-_-+ 님의 말:
Eh~ Ricahrd
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
well......how have you been up to day?
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
i'm sick
-_-+ 님의 말:
oh why?
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
because you had a cuss word in your nickname on here
-_-+ 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
this one?
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
you know what it said
-_-+ 님의 말:
oh sorry.....you say about s h i t?
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
how are you
-_-+ 님의 말:
well..... my feeling is a little gloomy so.~
-_-+ 님의 말:
it's hard to explain .. about my feeling.
-_-+ 님의 말:
today is korea's festival.......
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
what festival?
-_-+ 님의 말:
but i am not cool........very very...tired..and...
-_-+ 님의 말:
um...memorial about atumn and..
-_-+ 님의 말:
bow to ancester
-_-+ 님의 말:
an ancestor
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
and eating special food.
-_-+ 님의 말:
lice cake
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
and what do you do for the festival? dance? BBQ? parade?
-_-+ 님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
( Lice = a small bug that gets in your hair and you can't remove )
-_-+ 님의 말:
ahaha..no we don't have that custom
-_-+ 님의 말:
yes.. i typed wrong alphabet
-_-+ 님의 말:
not dance not BBQ
-_-+ 님의 말:
and not parade
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
dance and party ... celebrate and put bugs in your hair
-_-+ 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
just meet with an intimate[a near] relation
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
and enjoy..and talking about and..bow to
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
you are married already?
-_-+ 님의 말:
not husband
-_-+ 님의 말:
yes..i am not married
-_-+ 님의 말:
ahaha.. i am still young
-_-+ 님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
still Hyo Young
-_-+ 님의 말:
not husband
-_-+ 님의 말:
-_-+ 님이 전송합니다.
-_-+ 님의 말:
ChuSuck is..holiday name
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
lol...sounds like an insult here
-_-+ 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
oh!!! i know you mean suck?
-_-+ 님의 말:
suck is i think..bad meaning in english..
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
this sucks = i don't like this
-_-+ 님의 말:
yeah...but not suck ~ ChuSuck
"ChuSuck.bmp" 전송이 완료되었습니다.
-_-+ 님이 전송합니다.
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
Chu suck down all that food chu will get fat
-_-+ 님의 말:
yeah...so i am very fool..
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
fool = stupid person
-_-+ 님의 말:
yes.. for exampl ( i am full)
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
full = a big belly
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
yes i knew
-_-+ 님의 말:
but sometimes i forgot real alphabet
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
i know it is difficult
-_-+ 님의 말:
surely i knew that words.. full and fool..
-_-+ 님의 말:
but typing is sometimes..difficult.
-_-+ 님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
it is ok...i was saying full and fool if you didn't know
-_-+ 님의 말:
i know
"ChuSuck food.bmp" 전송이 완료되었습니다.
-_-+ 님의 말:
today was so boring because i don't like met my relatives.
-_-+ 님의 말:
not funny.....just boring.
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
i'm getting hungry...well except for that bowl of square brown stuff at the bottom
-_-+ 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
yes brown stuff is not lives'' for dead people
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
like...my grand father or grand mother
-_-+ 님의 말:
they dead long time ago.
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
don't eat them
-_-+ 님의 말:
but after bow to them we ate that food
-_-+ 님의 말:
share in dishes..
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
bow to what?
-_-+ 님의 말:
bow to pic. in the bottom
-_-+ 님의 말:
but me and mom and my sister not bow to them
-_-+ 님의 말:
beacuse we are Christian
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
good girls
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
i'm proud to hear that
-_-+ 님의 말:
it is a little culture gap..
-_-+ 님의 말:
when i was young i bowed to them
-_-+ 님의 말:
but my mom instructed me do not bow to them
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
your mother is wise
-_-+ 님의 말:
but my dad bow to them...they are my dad's parent
-_-+ 님의 말:
actually......i little don't understand..^-^
-_-+ 님의 말:
Christian is not our origin religion
-_-+ 님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
i understand...you have to learn and there is much difference to learn...
-_-+ 님의 말:
mut this is...spread my country long time ago.
-_-+ 님의 말:
although western's origin religion is Chistian
-_-+ 님의 말:
but these days .. i heard about ..little people's religion is Buddhism
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
yes...it is not true religion...
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
it is more a lifestyle than a religion...they worship a man, not God, not the Holy Spirit, not Jesus
-_-+ 님의 말:
i don't like black and white.
-_-+ 님의 말:
hmm...... my point is...
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
i'm a white dude
-_-+ 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
no Richard~! i don' talk about people's color
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
my meaning is (right and wrong; good and bad )
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
ok i understand
-_-+ 님의 말:
so...my point is..(are you busy?)
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
you are right
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
it is not for us to judge...only Jesus knows to judge true
-_-+ 님의 말:
yes~! you are right.
-_-+ 님의 말:
god and Buddha<they always teach people good things
-_-+ 님의 말:
and good meaning..and.. good attitude
-_-+ 님의 말:
but why many people fight against religion
-_-+ 님의 말:
in a religious doctrine
-_-+ 님의 말:
god and budda say..not firht not killed lives
-_-+ 님의 말:
not steal
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
it is not so much the people...it is Satan turning people from God's ways of Truth
-_-+ 님의 말:
yes... somtetimes i am little confusing ...
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
it is Satan making war through the people and making more people lose their faith in God
-_-+ 님의 말:
yes. you are right..
-_-+ 님의 말:
sometiems i think...god=budda=and other country's god..
-_-+ 님의 말:
thea are althoug have a diffrent name bue they are same god..
-_-+ 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
it's hard to explain in english...
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
well, some religions are that way...but Buddha was a man, and they know that he was a man only
-_-+ 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
you are right.. i don't know well about other god's doctrin
-_-+ 님의 말:
i am just Christian
-_-+ 님의 말:
so..i must and shoul and have to apply my god's rule
-_-+ 님의 말:
it's my rule
-_-+ 님의 말:
oh~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Richard.......
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
-_-+ 님의 말:
it's so hard talk about Religion
-_-+ 님의 말:
stop and change the topic
-_-+ 님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
it is easy...you always talk with me about religion, you see that it is easy, i'm smiling
-_-+ 님의 말:
oh really smiling?
-_-+ 님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
not really really smiling...but smiling, yes
님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
<----really smiling
님의 말:
님의 말:
hmmm..so you now know about korea's holiday
님의 말:
님의 말:
how about food?
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
ChuSuck = chew and suck...chew the food, suck the soda through a straw
님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
now maybe i can remember that it is a holiday of feasting
님의 말:
님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
is that a picture of you at the dinner table?
님의 말:
no it's not but i ate same food today.
님의 말:
it's not mine
님의 말:
but same in food
님의 말:
today..now..korea and china being holiday
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
님의 말:
aim is little diffrent but now.. china havea holiday like korea
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
님의 말:
it's a Asia's culture
님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
it is a culture most places to eat
님의 말:
season is alwyas same atumn and winter
님의 말:
님의 말:
before i made bad nick..so you disappointed me?
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
it is better now
님의 말:
yes..before my feeling is not good..so..and..that word..used to talk..in korea youngster
님의 말:
sometimes..my friend say that word..just kidding
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
all people say bad words...but it is for you to be better than all people
님의 말:
but don't worry about that i am not bad girl.. i don't like talking bad slang..
님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
님의 말:
ahhh~hey~ but Richard..when you was young..how about the slang
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
i was the worst
님의 말:
i suddenly wondering your 10~20 ages.
님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
i was a good child, but a fool teenager
님의 말:
님의 말:
i understand you.
님의 말:
so do i. so i regret that.
님의 말:
so i try..to be a good girl.
님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
i'm glad
님의 말:
well...Richard.. i am getting tiring..
님의 말:
i gtg..
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
님의 말:
님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
and sleep well
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
stop what?
님의 말:
pray for
님의 말:
ahhh......you said.
님의 말:
before you talking to me i want say to you.
님의 말:
bue failed
님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
oh wow
님의 말:
okey~ahhh yes.. bye.`1!!
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
님의 말:
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
and you can tell me to pray also
님의 말:
ahaha next time i ricitle
Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 22 (New Testament) 님의 말:
첫댓글 추석의 석이요...(suck) 이거 미국에서 별로 안조은 뜻이자나요..웃더라고용..^-^'''
떡..lice가 아니라 rice..ㅋㅋ 그냥 thanksgiving day와 비슷하다고 말하면 알아먹어요..그리고 chusuk 이렇게 쓰구요..ㅋㅋ