3. Korea Chosen As The Third Israel
The Orient could have been unified. There was a foundation upon which Judaism could embrace religions such as Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, and the Zoroastrianism of the Middle East. God's providence was to restore the territory, saving the realms of the religions, and to center on the East, through Jesus' work.
But it would go the opposite way due to the death of Jesus and the sacrifice of his body. It would enter Rome, go around the world, and return to the East.
From the Vatican, God's providence moved through America via England. It took 2,000 years. It moved purely. By the principle of restoration through indemnity, reverse phenomena occur. England corresponds to Japan and Korea is a peninsula that corresponds to the Roman peninsula where the providence was centered before England.
Through these phenomena, the formation of the foundation which indemnified and liquidated the failures and unfinished work could prevent Satan from entering. This is why the providence runs the course according to the principle of indemnity.
The coming world will move centering around Asia. Why so? Jesus was divided into body and mind. If he had not been divided, but had remained intact, the world would have come to center on the territory of Asia, through the absorption of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and the religions of the Middle East, which would make one realm of religious culture and absorb Rome. Once Rome was absorbed, the battle would be won.
However, the original religious foundation was stolen due to the death of Jesus. Satan took Jesus' body. Rome took the body. We have to go the reverse way, for restoration. The hope and ideals of Christians, keeping God's will in their minds, should be to center on both state and church and so be in the position to go toward a unified world. However, they lost the bases of nation and established religion and became a piteous throng entering Rome.
They had to pay the price with the blood of 400 years to restore those bases. They had to indemnify. Then, if the period is coming, where does it enter? It moves into a state on a peninsula, like Rome's, via a state as an island country. In Asia, Japan is like England. Therefore the culture of Japan follows the English culture.
Then what is the role of Korea? Korea is in the position of Rome. It is like the Vatican. Well, what is Korea? Korea has to be a country to save all religions of the era and all human beings, according to God's Will, and establish the unified world and the unified heaven. Why? Because the era of the terminal culture is coming. The era is representative of the papal realm which ruled the world with the Vatican and peninsula as the center.
When North and South are unified under this situation and can manage the religions of the world and all the people, the religious realm of God's Will manifests. The realm of people and the realm of state are built up by God's Will.
Korea was divided into North and South. What is the Fall? It is the division of soul and body. In the worldwide sense, the North is materialism and the South is spiritualism. This seems to correspond to the fruits of the Fall. Therefore, both fight each other. Body and soul fight. This is in progress.
Now where are the Communistic world and the Democratic world? Both are completely exhausted. Complete exhaustion. Then, what is the Principle of our Unification Church? It is the substance to form the realm of the Third Israel. Korea has to become the Third Israel with the ideology of the Second Advent.
Considering the Korean race, in spite of the long history of 5,000 years, the people are special. The Korean hates to be under the control of anyone. He would play the head role everywhere, would not be devoted to anyone.
If so, what is the privilege which Korea has to possess? Only by inheriting God's thought; shall Korea have this privilege. God's thought. What is the thought? It is "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Like this, you have to keep God's thought in your mind. The thought of God is to save the world. To save the world, God places a religion at the head. So, even though sacrificing itself, the religion has to save the world. (168-311)