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카페 게시글
영어자료실 스크랩 12. 29. 금 disband 해산하다 malnourished 영양부족의 영양실조의
상당구 추천 0 조회 21 09.08.10 10:54 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

출처 : EBS radio / Morning special

12. 29. 금 disband 해산하다 malnourished 영양부족의 영양실조의

1. Korea to press ahead on change in U.S. anti-dumping laws, despite U.S. refusal to accept the request.

미국이 우리 측의 반덤핑 절차 개선 요구를 거절한데 대해, 정부는 개선 요구를 계속 해나갈 것임을 분명히 했습니다.

2. Ruling Uri Party moves to disband and create a new political group in an effort to win back public confidence

열린 우리당이 국민의 신뢰를 되찾기 위한 노력으로, 사실상 당을 해산하고, 신당을 창당하기로 가닥을 잡아가고 있습니다.

3. An estimated 3 million Muslims leave the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca to begin the annual Hajj pilgrimage

삼백여 만 명의 무슬림 순례자들이 사우디아라비아의 메카를 떠나, 연중 하지 순례 의식을 시작했습니다.

pilgrimage 순례여행 성지순례

4. Korea to ease regulations on local telecom market and continue efforts to level the playing field for the industry.

정부는 국내 통신업체 시장에 대한 규제를 완화하고, 업체간 공정 경쟁 기반을 마련하도록 노력하겠다고 밝혔습니다.

5. US administration has singled out global warming as the potential driving force behind the demise of polar bears.

미국 행정부는, 지구 온난화를 북극곰의 멸종의 잠재적 주요 원인으로 꼽으며, 북극곰의 멸종 위기를 경고했습니다.

Burkina police and army in truce

Clashes between police and soldiers in Burkina Faso that led to five deaths in the past week have ended as both sides' officers agreed to halt hostilities. The police were taken off the streets of the capital, Ouagadougou, after the fighting, which began a week ago after a soldier died in a brawl with police.

Two police officers and three soldiers were killed and several civilians wounded during shooting that followed. Police are expected to return to their duties shortly. "Everybody decided to turn the page after the regrettable incidents," an army officer told after talks between military and police delegations. Shops in central Ouagadougou closed their shutters and residents hurried indoors during the disturbances.

brawl 말다툼 싸움

Children Go Hungry After Floods, Drought And Cyclone Bondo

Madagascar has called for international aid to help stem a nutritional emergency that has left thousands of children malnourished in the vulnerable south. An assessment team determined that inadequate seasonal rain at the beginning of 2006 had resulted in significant crop failure and food insecurity in the area, affecting approximately 300,000 people.

Meanwhile, as Madagascar's cyclone season gets underway, Cyclone 'Bondo' hit northern Madagascar, leaving one dead and affecting 304. "This is the irony of Madagascar - there are floods with the cyclone in the north, and in the south people suffer as a result of drought," Sheikh commented. Bondo has lost strength as it moves towards the south, but a new cyclone is expected to hit eastern Madagascar later this week.

malnourished 영양부족의 영양실조의

cyclone 열대성저기압, 대폭풍
