1. account
Give me an account of what you saw.(설명)
The problem is important on this account.(이유)
You must give in my account once a month.(계산서)
In his account it was very excellent.(평가)
I have an account with a bank.(口座)
2. affair
It is a terrible affair.(사건)
He administers the affairs of the university.(사무)
It is a difficult affair.(일)
I have nothing with affairs of the heart.(<연애>사건)
3. age
He looks young for his age.(나이, 연령)
He has not come of age.(成年)
His eyes were dim with age.(노령)
What is the age of that old castle?(시대)
I haven't seen him for ages.(오랫동안)
4. air
Let's go out and have some fresh air.(공기)
That is birds of the air.(공중, 하늘)
He has an innocent air.(태도)
The band struck up a sprightly air.(곡조, 곡)
5. art
Art is long, life is short.(예술)
He got his degree as Master of Arts.(인문과학, 문예)
Speaking a foreign language is an art.(기술)
She knows the art of cooking.(기예, 기술)
6. article
I bought all these articles at the same shop.(물품물건)
It was reported recently in a newspaper article. (기사, 논설)
It is the third article of the Constitutions.(조항, 조목)
Theis the definite article.(관사)
7. aspect
The problem assumed a new aspect.(국면, 외관)
There are many aspects to the problem.(견지, 관점)
He is serious in aspect.(용모, 생김새)
This house has a bad aspect.(방향, 방위)
8. atmosphere
The rocket blasted out of the atmosphere.
(대기, 대기권)
Remember that refreshing mountain atmosphere.(공기)
It has a pleasant family atmosphere.(분위기, 환경)
That hotel has real atmosphere.(무드, 기분)
9. book
This book is interesting.(책, 서적)
Check his name in the phone book.(전화 번호부)
I booked a table for two at the restaurant.(예약하다)
Have you booked his order?(기입[기장]하다)
10. break
I found a break in the window.(파손, 파괴)
There was a break in the conversation.(중단, 단절)
Let's take an hour's break for lunch.(휴식, 휴가)
We started with the break of day.(변화, 새벽)
She's won too. What a break! (운,, 행운)
11. case
What would you do in that case?(경우)
This is the case.(실정, 사정)
It was a case of mistaken identity.(실례)
The case was family solved.(사건)
He treated six cases of food poisoning.(환자)
He lost case.(소송)
This is not my pencil case.(상자, 통)
12. cause
You are confusing cause and effect.(원인)
There is no cause to complain.(이유)
She works for the cause of world peace.(목적, 주의)
13. change
I noticed the change in her facial expression.(변화)
The changes will soon be put into effect.(변경)
The trip requires three changes.(교체., 갈아타기)
He went to the seaside for a change of air.
(전지, 기분 전환)
No change is given.(거스름돈, 잔돈)
14. character
He has a strong character.(성격)
His face lacks character.(특징)
I don't know the leading character in the novel.(인물)
He visited France in the character of president.(자격)
Please print the book in a large character.(문자, 글자)
He is quite a character.(변인, 딴 사람)
15. charge
A child's education is the charge of his parent.
(책임, 의무)
I am in charge of safe.(관리)
He was accused on an unjust charge. (소송)
No extra charge is made for this service. (요금, 부담)
It is on charge.(충전)
16. check
He drew a check for 100.(수표)
We made a check of the student's records.(점검, 대조)
Mark with a check.(격자<체크 부호>)
The waiter brought us separate checks..(회계 전표)
It is a check for his baggage.(보관표, 영수증)
His presence acted as a check on their mischief.(방지, 억제)
17. company
I am expecting company this evening.(손님)
A man is known by the company he keeps.(동요, 벗)
I am glad to have your company.(동석, 같이 있음)
Shakespeare joined a company of players.(일행, 일단)
She works for a life insurance company.(회사)
18. concern
I feel concern for his safety.(걱정, 근심)
She did not show much concern about it.(관심)
I have no concern with him.(관계)
To whom it may concern.(관계 제위) [(회사, 상사)
He succeeded in building up a flourishing concern.
19. constitution
What is the constitution of the society?(조직, 구조)
We must build up strong constitution.(체질, 체격)
He was a nervous constitution.(성질, 성격)
They drew up a new constitution.(헌법, 구조)
20. custom
Each country has its own manners and customs. (풍습, 관습)
Sending Christmas cards is an old custom.(습관)
He has a large custom.(단골, 고객)
Customs must be paid for these articles.
21. department
I went to the book department.(부분, 부)
The Education department is a branch of the government. (부, 성, 과) [ (학부, 학과) ↓
He graduated from the department of sociology.
That's your department.(분야, 영역)
22. design
That vase has a beautiful design of flowers on it. (도안)
These buildings are after his designs.(설계)
It was the result not of accident but of design. (의도, 속셈)
It is a novel of admirable design.(구상, 착상)
He designed this house.(설계하다)
He designed going abroad.(계획하다)
I design my daughter for a doctor.(예정하다)
23. effect
The experiment brought about the desired effect.(결과)
He experienced the evil effects of drinking.(영향)
His protest had no effect.(효과, 영향)
I spoke to the same effect.(취지, 의미)
He gave effect his dead brother's wishes.(실행)
It is his personal effects.(재산)
The body effects your state of mind.
(초래하다, 달성하다)
24. end
Sign your name at the end of the letter.(마지막, 끝)
I met him at the end of the platform.(끝, 末<말>)
No one knew how the soldiers met their end.
(죽음, 최후)
There seems to be no end to his wealth.(한도, 제한)
He has achieved his end.(목적)
She does her end of the job very well.(부분, 부문)
25. exercise
The doctor advised me to take more exercise.(운동)
I am doing an exercise in English composition.
The exercise of patience is essential to you.
(행사, 사용)
Exercise care in crossing streets.(다하다, 행하다)
Horses get fat and lazy if they are not exercised. (운동시키다)
26. fare
You don't have to pay the fare.(운임, 요금)
The cab cruised the streets in search of fares.(승객)
She served him delicious fare.(식사)
His married life did not fare well. (가다)
27. fashion
It is the fashion to wear miniskirts.(유행)
This is the latest fashion.(유행물)
He does everything in his fashion.(방식)
Human nature is fashioned largely by surroundings. (형성하다, 만들다)
28. feature
Her mouth is her best feature.(얼굴의 어느 한 부분)
She has beautiful features.(얼굴의 생김새)
His school has many good features.(특징, 특색)
Her song was the main feature on the program. (주요 프로, 인기 프로)
The party featured swimming and a barbecue.
(특색으로 삼다)
Political unrest featured the era.(…의 특색을 이루다)
29. field
The fields of wheat stretched for many miles.(밭)
I like to work in the fields.(들판, 별관)
He was killed on the field.(싸움터, 전장)
What is your field of study?분야)
30. figure
The woman has a good figure.(풍모, 외관)
He is the central figure of the group.(인물)
It is the figure of Lincoln.(초상, 상)
I can't remember the exact figures.(숫자, 계산)
The figure is cubical.(도형, 도안)
He figures as a great statesman.(통하다)
31. form
He appeared in the form of a knight.(꼴, 모습)
It is written in the form of a drama.(형식)
It is regarded as a form of play.(종류, 형식)
He is out of form.(형태, 원기)
Fill out this form, please.(서식, 용지)
He has much bad form.(작법, 표현 형식)
32. game
Let's play games.(놀이)
Let's go to see the baseball game.(경기)
I didn't mean to make game of her.(농담, 장난)
First of all, see through his game.(책략, 계획, 속셈)
He shot more than five head of game.(사냥감)
33. gift
My watch was a birthday gift.(선물)
He has a gift for music.(재능)
34. grade
"Sake" is sold in grades.(등급, 품질)
What grade are you in?(학년)
The train went up a steep grade.(비탈, 기울기)
I hope to get a good grade in English.(성적, 등급)
The apples are graded by size.(분류하다)
I graded forty tests last night.(채점하다)
They graded a road.(…의 기울기를 완만하게 하다)
35. ground
The ground was covered with snow.(지면)
He plowed up the poor ground day after day.(토지, 땅)
They are playing in a school ground.(운동장)
He refused to come on the ground of illness.(근거, 이유)
We are on delicate ground.(입장)
He avoided touching on forbidden ground.(문제)
36. hand
I have a book in my hand.(손)
This watch has three hands.(바늘, 침)
He has a pleasing running hand.(필적)
Many hands make light work.(일손)
At your right hand you will find the building.(쪽, 방향)
The property is no longer in my hands.(소유, 지배)
It is a painting that shows a master's hand.(기량)
37. head
He hit me on the head.(머리)
He has a good head.(두뇌)
He was always at the head of his class.(수석, 수위)
He marched at the head of the team.(상좌, 우두머리)
38. home
Men make houses, women make homes.(가정)
He left America for home last year.(고향, 고국)
My home is very old.(집, 주택)
The home of the tiger is Africa.(본고장, 서식지)
It is home products.(본국)
He comes home at seven.(집으로)
He wasn't home yesterday.(집에)
39. humanity
Do advances in science help all humanity?(인류)
History teaches us about humanity.(인간성)
Love and humanity disarm enmity.(자애, 자비)
40. interest
He has an interest in collecting stamps.(흥미)
Reading is my chief interest.(취미)
He has no interest in the business.(이해관계)
We must look at the interest of our country.(이익)
The interest is 4% a year.(이자)
They are the steel interest.(동업자, 관계자)
He has interest with the literary circle.(신용, 세력)
41. instrument (도구, 가구) ↘
There are various instruments in his house.
I cannot play any instrument.(악기)
Language is an indispensable instrument.(수단)
It is the instrument of surrender.(문서)
42. issue
I bought the book on the day of issue.(발행)
The inflation issue is a touchy one.(문제)
I will await the issue of the events.(결과)
He died without issue.(자손)
Smoke issues from chimneys.(나오다, 유출하다)
43. key
This is the wrong key for this door.(열쇠)
The key to good health is to eat and sleep regular.(비결)
I want the key to this exercise book.(해답)
44. law
No man is above the law.(법률)
A bill becomes a law when it has passed the Diet.(법규)
He majors in law.(법률)
Newton discovered the laws of motion.(법칙)
His word is law.(법)
45. letter
Begin a sentence with a capital letter.(문자)
Thank you for your letter.(편지)
He was a well-known man of letters.(문학)
Observe the letter of the law.(문구, 자구)
46. life
No life is found on the moon.(생물)
I enjoy reading the life of a great man.(전기)
He was full of life.(원기, 생기)
The picture was as large as life.(실물, 실물 크기)
The battery has a life only 100 hours.(수명)
Life is the most important thing.(생명)
Country life is healthier than city life.(생활)
47. line
He drew a line on the paper.(선, 열)
Cross the line by the over pass.(노선, 선로)
See page 38, line 7.(행, 간단한 편지)
He comes of a good line.(혈통, 가계)
Tennis is not in my line.(진로, 길)
The government took a hard line.(방침)
48. lot
He has changed a lot.(많이)
Let's draw lots.(제비, 추첨)
His lot has been a hard one.(운명, 운)
The building is between the two lots.(지소, 부지)
49. man
Man has lived for thousands of years.(인간, 인류)
Who is that man?(남자)
A man cannot live without hope(사람, 인간).
He loved his men deeply.(부하, 종업원)
50. manner
I don't know the manner to introduce a person.(방법)
It's bad manners to eat with a knife.(예절)
Manners and customs differ from country to country.
Her manner to us was rude.(태도) [(풍습) ↑
It is a painting in the manner of Raphael.(수법, 류)
51. mass
There were masses of dark clouds in the sky.(집단)
The states man was loved by the masses.(대중)
The mass of the people voted for the bill.(대부분)
52. match
I'm no match for you.(경쟁 상대, 호적수)
The rugs and curtains are a good match.
(어울리는 것[사람])
We had a tennis match yesterday.(시합)
She made a wealthy match.(결혼)
Your tie matches your suit well.(어울리다)
No one can match him.(…에 필적하다)
53. matter
It is only a little matter.(문제)
Something is the matter with this TV set.(고장)
Let's discuss matters later.(사건, 사태)
The matter in his paper is very good.(내용)
What your name is doesn't matter to me.(중요하다)
54. measure
The tailer took my measure for a suit.(치수)
A foot is a measure of length.(단위)
He measured the line by the tape measure.
(자<측정 기구>)
Popularity is not always a good measures of merit. (측도, 기준)
We took the necessary measures at once.(조치, 대책)
55. mind
He is sound of mind and body.(마음, 정신)
Reading improves the mind.(지성, 지력)
Out of sight, out of mind.(기억)
He has changed his mind.(의향, 생각)
The modern mind has lost serenity.(사람)
Do you mind if I play a record? (마음에 꺼리다)
56. minute
It is ten minutes passed three.(분<分>)
Wait a minute. I have something to tell you.
This is not on the minutes.(의사록) [(잠깐, 순간) ↑
It is the minute amounts of cadmium.(미세한)
It is the minute happening of a city.(사소한, 하찮은)
57. nature
Cats and dogs have different natures.(성질)
Nature teaches us many lessons.(자연)
Problems of this nature are best left to the experts.
He eased nature.(생리적 욕구) [ (종류) ↑
58. note
He always speaks without notes.(원고, 문안)
It is a concert worthy of note.(주의, 주목)
He lost a ten-dollar note.(지폐)
Consult the notes at the back of the book.(주해)
She left me note.(짧은 편지)
We sensed a melancholy note in his voice.(어조, 음색)
He noted that we must do it at once.(특별히 언급하다)
59. object
I saw a strange object in the sky.(물체, 물건)
he has no object in life.(목적, 목표)
It is the object of my studies.(대상)
This verb requires two objects.(목적어)
60. office
He works in an office.(사무소)
Mail this letter at the nearest post office.(국, 부)
I hear he got some public office in Pusan.(공직)
It is my office to teach these boys.(직무, 임무)
61. order
He put room in order.(정돈)
The policeman keeps order.(질서, 치안)
We must obey the captain's orders.(명령)
I made an order for a book.(주문)
He was ordered to go abroad.(명령하다)
I ordered this dictionary from Washington.(주문하다)
62. paper
He found a piece of paper there.(종이)
It is a paper bag.(종이로 만든)
What paper do you take in?(신문)
Important papers were stolen.(서류)
I must finish my paper by noon.(논문)
Mr. White graded all the papers.(시험문제)
63. part
You may take a part of it.(일부)
This novel consists of five parts.(부)
Each part of the engine was all right.(부품)
We did everything on our part.(편, 쪽)
He played the part of Hamlet.(역, 역할)
Are you going to take part in the debate?(참가)
I am quite a stranger in these parts.(지방, 지역)
64. party
Tom gave a party on his birthday.(파티, 모임)
The election was a complete victory for that party. (당, 정당)
The party will visit Jane tomorrow.(일행)
I am a third party to this case.(관계자)
65. passage
There was a narrow passage through the thicket. (도로, 수로)
The king gave him passage through the country. (통행 권리)
We are having a smooth passage.(항해)
I will read a famous passage from Shakespeare. (한 구절)
It was obvious that its passage was inevitable. (<의안의> 통과)
66. people
The street was crowded with people.(사람들)
People say that he is in Canada.(세상 사람들)
The country consists of different peoples.(민족, 국민)
My wife's people are staying with us.(가족)
67. single
His single opportunity was lost.(단 하나의)
I wonder why he remains single.(독신의)
Will you reserve a single room for me?(1인용의)
He was singled out as the king's successor.(가려뽑다)
68. prime
His prime concern is the welfare of his family.(제1의)
He is now in the prime of youth.(전성기)
69. period
He lived in Seoul for a short period of time.(기간)
We are studying the Socratic period.(시대)
Put a period at the end of the sentence.(종지부)
Do you know the tidal periods?(주기) [(수업 시간)↓
We have an English test in the second period.
70. picture
The picture was painted by him.(그림)
I had picture taken yesterday.(사진)
The TV picture was blurred.(화면) [ (영화관) ↑
Do you want to go to the pictures this evening?
Can you form a picture of what I told him?(상상, 관념)
She is the picture of her mother.(꼭 닳은 것)
I put him in the picture.(상황, 정세)
71. place
Don't go near the place.(장소, 지방)
What place does she come from?(지방, 지역)
Save me a place.(좌석)
He holds a high place in the office.(지위)
His father lost his place in the company.(직)
Whose horse got the first place?(순위)
72. plate
There is a large plate on the table.(접시)
We saw lots of steel plates in the factory.(금속판)
It is the home plate.(<야구의) 본루)
73. point
It is the point of a needle.(첨단, 끝)
A period is a point.(점)
The accident occurred at this point.(지점)
He got good points in English.(점수, 득점)
What is the point of his speech?(요점, 목적)
From this point of view, it is unreasonable.(관점)
74. position
From his position, he couldn't see Tomy.(위치, 장소)
Sit in a more comfortable position.(자세)
What would you do if you were in my position? (입장, 처지)
Why did he lost his position?(직장, 근무처)
They are all people of position.(지위)
75. practice
He put the idea into practice.(실행)
I haven't done much practice lately.(연습)
It is his practice to get up early.(습관, 관례)
The doctor has a large practice.(<의사의> 환자)
She practiced playing the violin every day.
(--을 연습하다)
The children practice early rising.(--을 실행하다)
He practices medicine.(개업하다)
76. property
He is a man of property.(재산) [ (소유지, 토지) ↓
He has a small piece of property in the country.
Is this your property?(소유물)
Soda has the properties to dissolve grease.(특성)
77. range [(열, 줄지음) ↓
There is a long range of cliffs beyond the lake.
His reading is of very wide range.(범위, 영역)
We saw a range of mountains in the distance.(산맥)
People of all ranges gathered there that night.(계급)
Mother bought a gas range.(도구)
78. rate [ (비율, 율) ↓
The birth rate is apt to fall in advanced countries.
We traveled at the rate of sixty miles an hour.(속도)
Any hotel will do if the rate is moderate.(요금)
It is a second-rate hotel.(등급) [ (지방세) ↓
This is the difference between rates and taxes.
79. reason
What is your reason for refusing?(이유)
Animals have no reason...(이성)
Have you lost your reason?(부별)
Reason a child out of his mischief.(설득하여 하게 하다)
He is able to reason clearly.(추론하다)
80. reference [(참조) ↓
By reference to the book, you will understand it.
You may find some reference in the footnote.
(참조 사항)
He made many references to Thomas Edison.(언급)
Who are your references?(신원 보증인)
81. reflection
The reflection of light was very dazzling.(반사)
Crimes are a reflection of society.(반영)
A moment's reflection will make it clear.(숙고)
I have a few reflections to offer on it.(의견, 감상)
82. relation
We discussed the relation of cities and rivers.(관계)
We have business relations with that firm.(이해관계)
Is the lady a relation of yours?(친족 관계, 친척)
We heard the relation of his experiences.(이야기)
83. rent
How much is the rent of this room?(월세, 임차료)
We rented a room to a student.(세놓다, 빌려주다)
We rent a house from Mr. Smith.(빌리다. 세 얻다)
84. respect
I have a great respect for him.(존중, 존경)
He has no respect for the opinion of others.(존중)
Give my best respects to your parents.(안부, 문안)
The city is modern in many respects.(점, 관점)
85. rest
You had better take a rest a while.(휴식, 휴양)
The patient must have complete rest for a week. (안정, 평온) [(나머지, 여분) ↓
The rest of the money was spent on drinks.
Bill stayed at home, but the rest went shopping. (나머지 사람들)
The children had a good night's rest.(휴식)
Success or failure rest on your efforts.(에 달려 있다)
86. return
We waited for his return.(귀한, 복귀)
They made a proper return for the hospitality.
He had a return of fever.(재발) [ (답례, 보답) ↑
Two returns to Liverpool, please.(왕복표)
87. role [(역) ↓
He played the role of Hamlet in the school festival.
Words play a tremendous role in your every day life. (역할)
88. room
My room is larger than his.(방)
The whole room laughed.(실내의 사람들)
This desk takes up too much room.(공간, 장소)
There is no room for doubt about it.(여지)
I want to take rooms.(하숙)
89. school
There is a post office near the school.(학교)
We have no school today.(수업)
The principal spoke to the school.(전교 학생)
He is a great artist of the Dutch school of painting. (유파, 학과, 제자)
It is the land school of experience.(도장)
90. sense
Man has five senses.(감각)
He labored under a sense of humiliation.(…감, 느낌)
He has a deep sense of duty.(관념)
He must be out of his senses to do that.
(제정신, 본정신)
He is a man of sense.(분별, 사리)
In what sense do you use the word? (뜻, 의미)
91. service
There is a good bus service in this town.(편)
I wish to retain his service.(근무, 도움)
Will you do me a service?(봉사)
I shall be happy to be of service to you.(유용, 도움)
Service is good in that hotel.(서비스, 봉사)
92. sign
What does this sign represent?(표지, 기호)
The deaf and dumb talk by signs.(손짓)
They did not notice the traffic signs.(표지)
There were remarkable signs of illness on her face. (전조, 징후)
It shows no signs of being used.(흔적, 자취)
93. soul
Does the soul leave the body at death?(혼)
She put her whole soul into her work.(정신)
She did not see a single soul on the street.(사람, 인간)
He is the life and soul of the party.(중심 인물)
94. sound
Sound travels slower than light.(소리)
The report has a false sound.(느낌, 인상)
A sound mind in a sound body.(건전한)
The soldiers have returned safe and sound.(완전한)
It is sound advice.(바른)
It may sound funny.(…으로 들리다)
95. source
The river takes its source from a lake.(원천, 수원지)
Heavy drinking is the source of many problems. (근원, 원인)
The source of this information is withheld.(출처, 근거)
96. spot
The bird has many spots on her wings.(반점)
The spilled tea left a spot on her dress.(얼룩)
The boy's face is covered with spots.(여드름, 사마귀)
From this spot, you can see the ocean.(지점, 장소)
He is a character without spot or stain.(흠, 오점)
What advice do you have for a woman in my spot?(위치, 입장)
97. stage
He is a stage actor.(무대, 연극)
She left the stage last year.(연극, 무대 활동)
The village became the stage of a hot battle.
(활동 무대, 장소) [(단계) ↓
Science was still in an early stage of its progress.
98. status
A doctor enjoys high status in our society.(지위)
He has failed to change the status of the disagreement. (현상,
It is only the status of a minor.(신분)
99. subject
What subjects do you study at school?(학과, 주제)
Underline the subject of each sentence.(주어)
He became a British subject in 1945.(국민, 백성)
He became a subject for laughter.(주인<主因>, 기인)
We are subject to the laws of our country.(지배를 받는)
He is subject to colds.(영향을 받는)
100. term
He did his best during the term of office.(기간)
The first term begins in April.(학기)
He knows a lot of grammatical terms.(용어)
She is on good terms with him.(교제 관계)
He got the job on those terms.(조건)
account : ⓝ 계좌, 설명 ⓥ 설명하다
a couple of : ① two ② a few
address : ⓝ 주소 ⓥ ① 연설을 하다
② ~을 경칭으로 부르다
affect : ① 꾸며대다 → ⓝ affectation
② ~에 영향을 미치다 → ⓝ effect
allowance : ① 수당 ② 허가
alternative : ① 양자 택일(의) ② 대안(의),대신(의)
apply : ①지원하다(for) ②적용되다, 적합하다(to)
appreciate : ① 이해하다 ② 감상하다 ③ 감사하다
apprehend : ① 이해하다 ② 염려하다 ③ 체포하다
article : ① 기사, 논설 ② 조항, 조목
③ 물품 ④ [문법] 관사
attribute : ⓝ 특성 ⓥ ~의 탓으로 돌리다
ball : ① 공 ② 무도회
balance : ① 균형 ② 저울 ③ 나머지
bar : ① 막대기 ② 술집 ③ 법정 ④ 장애
bark : ① [개 따위가] 짖다 ② 나무 껍질
bear : ⓝ 곰 ⓥ① 운반하다, 나르다 ② 참다, 견디다 ③ 지니다 ④ 낳다, 맺다 ⑤ 지탱하다
bill : ① 계산서, 청구서 ② 지폐 ③ 법안, 의안
book : ⓝ 책 ⓥ 예약하다
bow : [au] ① 절하다 ② 뱃머리 [ou] 활
break : ⓝ 휴식 ⓥ① 부수다 ② 거슬러 주다
brow : ① 이마 ② (보통 pl.) 눈썹(=eyebrows)
cabin : ① 선실 ② 오두막
certain : ① (한정적)어떤 ② (서술적) 확신하는
change : ① 변화 ② 거스름 돈 ③ 갈아타기
character : ① 성격, 특징, 인격 ② 문자
③ 인물(등장 인물)
chest : ① 가슴 ② 큰 상자
choice : ① 선택 ② 고급의
class : ① 계급, 계층 ② 수업
coach : ① 사륜 마차 ② 객차 ③ 코치
come up with : ① 따라 잡다 ② 생각해 내다
command : ① 명령하다 ② (말을) 자유자재로 구사하다 ③ (장소가) ~을 내려다 보다
company : ① 친구, 동석, 손님 ② 회사
contribute : ①기여하다 ②기부하다 ③기고하다
convention : ① 회의 ② 관습, 인습
convince : ① 확신시키다 ② 납득시키다
count : ①중요성을 지니다 ②간주하다 ③세다
critical : ① 비평(가)의 ② 비판적인 ③ 위기의 ④결정적인, 중요한
decline : ① 거절하다 ② 기울다(경사지다)
③ 쇠퇴하다
degree : ① 정도 ② (온도 등의) 도 ③ 학위
direct : ⓥ 지도[감독]하다 ⓐ 똑바른, 직접의
divine : ⓐ 신의, 신성한 ⓥ 점치다, 예언하다
domestic : ① 가정의 ② 국내의
down : ⓝ 부드러운 털 ad. 아래로
draw : ① 그리다 ② 끌어당기다
due : ① 만기가 된, 지급 기일이 된 ② 정당한 ③ ~할 예정인, 도착 예정인
even : ① 평평한 ② 짝수의 ③ ~ 조차도
express : ⓝ 급행 열차 ⓥ 표현하다
facility : ① 쉬움, 용이함 ② 시설, 설비
fail : ①실패하다 ②실망시키다 ③말문을 막다
fair : ⓐ① 공정한, 공평한 ② 규칙에 어긋나지 않는 ③ 꽤 많은 ④ 살결이 흰
ⓝ 박람회
fall : ⓥ① 떨어지다 ② 무너지다 ⓝ① 낙하
② 가을
fence : ① 울타리 ② 검술
figure : ① 인물 ② 모습 ③ 숫자
figure out : ① 이해하다(=understand)
② 계산하다(=calculate)
fine : ⓐ 훌륭한 ⓝ 벌금
fire : ⓝ 불 ⓥ ① 해고하다 ② 발사하다
free : ① 자유로운 ② 무료의 ③ ~이 없는
game : ① 유희 ② 경기 ③ 사냥감
good : ⓝ① 선 ② 이익 ③ (-s)상품
ⓐ① 좋은 ② 알맞은
grave : ⓝ 무덤 ⓐ 중대한, 근엄한
hail : ① 우박 ② 환호하며 맞이하다,
큰 소리로 부르다
hand : ⓝ① 손 ② 시계 바늘 ③ 박수
④ 일손 ⓥ 건네주다
hang : ① 걸다(hang-hung-hung) ② 교수형에 처하다(hang - hanged - hanged)
hold : ① 갖고 있다 ② 생각하다 ③ 유지하다 ④ 개최하다 ⑤ 효력이 있다
humor : ① 해학 ② 기분
identify : ① 확인하다 ② 동일시하다
illustrate : ① 설명하다 ② 삽화를 넣다
interest : ① 관심 ② 중요성 ③ 이자
jam : ① 교통 마비 ② 잼
labor : ① 노동 ② 산고
last : ⓐ① 마지막의, 최근의
② 결코 ~할 것 같지 않은 ⓥ 계속되다
lean : ⓥ① 기대다 ② 구부리다
ⓐ [사람, 동물이] 마른
leave : ⓝ 휴가 ⓥ ① 떠나다 ② 남겨 두다
long : ⓐ① 긴 ② 장황한, 따분한 ⓥ 열망하다
loud : ① 시끄러운 ② 야한
mass : ① 큰 덩어리, 모임, 다수, 대중
② 미사(천주교)
match : ⓝ ① 시합 ② 상대
ⓥ ① 조화되다 ② 필적하다
meantime = meanwhile : ① 그 동안[사이]에 ② 한편
meet : ① 만나다 ② 마중하다(↔ see off) ③ 충족시키다(= satisfy) ④ 대처하다
mind : ⓝ 마음 ⓥ 꺼리다
model : ① 모형 ② 모범
moment : ① 순간 ② 중요성
move : ① 움직이다 ② 감동시키다
③ 이사하다 ④ 제의하다
name : ① 이름 ② (pl.)욕
note : ⓝ① 각서 ② 주, 주석 ③ 주목
④ 지폐 ⑤ 음색, 어조, 곡조
ⓥ① 써두다, 메모하다 ② 주목하다
object : ⓝ ① 물건 ② 대상 ③ 목적
④ [문법] 목적어 ⓥ 반대하다
occasion : ① 기회 ② 근거
odd : ① 남는, 나머지의 ② 홀수의(↔ even) ③ 이상한
odds : ① 차이 ② 승산 ③ 가망성
order : ① 질서 ② 순서 ③ 명령 ④ 주문
own : ① 자기 자신의 ② 소유하다
page : ⓝ① 쪽 ② 시종 ⓥ 이름을 불러 찾다, 삐삐치다
park : ⓝ 공원 ⓥ 주차하다
palm : ① 손바닥 ② 야자
persist : ① 고집하다 ② 지속하다
physical : ① 육체의 ② 물질의
③ 물리학상의 ④ 자연의
pitcher : ① 투수 ② 물 주전자
plant : ⓝ① 식물 ② 공장 ③ 발전소 ⓥ 심다
practice : ⓝ① 실행 ② 관습 ③ 개업
ⓥ 연습하다
property : ① 재산 ② 특질 ③ 소유지
racket : ① (테니스, 배드민턴 등의) 라켓
② 법석, 떠드는 소리
rather : ① 오히려, 차라리 ② 다소, 약간, 좀
rear : ① 뒤(의), 후방(의) ② 기르다
relate : ① 관련시키다 ② 이야기하다
rock : ① 바위 ② 전후(좌우)로 흔들(리)다
room : ① 방 ② 공간 ③여지
run : ① 달리다 ② 흐르다 ③ 운영하다
④ 입후보하다
scale : ① 규모 ② 저울, 저울의 눈금 ③ 비늘
school : ① 학교 ② 유파 ③ (물고기 등의) 떼
score : ① 득점, 점수 ② 악보 ③ 20
seal : ① 도장, 봉인; 도장을 찍다, 봉인하다, 밀폐하다 ② 바다표범, 물개
second : ⓝ 초 ⓐ 두 번째의 ⓥ 지지하다
sentence : ⓝ ①문장 ② 판결 ⓥ 선고하다
shark : ① 상어 ② 사기꾼
shoot : ⓝ① 사격 ② 새싹 ⓥ① 쏘다
② 싹이 돋다
somehow : ① 어떻게든 해서
② 어쩐지, 왠일인지
sound : ⓝ 소리 ⓥ 들리다 ⓐ① 건전한
② (잠이) 깊은
spot : ⓝ 점, 지점 ⓥ 발견하다
stable : ⓝ 마굿간 ⓐ 안정된
step : ① 걸음 ② 계단 ③ 수단 ④ 단계
sterile : ① (땅)불모의(=barren ↔ fertile) ② (식물)열매를 못 맺는 ③ (동물)불임의
stick : ⓝ 막대기 지팡이 ⓥ① 찌르다 ② 내밀다 ③ 달라 붙다 ④ 고수[고집]하다
still : ⓐ① 조용한 ② 움직이지 않는
ad. ① 아직도 ② 그럼에도 불구하고 ③ 훨씬(비교급 강조) ④ 게다가(또)
strip : ⓝ (천, 널빤지 등의) 가늘고 긴 조각
ⓥ (껍질, 겉옷 등을) 벗기다
stuff : ⓝ 재료, 속 ⓥ ~(을) 채우다
subject : ⓝ①주제 ② 과목 ③ 백성 ④ 주어
ⓥ 복종시키다 ⓐ 지배를 받는; 받기 쉬운
succeed : ① 성공하다(in) - success
② 계승하다(to), 계속되다-succession
support : ① 지지하다, 찬성하다
② 지탱하다, 떠받치다 ③ 부양하다
take off : ① 이륙하다(↔ land)
② 벗다(↔ put on)
teach : ① 가르치다 ② 벌주다
term : ① 용어 ② 기간 ③ 학기
④ (pl.)조건 ⑤ (pl.)사이, 관계
till : ① ~까지 ② 경작하다
tip : ① 끝 ② 팁, 사례금 ③ 조언, 힌트
④ (인사하기 위해 모자에) 가볍게 손을 대다
tongue : ① 혀 ② 언어
trunk : ① (나무) 줄기 ② 여행용 큰 가방
③ 코끼리 코 ④ 자동차 뒷 짐칸
upset : ① 뒤집어엎다 ② 당황하게 하다
utter : ⓥ 말하다, 발언하다 ⓐ 완전한, 전적인
virtue : ① 미덕(↔ vice) ② 장점
well : ⓝ 우물 ⓐ 건강한 ad. 잘
will : ①~할 것이다(조동사) ② 의지 ③ 유언
yield : ① 산출하다, 낳다 ② 양보하다 yield sign : (도로) 양보 표지