1. 분사가 명사를 수식할 때
현재분사: 능동, 진행 ~하고 있는
The man sleeping in the room is my cousin.
과거분사: 수동 ~당한, ~된
The man called Tom is my cousin.
2. 용법
1) 한정적: 앞, 뒤에서 명사를 수식
a sleeping baby
the things mentoined alone
2) 서술적
목적보어가 능동: 사람인 목적어+ 현재분사
I heard her playing the piano.
목적보어가 수동: 사물인 목적어+ 과거분사
Did you hear your name called?
3) 감정동사의 분사용법
excite, bore, amuse, surprise, disappoint, exhaust, satisfy, interest, astonish, annoy, bewilder, confuse, frighten, irritate, embarrass
사람 주어+ be +과거 분사
We were bored with listening to her boring address.
사물 주어+ be + 현재 분사
It was an exciting game.
3. 분사구문의 의미상 주어
1) 의미상 주어
주절 주어= 종속절 주어: 의미상 주어 생략
Studying hard, you will pass the exam.
If you study hard, you will ~
주절 주어와 종속절 주어 다를 때(독립분사구문): 주어를 남긴다
The weather being fine, we will go with you.
= If the weather is fine, we will~
2) 무인칭 독립분사구문
generally speaking 일반적으로 말하면
Generally speaking, women live longer than men.
frankly speaking 솔직히 말힐다면
strictly speaking 엄밀히 말한다면
considering that ~ 을 고려할 때
He looks oldish considering (that) he is so young.
granting (that)~ 이라고 할지라도
assuming that~ 라 가정하면
taking all things into consideration 모든 점을 고려하면
3) been, having been 생략
수동태 문장에서
주절동사와 같은 시제이면
ㅡ being 생략
Scolded, he cried.
= As she was scolded, she cried.
주절보다 앞선 시제이면
ㅡ having been 생략
Deceived by her, I couldn't trust her.
As I had been deceived by her, I could ~
4. 기타 주의사항
1) 분사구문의 강조 형식
~ ing as S+do(능동은 대동사 do)
Standing as it does on the hill, the house commands a good view.
이와 같이 언덕에 서 있었으므로, 그 집은 경관이 좋다.
~ ed (형용사), as + S+ be 동사: 수동은 be 동사 사용
Published, as it was, at such a time, his work attracted attention.
사실 그런 때에 출판되어서, 그의 저서는 주목을 끌었다.
2) with+목적어+분사(형용사)
~ 한 채, ~ 하고서 : 부대상황
She was walking along the shore with her arms folded.
= She was walking along the shore folding her arms.
3) 분사가 뒤에서 대명사를 수식한다.
Of those invited only a few came to the party.