22:16. I JESUS HAVE SENT MINE ANGEL TO TESTIFY UNTO YOU THESE THINGS. The things that the angel was sent to testify are covered in Rev 1:1. They are the things which must shortly come to pass.
AND THE LORD GOD OF THE HOLY PROPHETS SENT HIS ANGEL TO SHOW UNTO HIS SERVANTS THE THINGS WHICH MUST SHORTLY BE DONE-Rev 22:6. THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST, WHICH GOD GAVE UNTO HIM, TO SHOW UNTO HIS SERVANTS THINGS WHICH MUST SHORTLY COME TO PASS-Rev 1:1. Jesus had sent His angel to testify (or to expound) unto John the Revelation, so that it would be taught IN THE CHURCHES (or to give you this testimony for the churches-NIV). The Revelation is to be taught in the seven churches.
Incredible as it may seem in this Laodicean church age, many churches that teach Jesus is the only way to be saved will not teach on the Revelation. They use the same excuses that the unbelievers use. Clearly, God will not lead a preacher contrary to His Word. Yet, in this age of deception, many Bible teachers actually believe God is leading them not to read or teach the Revelation to their people, even though this is contrary to the Scriptures. The Spirit of God will not lead someone to do contrary to God's Word. Know this, it is written, FOR AS MANY AS ARE LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD, THEY ARE THE SONS OF GOD-Ro 8:14. This is the age of religious deception. Like leaven, it thrives in the Bible schools and continues down through the preachers and on to the people. The deception of this church age is great. Many churches today teach about Jesus, but they will not be raptured. They teach Jesus, but they do not follow Jesus. They will go into the Tribulation. When the Antichrist comes on the scene, their understanding will be so darkened and deceived, they will not even recognize who this man of sin is.
Rev 1:1-THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST, WHICH GOD GAVE UNTO HIM, TO SHOW UNTO HIS SERVANTS THINGS WHICH MUST SHORTLY COME TO PASS; AND HE SENT AND SIGNIFIED IT BY HIS ANGEL UNTO HIS SERVANT JOHN. One of the purposes of the Revelation is to show the servants of Jesus Christ certain things. The Revelation is not for unbelievers, but for those who, when the Lord comes, shall be found watching and so doing. The Revelation gives future events, which are absolutely certain to come to pass. Even as the Revelation was being written, some of the prophecies were already beginning to transpire. The Father gave it to Jesus. Jesus delivered it to the angel. The angel revealed it to John, and John made it known to the servants of God through the written Word. The Revelation is to be taught to the servants of God in today’s churches. Clearly, something is wrong if a preacher will not teach the Revelation. Rev 1:3-BLESSED IS HE THAT READETH, AND THEY THAT HEAR THE WORDS OF THIS PROPHECY, AND KEEP THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE WRITTEN THEREIN: FOR THE TIME IS AT HAND. A special blessing is promised to the individuals that read or hear the words of this prophecy and also keep the things written therein. Note, the verse said, HE THAT READETH, AND THEY THAT HEAR THE WORDS OF THIS PROPHECY. The book of the Revelation is also called "THIS PROPHECY." The importance of the Revelation being taught in the churches today is critical, as THE TIME IS AT HAND. Clearly, something is wrong if a preacher will not teach the Revelation. Rev 1:4-JOHN TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES. Again, it is noted that the Revelation is to be taught to the servants of God in today’s churches. Clearly, something is wrong if a preacher will not teach the Revelation. Rev 1:11-SAYING, I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA…WRITE IN A BOOK, AND SEND IT UNTO THE SEVEN CHURCHES. Again, it is noted that the Revelation is to be taught to the servants of God in today’s churches. Clearly, something is wrong if a preacher will not teach the Revelation. Rev 3:14-AND UNTO THE ANGEL OF THE CHURCH OF THE LAODICEANS WRITE; THESE THINGS SAITH THE AMEN, THE FAITHFUL AND TRUE WITNESS, THE BEGINNING OF THE CREATION OF GOD. This is the age of the Laodicean church that is seeing the fulfillment of many prophecies, which show clearly that the horrible Tribulation period is at hand. Again, it is noted that the Revelation is to be taught to the servants of God in today’s churches. Clearly, something is wrong if a preacher will not teach the Revelation. Rev 3:22-HE THAT HATH AN EAR, LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT SAITH UNTO THE CHURCHES. The letter is addressed to the church in general; however, the message is directed to the individual—"HE" that hath an ear. Not everyone has an "ear" or a heart to hear God’s Word. These verses are not addressed to the unbeliever or the make-believe Christian; they are directed to the believers, the church. Even some that are believers can become hardened toward God’s Word and turn away. They no longer have an ear to hear correction. They no longer have a discerning heart to examine themselves by God’s Word to see their true position with Him. They can no longer discern right and wrong by God’s Word. Therefore, both collectively and individually, they are being told, "HE THAT HATH AN EAR," or a heart to understand, "LET HIM HEAR." The Spirit of God is speaking. These same words are repeated in all seven churches. Note the word "churches" is used at the end. It is plural. While each church does cover events from a specific age, each letter is also intended for all church ages to consider and learn from. Again, it is noted that the Revelation is to be taught to the servants of God in today’s churches. Clearly, something is wrong if a preacher will not teach the Revelation. Rev 19:10-FOR THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. The purpose of prophecy is to testify of Jesus and glorify Him. "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." The Old Testament often foretold of the first coming of Jesus. To our generation, prophecy tells of the second coming of Jesus. Again, it is noted that the Revelation is to be taught in today’s churches. Clearly, something is wrong if a preacher will not teach the Revelation. Rev 22:6-AND HE SAID UNTO ME, THESE SAYINGS ARE FAITHFUL AND TRUE: AND THE LORD GOD OF THE HOLY PROPHETS SENT HIS ANGEL TO SHOW UNTO HIS SERVANTS THE THINGS WHICH MUST SHORTLY BE DONE (or happen soon, or take place). God's Word is perfect and true. What He said will certainly come to pass and can be trusted. The Revelation is shown to "His servants," to those that are taught by the Spirit. The importance of these things being taught is so great, God sent His angel to show them. God’s wants His people to know and understand what must take place soon as related in the Scriptures and specifically in the Revelation. Again, it is noted that the Revelation is to be taught to the servants of God in today’s churches. Clearly, something is wrong if a preacher will not teach the Revelation. Rev 22:7-BEHOLD, I COME QUICKLY: BLESSED IS HE THAT KEEPETH THE SAYINGS OF THE PROPHECY OF THIS BOOK. A person can be hindered from keeping the sayings of the Revelation if his church will not teach it. The Revelation is to be taught to the servants of God in today’s churches. Clearly, something is wrong if a preacher will not teach the Revelation. Rev 22:10-AND HE SAITH UNTO ME, SEAL NOT THE SAYINGS OF THE PROPHECY OF THIS BOOK: FOR THE TIME IS AT HAND. The Revelation is not a sealed book. It was given to John to be understood; however, the understanding is reserved for "His servants." Correct understanding of much of the Revelation is hidden from those that are not His servants. The Revelation contains prophecy; it covers the past, present, and future. The fulfillment of these prophecies is now at hand. Therefore, the meaning of the book is not withheld from the saints. Again, it is noted that the Revelation is to be taught to the servants of God. Clearly, something is wrong if a preacher will not teach the Revelation. Rev 22:16-I JESUS HAVE SENT MINE ANGEL TO TESTIFY UNTO YOU THESE THINGS IN THE CHURCHES. Jesus sent His angel to testify (or to expound) unto John the Revelation so that it would be taught in the seven churches. Again, it is noted that the Revelation is to be taught in today’s churches. Clearly, something is wrong if a preacher will not teach the Revelation. Rev 22:18,19-FOR I TESTIFY UNTO EVERY MAN THAT HEARETH THE WORDS OF THE PROPHECY OF THIS BOOK, IF ANY MAN SHALL ADD UNTO THESE THINGS, GOD SHALL ADD UNTO HIM THE PLAGUES THAT ARE WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK: AND IF ANY MAN SHALL TAKE AWAY FROM THE WORDS OF THE BOOK OF THIS PROPHECY, GOD SHALL TAKE AWAY HIS PART OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE, AND OUT OF THE HOLY CITY, AND FROM THE THINGS WHICH ARE WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK. A grave warning is given; it might be called a warning of doom. There are people in this generation that have committed this sin. There are those that have rewritten the Bible and even left out this verse. God's warning is, do not tamper with the prophecy of this book (the Revelation)! The Revelation is to be taught to the servants of God in today’s churches. Clearly, something is wrong if a preacher will not teach the Revelation.
The Laodicean church age, which we are now in, is to take heed to this book. Woe unto them that refuse to teach this book, that warn against the study of this book, that falsely say this book cannot be understood. Woe to them that say the time is not at hand, that teach contrary to this book, that say this book is not inspired. It may be said, one way the Adversary causes preachers to take away from the words of the Revelation is not to teach it at all. Thus, the preacher leaves his congregation in darkness regarding many things that Jesus has ordained to be taught. Deut 12:32-WHAT THING SOEVER I COMMAND YOU, OBSERVE TO DO IT: THOU SHALT NOT ADD THERETO, NOR DIMINISH FROM IT. Ministers that will not teach the Revelation would do well to take heed to these words.
The Word of God has made it very clear: the Revelation is to be taught in His churches. It is Satan’s desire that it not be taught, or that it be taught incorrectly. |