiral, curve, screw, white curl on the forehead of bulls; curiyal curling, curly hair, lock of hair, woman's hair; curuḷ (curuḷv-, curuṇṭ-) to become coiled, roll, curl (as hair); n. rolling, roll, coil, curl, woman's hair curled and tied up in dressing; curuḷal ringlet, coil; curuḷai roll; curuṭṭu (curuṭṭi-) to roll up, coil, curl, fold, twist; n. curling, coiling, anything rolled up, cheroot; curuṭṭai curly hair, curly-haired boy or girl; curuṇai anything rolled up; cūr(-pp-, -tt-) to revolve, whirl round; cūrppu whirling, revolving, bracelet; cūral whirling as of wind
Malayalam : curiyal
Malayalam meaning : a round rattan basket
Malayalam derivates : curuṭṭu a roll, cheroot, a sheaf; curuḷ scroll, roll; curuḷuka to be rolled up, be curled; curuṭṭuka to roll up (tr.)
Kannada : suruḷi, suruḷe, suraḷi
Kannada meaning : a coil, roll
Kannada derivates : suruṭu, suruṇṭu to coil, roll up (intr.); surku, sukku to curl; surku, sukku, suŋku, sokku a curl
Kodagu : turɨḍ- (turɨṇḍ-)
Kodagu meaning : to be rolled up
Kodagu derivates : turɨṭ- (turɨṭi-) to roll up (tr.); tore a string that goes round; (torev-, torand-) (string) is wound round and round; tora- (torap-, torat-) to wind (string) round and round
Tulu : turṭu
Tulu meaning : a female's hair tied into a knot
Tulu derivates : suraḷi, (B-K) suruḷi a coil, roll of anything
Number in DED : 2684