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카페 게시글
영어자료실 스크랩 1.4.목 buccaneer 해적(질하다) buoy 띄우다, 올리다, 부의 부표
상당구 추천 0 조회 47 09.08.10 10:53 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

출처 : EBS radio / Morning special


1.4.목 buccaneer 해적(질하다) buoy  띄우다, 올리다, 부의 부표

1. Representatives from Korea and the U.S. will hold a meeting next week on inspection procedures for beef import!s.

한.미 대표단이 다음 주 중, 미국산 수입 쇠고기 검역 절차에 대한 협상을 가질 예정입니다.

* Representatives 대표, 대표단

A representative is a person who has been chosen to act or make decisions on behalf of another person or a group of people.

2. North Korea's foreign minister, Paek Nam-sun, who was well-versed in inter-Korean relationships, has died of chronic disease.

북한 최고의 대남 전문가로 알려졌던 북한의 백남순 외무상이, 지병으로 사망했습니다.

* well-versed  ~에 대한 전문가, “~통”

* 우리가 흔히 정말 어떤 분야에 대해, 대단한 전문가를 두고 무슨 무슨 “통”이라고 하는데, 그걸 바로 well-versed라고 합니다. 백남순 외상은 “대남통”으로 알려져 있었고, 경제 분야 전문가는 경제통, 외교분야 전문가는 외교통이라고 하는 것처럼.. well-versed가 그런 뜻입니다..

* 참고 : 지병을 앓다.. suffering from a series of ailments...

3. Unionized workers at Hyundai Motor warn of strike after company decided not to pay full year-end incentives.

현대자동차 노조가, 회사 측의 연말 성과급 지불액이, 약속된 금액에 미치지 않자, 파업 투쟁에 나서겠다고 경고했습니다.

* warn of strike  파업 투쟁을 할 것을 경고하다..

* pay full year-end(연말) incentives.

4. The Korea Housing Finance Corporation is under fire for charging exorbitant interest on student loans.

주택금융공사가, 대학생의 학자금 대출 이자를 터무니없이 높게 책정해 온 것이 알려져, 비난에 휩싸였습니다.

* be under fire 비난을 받고 있다..

If you come under fire from someone or are under fire, they criticize you strongly.

* exorbitant interest 터무니 없는 이자

If you describe something such as a price or fee as exorbitant, you are emphasizing that it is much greater than it should be.

5. $150 laptop computers for children in poor and developing countries will be unveiled in July.

제 3 세계의 가난한 어린이들을 위한 백오십 달러짜리 저가 컴퓨터가, 오는 7월부터 보급됩니다.

Non-Regular Workers Face Mass Layoffs

Non-regular workers face layoffs en masse as employers are trying to beat the July 1 deadline to give regular worker status to part-timers who have worked in the same job for more than two years. Already the Office of Court Administration decided to let go of its non-regular security guards, while HSBC is moving to replace its sizable non-regular workforce.

This sentiment is generally shared by employers who fear an increase in payroll and benefits. The law on the protection of non-regular workers will take effect in July for firms having 300 employees or more. Companies with 100 to 299 workers will be subject to the law from July 2008 and those with less than 100 workers from September 2009.

* let go of  가게 두다, 놓다..  해고하다.. downsizing 을 할 때...

e.g.) I've got let go. 회사에서 나가게 됐어.

e.g.) Let go of me. 놔! 놓으란 말이야!

= Take your hands off of me = Let me go!

* downsizing  회사 규모를 줄이는 것.

* layoff  해고, 강제 휴가, 일시적 중지..

* job security  직업의 안정성...

* sizable 상당한 꽤 큰

* payroll 총임금, 종업원수, on(off) the payroll 고용(해고)되어


"Pirates" sequel buoyed box office in 2006

Hollywood returned to its buccaneering ways last year as box office champ "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" helped overall ticket sales recover from 2005's downturn. As the final numbers are tallied, last year's total national box office appears headed to an estimated $9.5 billion, up nearly 5% from $9 billion in 2005.

"Dead Man's Chest" proved more popular than the first film in the trilogy. The sequel also outgrossed 2005's top film, "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith," which collected about $380 million. Even before the latest "Pirates" set sail on the weekend of July 7, last year's box office tally had begun to improve on the downbeat returns of 2005 when alarmists were predicting that moviegoers were abandoning theaters en masse.

* buccaneer 해적 악덕정치(사업)가 해적질하다

* buoy  띄우다, 올리다.. 부의 부표

* downturn 하강, 침체, 하락.. something becomes worse..

e.g.) It's taking a downturn 지금 약간 침체기를 겪고 있다.

e.g.) wrong turn  진로나 길을 잘못 들었을 때..  take a wrong turn..

e.g.) up-swing  올라가는, 상승, 증가...

e.g.) an upswing in stock prices 주가의 현저한 상승..

* set sail = launch = open = start = 돛을 올리다, 출범하다..

* tally 계정 계산 득점 계산서를 작성하다 득점하다 부합하다

* sequel 계속 속편 후편 추이 결과 귀착점 ↔ prequel 전편

* trilogy 3부작 3대비극
