Binge Drinking
Britain’s Office for National Statistics has reported a sharp and alarming rise in the number of people dying from alcohol abuse. Binge drinking has become part of British culture and is now a serious social issue-people are literally drinking themselves to death. The figures are of near epidemic proportions. Alcohol-related fatalities among British adults doubled from 4,144 in 1991 to 8,758 in 2006. The steepest increase was the 132 percent rise in deaths among men in the 35 to 54 age bracket. They are suffering from liver failure and stomach cancers at a younger age than ever before. The figures for women in the same age group also show a dramatic rise of over 100 percent. These disturbing figures seem to be a legacy of people partying and drinking heavily in their twenties and early thirties.
Professor Ian Gilmore, a leading British doctor, said: “Liver disease is often symptom less until it becomes very serious, and so people often have no warning that they are destroying their liver until it is almost too late.” Frank Soodeen from the group Alcohol Concern called for immediate action: “It is vital that the government finally starts investing more in alcohol treatment to help problem drinkers address these issues before the situation becomes irretrievable,” he said. Britain’s public health minister Dawn Primarolo said the government was launching a $20m campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of too much alcohol, and was reviewing alcohol pricing and advertising. However, she warned: “We know we’re not going to change people’s attitudes to alcohol overnight-it’s going to take time.”
1. What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘alcohol’?
2. Do you think alcohol is dangerous? If so how?
3. Does alcohol cause any social problems in your country?
4. Do you think societies would be better if alcohol was banned?
If time is allowed…
5. Talk with your partners about these social problems. Are they a strong part of your culture? How would you like your culture to change its attitudes toward these things?
*junk food
*petty crime
*cyber crime
참석하지 못한다는 아쉬운 마음을 토픽으로 대신합니다.
인쇄 하시기 편하도록 파일첨부 해두었으니 파일 클릭->인쇄하시면 좋을 것 같습니다.
여행다녀와서 건강한 모습으로 everybody, see you again!
첫댓글 좋은 토픽 감사합니다. 답글은 토요일 11시까지 달아주세요..^^ 술이라 하니 제 친구의 말이 생각나네요.."술을 피따위에 비교치 마라" 그날 죽도록 마셨던거 같습니다...^^
wow~술을 피따위에 비교치마라..대박 ㅋㅋ
친구! 좋은 토픽이에요^^ ㅋㅋㅋ 전 술이 좋습니다. 단, 과하지 않는 선에서!
술은 당신 안~좋아할지도 ㅋㅋㅋ 열공하삼-
토픽 나이습니다. 지난 토요일 과하게 달렸던 일을 반성하며 이번주는 꼭 참석해야 긋습니다.
빠른 토픽 감사합니다~ 열공해야겠어요^^
주말에 뵈요^^ㅋㅋ 열공열공.ㅋ
오~ 초스피드 토픽!!! 감솨~~^^ 술을 멀리 한지도 오래 되었는데 ... 이번주는 토픽을 위해서라도 한잔 해볼까 생각중,... 그런데 참석은 어떻게 될지 모르겠습니다... 울산에 안가면 기냥 참석 합니다... ^^
참석합니다...^^ 준비하신분 수고하셨어요~
저는 이번주 서울에 세미나가 있어서... 서울 나들이 쫌 하고 담주에 뵙겠습니다.^^
감사합니다~! 여행 잘 다녀오세요^^!! 아, 그리고 저 참석합니다♥
저도 참석할게요.. 일요일날 뵈요~토픽 감사합니다.~
토픽감사합니다 참석요^^
참석이요~ 토픽 좋네요~
수고하셨어요 >ㅇ< 저도 참석해요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ♩
저도 이번주는 참석가능 할 듯. 요즘 굉장히 농땡이 피우네요. ㅋ
다시 예전의 바른모습으로..이번주 참석요...
마라톤 뛰고 살아 남으면 참석...ㅋ
고민중이지만... 일단...^^ 발 도장 찍어욤. 토픽 감솨함돠~
i'm in, see ya on Sun.
첨이라 망설여지지만 참석하겠슴돠~~
네~ 부담없이 오시면 되요^^
참석 참석 참석 할께용!~ㅋ
다음주 다다음주까지 예약한 건가요? ㅎㅎㅎ 일요일에 뵈요^^
토픽감사합니다~ 참석해요 ^^
내일 봅시다... ㅋㅋ
술 얘기는 끝이 없네요...ㅋㅋ 내일 참석이요~^^
참석요 I can be very good at speaking english if I am drunk,intoxicated See you~
늦었지만 참석하겠습니다. 댓글을 넘 늦게 올린건 아닌지 모르겠네요
술은 적당히,,ㅋㅋ 좋은주제인데요.