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친구 카페

카페 게시글
Morning Chat Man and Woman
anonym 추천 0 조회 201 06.03.23 13:34 댓글 7
게시글 본문내용
  • 06.03.23 22:40

    첫댓글 I suppose that there is nothing like immutable traits in the real world. Their structures given, then thier natures exist, If their struture changed, their natures also change. With the development of science, women are gradually changing into a new one who can have an access to power which has

  • 06.03.23 22:53

    been previosely lack but constantly sought for. No one knows for sure how and how much sciecne will change the shapes and structures of men and women, And their natures will just be up according to thier strutures.

  • 06.03.24 12:44

    I absolutely agree with Irving, although there are some who go against Irving's words. For man, woman may be just an instant pleasure, but for woman, the proper man is the world. Then, how do we have to define the word 'proper'?

  • 작성자 06.03.24 23:09

    Doesn't it depend on individual? It appears to me that there is no absolute value. Irving seems to have insight as to where woman seeks her happiness, although I don't give him a full endorsement for his writing.

  • 06.03.28 19:24

    Very interesting topic.. I enjoyed your views all..I guess you all including me are not that serious on the sentences..on light issue and light comments. but this kind of talking topic is interesting and easy to comment on.. please put up one more about M and W , anonym..Because We're men/women, so

  • 작성자 06.03.29 11:54

    Actually I was afraid of commenting on your writing, joker, because you were not joking. You have a materialistic view and eventually debate will go down to creation vs evolution. So taking it lightly as you said, why don't you enter one so that we amuse over it?

  • 06.03.31 22:37

    (I was joker..) Some time later, anonym, I'll put an interesting one up. Actually, I didn't mean it to be that serious discussion, But thank you much for your concern
