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※ 개별곡을 들으시려면 위 플레이어기를 정지 하시고 아래 음악 제목을 클릭 하시기 바랍니다.
1. Accompagnato : Comfort Ye My People (내 백성을 위로하라)2. Air Tenor : Every valley shall be exalted (모든 골짜기 높아지리라)3. Chorus : And the glory of the Lord (주의 영광)4. Accompagnato : Thus saith the Lord5. Air Bass: But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming (만군의 주가 말씀하신다)6. Chorus : And He Shall Purify The Sons Of Levi (주 오시는 날 누가 능히 당하리)7. Recitative : Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive / 8-9 Air Alto & Chorus : O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (깨끗하게 하시리 / 보라 동정녀가 잉태하여.. 오, 기쁜 소식을 전하는 자여)10. Accompagnato : For behold, darkness shall cover the earth / 11. Air Bass : The People That Walked in Darkness12. Chorus : For Unto Us A Child is Born (우리를 위해 나셨다 13. Pifa (Pastoral Syphony) (전원 교향곡)14. Recitative Soprano : There Were Shepherds, Abiding in The Field / Accompagnato : And Lo! The Angel of The Lord (어느날 밤 양치는 목자들이.. 저 천사가 말하기를.. 갑자기 많은 천사들이 나타나서)15. Chorus : Glory to God in the highest (주께 영광)16. Air Soprano: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (시온의 딸아, 크게 기뻐하라)17. Recitative : Then shall the eyes Of The Blind (그때 소경의 눈이 밝을 것이며)18. Duet : He Shall Feed His Flock(주는 목자요)19. Chorus : His Yoke is Easy (그 멍에는 쉽고 그 짐은 가벼워)20. Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God (하느님의 어린양을 보라)21. Air alto: He was despised (주님께서는 모욕을 당하셨네) 22. Chorus : Surely he hath borne our griefs / 23. Chorus : And with his stripes / 24. Chorus : All we like sheep Have Gone Astray (진실로 주님은 괴로움을 맡으셨네 / 주님이 채찍맞으므로 우리들이 나왔도다 / 우리들은 양같이 헤매이며 다니었네)25. Accompagnato : All they that see him26. Chorus : He trusted in God27. Accompagnato : They rebuke hath broken his heart28. Arioso soprano : Behold and see29. Accompagnato : He was cut off out of the land of the living / 30. Aria : But thou didst not leave his soul in hell (산자들의 땅에서 끊어지셨네... 야훼는 그의 영을 버리지 아니하셨네)31. Chorus : Lift up your heads (머리를 들라, 문들아)32. Recitative : Unto which of the angels / 33. Chorus: Let all the angels of God worship him34. Air bass : Thou art gone up on high35. Chorus : The Lord gave the word36. Duet soprano & alto : How beautiful are the feet Break forth into joy37. Chorus : Their sound in gone out38. Air Bass : Why do the nations so furiously rage together39. Chorus : Let us break their bonds Asunder (결박을 끊자, 우리를 맨 것을)40. Recitative : He that dwelleth in heaven / 41. Ait Tenor : Thou shalt break them (하늘에 계신 주가 / 하느님이 저들을 깨우리라)42. Chorus : Hallelujah (알렐루야)43. Air soprano : I know that my Redeemer liveth (주가 살아계심을 나는 안다)44. Chorus : Since by man came death (사람으로 인하여 죽음이 왔으니)45. Accompagnato : Behold, I tell you a mystery (보라, 내가 너희에게 비밀을 말하노라)46. Air bass : The trumpet shall sound (나팔이 울리리라)47. Recitative : Then shall be brought to pass / 48. Duet alto & tenor : O Death, where is thy sting / 49. Chorus : But thanks be to God50. Air alto: If God be for us51. Chorus : Worthy is the Lamb Blessing And Honor / 52. Chorus : Amen (어린양은 영광을 받으소서 아멘)
출처: nie-group 원문보기 글쓴이: 비비추