Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 289. Training for the kingdom of heaven
12 Life on earth is training to adjust yourself to your eternal homeland. This life on earth is not eternal. It is merely a period you pass through, like your school days. If you fail during this period, you are in serious trouble. Do not become a failure. Instead, achieve success in your family, in the nation and in the world. Once you gain success in the world, you can enter the kingdom of heaven on earth. Someone who has lived in heaven on earth, and was appreciated by everything there, will also be welcomed by everything in the kingdom of heaven in heaven. Someone who has repeatedly invested for the sake of others with love, and has forgotten that investment, will be close to the throne of God on high. Since that person’s nature is like God’s, he or she will stand in the position of His child and will automatically be close to Him. The spirit world is the world of the original homeland, the original home, where God dwells eternally. Since we began from that place, we will return there. (257-052, 1994.03.13) 13 At the time of creation, God’s mind was at peace in the heavenly kingdom because He had provided human beings with the formula for achieving equality in love. Therefore God cannot be accused. The same formula still applies. Who is the textbook of love? You yourselves should be model fathers, husbands, sons and leaders. Therefore I am training the mothers and fathers, then the family members, and then the nation. You are being trained to live in the kingdom of heaven. This training connects the individual, family, society, nation and world. (102-125, 1978.11.27) 14 You need to be trained to qualify to enter heaven in the next world, the spirit world, which is the original homeland. To qualify, an individual, a family and a tribe must become a model of complete oneness, which seven generations of descendants can follow. There should be no fighting among them. They should not struggle with one another over personal possessions. (310-110, 1999.06.15) 15 If there is a family, it should be a happy family and the nation should also be a happy one. There should be no concept of struggle, only harmony. In the heavenly kingdom in the spirit world, harmony reaches the highest standard and you have to measure up to it. The spirit world transcends time and space; as quickly as you think of it, you can travel from one end of the world to the other and back. You can’t imagine how fast it is. Light travels 300 million meters in a second. If in your life on earth you cannot keep up with the rhythm of that world, you will fall behind when you go there. From now on, those who do not know about the spirit world cannot become citizens of the heavenly kingdom when they go there. (519-213, 2006.03.04) 16 If you want to go to heaven, you need to qualify. You need a ticket to enter the kingdom of heaven. You cannot go in freely. In the spirit world, everything about your life is known immediately. There is a computer in the spirit world. Manmade computers are amazing, but the computers in the spirit world can show your entire life in a minute with the touch of a button. You cannot lie. Every detail of how you were born as someone’s son or daughter and how you lived your life is revealed. (250-110, 1993.10.12) 17 Just as your conscience knows everything about your life, every detail of your life is recorded in a computer in the spirit world. When you go to the spirit world, just by entering your name in the computer your whole life is revealed in an instant. Since the spirit world transcends time and space, you can instantly see the record of every detail of your life, right then and there. Thus the conscience is the start button of the computer in the eternal world. Entries are made on the basis of what it knows. All the deeds that have caused you pangs of conscience are entered just as they are. A life that has no such misgivings is recorded as a clean life. Therefore you cannot make excuses when you go to the spirit world. You will see clearly how you have lived your whole life. The earthly world is the training center where, with the knowledge that the spirit world exists, you prepare to go to that world and be ushered in. (256-250, 1994.03.14) 18 To go to the kingdom of heaven you should be able to say, “I am the representative of the Old Testament Age in which Adam failed; the representative of the era of Jesus, who is the center of the New Testament Age; and the representative of the Completed Testament Age, representing the era of completion.” Once the realm of parents has been completed for each of these three ages, Satan can no longer remain. In such a place there will be no more obstacles. When these three ages are complete, the world will have no problems. Satan will disappear and the gates to hell will be opened. A highway to the kingdom of heaven will be laid down. Then families will automatically be connected to the eternal kingdom of heaven. That will be a land of freedom. (302-290, 1999.06.26) 19 If your mind and body are not united, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Since you have come to know this principle, you need to subjugate your body, even if it means sitting on it and forcing it to do what the mind wants to do. You must attain perfect dominion over yourself before attempting dominion over the universe. You have no idea how difficult that is. The body is strong, and so is Satan’s world. I have fought this difficult battle. In that battle you have to give up everything—your nation and your clan, your mother and father, your husband or wife, even your own body. You must fall down into the hell of imprisonment. If God tells you to go out and pioneer, you should go all the way to hell and start pioneering your way back up. Only then can you become a person needed by God. (412-307, 2003.07.02) 20 When you work hard witnessing and raising funds, why do people persecute and accuse you? It is to help you find the heart that you are lacking. It is to help you find love. It is to help you become people who can love others. Without undergoing such a course of training, you cannot become heavenly people, no matter how much you try. In other words, you should find love greater than that in Satan’s world. Otherwise you cannot go to the heavenly kingdom. Only those who become people of love can go to the kingdom of heaven. At that time, God will be the Lord of Judgment, Jesus will be the Lord of Judgment, and I will be the Lord of Judgment. Therefore you need to practice love. This is the task we face. It is the task and command issued in accordance with God’s law. (103-238, 1979.03.01) 21 You are subject to judgment by the Word. If you do not listen, you will be held accountable. So you need to actualize the Word. If you fail to take action to substantiate the Word, you will face the judgment of substance. There is judgment of the Word, of substance and of heart. You must face these three great processes. First you will be judged by the Word of the Principle. (103-236, 1979.03.01) |