This story's title is "Caillou Goes to a Theme Park."
One day, Cailu Caillou went to an amusement park with his family.
Cailu Caillou went on a ride, ate cotton candy, and rode a Ferris wheel.
In the Ferris wheel While at the amusement park, Cailu Caillou wanted a big teddy bear, so he played a ring toss game and won a teddy bear.
When Cailu's mom asked her which one she liked the most Caillou's mom asked him what he liked the most at the amusement park, Cailu Caillou said it was winning the big teddy bear.
Score: B+
- "Cailu"는 항상 "Caillou"로 수정하세요. 대문자와 철자가 중요해요.
(Always correct "Cailu" to "Caillou" with proper capitalization.) - "In the Ferris wheel"는 부자연스럽기 때문에 "While at the amusement park"로 고치는 것이 더 적합해요.
(Change "In the Ferris wheel" to "While at the amusement park" for better context.) - 엄마가 물어본 대화의 흐름을 더 자연스럽게 만들기 위해 "asked her which one she liked"를 "asked him what he liked"로 고치세요.
(To make the dialogue more natural, correct "asked her which one she liked" to "asked him what he liked.") - Caillou가 게임에서 이겼을 때의 기쁨이나 가족이 함께 축하한 모습을 추가하면 이야기가 더 생동감 있게 느껴질 거예요.
(Add details about Caillou's joy in winning the game or his family's celebration to make the story more vivid.)