/a before
AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm
Ab abortion, or antibody
Abx antibiotics
Abd abdomen
ABG Arterial Blood gas
ALL Allergy
AMA against medical advice
A&P ausculation and percussion
A/P Assessment and Plan
ASAP as soon as possible
(B) bilateral
BBT basal body tempreture
b/c because
BCP birth control pill
bid twice a day
b/l bilateral
BM bowel movement
BP blood pressure
BR bed rest
BS blood sugar, or bowel sounds
bx biopsy
/c with
CA carcinoma
cath catheter
CBC complete blood count
CBC /c diff complete blood count with white blood cell differentia
CC chief complaints
c/c/e clubbing/cyanosis/edema
CDI clean, dry, and intact (wonuds)
깴(delta) change
CN cranial nerve
c/o complaints of
coags coagulation factors
CP chest pain
CPM continue present management
C&S culture and sensitivity
C/S cesarean section
CTA clear to auscultation in lung exam
CTAP clear to auscultation and percussion
CV cardiovascular
c/w consistent with
Cx cultures
CXR Chest X-ray
d diarrhea
D&C dilatationo and curettage
d/c discontinue, or discharge
D&E dillitation and evacuation
diff differential white count
DNR do not resuscitate = do not do CPR
DOA date of admission, or dead on arrival
DOE dyspnea on exertion
DOS date of surgery
DPT diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus immunizaiton
DTR deep tendon reflex
DUB dysfunctional uterine bleeding
DVT deep vein thrombosis
Dx diagnosis
DZ disease
ENT ear, nose, and throat
EOM extraocular movements
EOMI EOM intact
ER emergency room
EXT extremities
FBS fasting blood sugar
f/c/ns fevers/chills/night sweats
FDLMP first day last menstrual period
FH family history
FLK funny looking kids
F.P. family plannning
FROM full range of motion
f/u follow up
FUO fever of unknown origin
fx fracture
GI gastrointestinal
GYN gynecology
HA headache
h/a headache
Hb hemoglobin
Hct hematocrit
HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
Hgb hemoglobin
H/H hemoglobin and hematocrit
h/o history of
HPI history of present illness
HR heart rate
HTN hypertention
hx history
?I&D incision and drainage
ID infectious disease
IDDM Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
IM Intramuscular
I's & O's In's and Out's
IV intravenous
IVDA intravenous drug abuse
IVDU intravenous drug use
IVF IV fluids
JVD jugular venous distention
KUB kidneys, ureters, bladder (a type of abd. X-ray)
(L) left
LAD left anterior descending artery of the heart
LBBB left bundle branch block
LE lower extremities
LFT's liver function tests
LLE left lower extremity
LLL left lower lobe
LLQ left lower quadrant
LMP last menstrual period
LP lumber puncture (= spinal tap)
LUE left upper extremity
LUL left upper lobe
LVH left ventricular hypertrophy
(m) murmur
MAL mid-axillary line
mcl mid clavicular line
mg% milligrams per hundred milliters
MVA motor vehicle accident
n nausea
NABS normoactive bowel sounds
NAD no acute distress
NC/AT nomocephalic/atraumatic = a normal head
NG naso-gastric tube
NIDDM non-insulin dependent diabetic
NKDA no known drug allergy
NKMA no known medicine allergies
nl normal
NMH northwestern memorial hospital
(-) no, none
NPO nothing by mouth
NS normal saline
NSR normal sinus rhythm
NT naso-tracheal as in suction
NT/ND nontender/nondistended
n/v/d/c nausea/vomitting/diarrhea/constipation
O2 sat O2 saturation
OB obsterics
OBS organic brain syndrome
OCP oral contraceptive pills
OD right eye
OM otitis media
o/p outpatient
OPV oral porio vaccine
OR operating room
os mouth
OS left eye
OT Occupational Therapy
OTD out the door
OU both eyes
/p after
p pulse
P-A posterior-anterior
P&A percussion and auscultation
p.c. after meals
PCN penicillin
PE physical examination
PEEP positive end expiratory pressure
PERL pupils equal and react to light
PERRLA pupils equal, round, and react to light & accomodation
PFT's pulmonary function tests
PH past history
PI pulmonary insufficiency
Plts platelets
PMH past medical history
PMI point of maximal impulse (of heart)
PM&R physical medicine and rehabilitation
p.o. by mouth
POD post operative day
post-op post-operative
PPD purified protein derivative for tuberculin test
p.r. per rectum
PRBC's packed red blood cells
prn when necessary
PROM premature rupture of membrane, or passive ROM
PSH past surgical history
PT Physical Therapy
꺏걁긵긖귽걂 Psychiatry
pt patient
PTA prior to admission
q every
qAM every morning
qhr every hour
qhs at hour of sleep
qD daily
qid four times per day
qMWF every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
qod every other day
qPM every evening
q shift every nurses' shift(i.e. every 8 hour:듓뚯븏궼괨뚴묆)
qwk every week
(R) right
RBBB right bundle branch block
RBC red blood count
rbc red blood cell
r/c/g/m rubs, clicks, gallops, murmurs
RDW red cell distribution width
RLE right lower extremity
RLL right lower lobe
RLQ right lower quadrant
r/o rule out
ROC resident on call
ROM range of motion
ROS review of systems
RPR rapid plasma reagent : a syphillis test
RR Recovery Room
RRR Regular rate and rhythm
RT radiation therapy
RTC return to clinic
RUL right upper lobe
RUE right upper extremity
RUQ right upper quadrant
Rx prescription, treatment, or therapy
/s without
S1, S2 first heart sound, sexond heart sound
SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis
S/B/L/M/E/B segmented neutrophils, bands, lymphocytes,
monocytes, eosinophils, basophils
SBO small bowel obstruction
SCAT Student Community against Tests established by A.K.,et al. 199
SCM sternocleidomastoid
sed rate sedimentation rate (also ESR)
SEM systolic ejection murmur
SH social history
sig label
SL sublingual
SMA sequential multiple analysis
SOB shortness of breath
SOM serous otitis media
sono sonogram (i.e. ultrasound)
S/P status post
Sp gr specific gravity
SQ subcutaneous
SROM Spontaneous ROM
SSCP substernal chest pain
STAT immediately
SVC service
T temperature
T&A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
tab tablet
TB tuberculosis
TBS total body surface
T&C type and crossmatch
TCDB turn, cough, and deep breath
TFT's thyroid function tests
TIA transient ischemic attack
tid three times a day
TKO to keep open with reference to IV rates
TM tympanic membrane
TPN total parenteral nutrition
T&S type and screen
Tx treatment
UA urinalysis
U/A urinalysis
UE upper extremity
U/O urine output
URI upper respiratory infection
VQ ventilation/perfusion
VS vital sign
VSS vital sign stable
w&d warm and dry (reffering to skin)
WBC White blood count
WDWN well developed, well nourished
w/c wheelchair
w/u work up
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