뉴질랜드에서 가장빠르게 성장하는 스포츠가 야구라는걸 알고 계시나요?
전국적으로 7000명의 야구 동호인들이 있다고합니다.
타우랑가 시티 야구 클럽은 많은 아이들이 같이 즐길 수 있길 목표로 두고 있습니다.
9월 18일 (일요일) 11시부터 2시까지 파파모아에 위치한 Gordon Spratt Reserve에서 타우랑가 야구 클럽에서 오픈데이를 합니다. (비가 올경우 그 다음주 일요일인 9월 25일날 합니다.)
야구에 관심이 많은 친구들에게는 더없이 좋은 기회일것입니다. 또한 관심이 없는 학생들이라도 한번쯤 체험해보는것도 좋지 않을까요?
이벤트 장소에서 던지기 콘테스트, 멀리 맞춰 날리기, 어린 아이들을 위한 키위볼, 세계적인 뉴질랜드 야구 선수들을 만나볼 기회 등등 준비 되어있습니다.
현재 타우랑가 야구 클럽에서는 프리시즌 트레이닝, 9살 이하의 어린 아이들을 위한 프로그램, 쥬니어 대회, 시니어 대회 등을 진행하고 있습니다.
더 자세한 정보를 알고 싶으신분들은 아래에 있는 주소를 참고하여주세요~
Did you know that Baseball is one of New Zealand’s fastest growing sports?
Tauranga City Baseball Club threw the first ever competitive pitch in Tauranga last season and thus joined the 7,000 other people now engaged in baseball across the country.
Interest has grown such that our preseason winter training has almost doubled our junior numbers from last year. Our main goal right now is to have as many kids as possible playing Baseball and competing in local and national competitions. We are already representing the Bay of Plenty with pride. Endorsements from Baseball NZ provide us with great encouragement, as well as the praise from the parents of kids already playing the game in Tauranga.
The world famous Tauranga City Baseball Open day is on Sunday the 18th of September from 11 AM to 2 PM at Gordon Spratt Reserve in Papamoa (wet weather postponement date is Sunday 25th September). This is perfect if you’d like to find out more about Baseball or just to give it a go. We will have pitching contests, longest hits, Kiwiball (T-Ball) for the little kids, NZ International baseball players and the famous TCB hotdogs – and more!
Tauranga City Baseball club offers:
Players that excel in baseball have many international sporting and educational opportunities – we hope that one day some of our local junior players will benefit from these opportunities.
The initial opportunities are achieved early in baseball as players are selected from the national club tournaments that we attend yearly. Training days for coaches, umpires and players are facilitated by Baseball New Zealand annually.