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카페 게시글
영어자료실 스크랩 12.26.화 rasping 신경을 자극하는, 뛰어넘기 어려운 pneumonia 폐렴
상당구 추천 0 조회 19 09.08.10 11:01 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

하세요~ ^^ 출처 : EBS radio / Morning special


12.26.화 rasping 신경을 자극하는, 뛰어넘기 어려운 pneumonia 폐렴

12.26.화 rasping 신경을 자극하는, 뛰어넘기 어려운 pneumonia 폐렴

12.26.화 rasping 신경을 자극하는, 뛰어넘기 어려운 pneumonia 폐렴


1 Korea selects two finalists, San Ko and So Youn Lee, who will undergo intensive tests and training to become the country's first astronaut.

어제 본격적으로 임무수행 훈련을 받게 될 우리나라 최초의 우주인 후보에 고산씨와 이소연씨가 선정됐습니다.

If you undergo something necessary or unpleasant, it happens to you.

** New recruits have been undergoing training in recent weeks.

undergo ~을 만나다. 겪다. 견디다

2 Newcastle disease, a fatal poultry infection, has been found in Chonan, the site for the latest outbreak of the highly pathogenic avian influenza.

고병원성 조류인플루엔자 발병으로 이동제한 조치가 내려진 천안의 양계농장에서 또다시 가축전염병인 뉴캐슬병이 발견됐습니다.

the site for the latest outbreak of the highly pathogenic avian influenza... 고병원성 조류인플루엔자 발병했던 지역에서....

= If there is an outbreak of something unpleasant, such as violence or a disease, it suddenly starts to happen.

= outbreak (전쟁·질병 등의) 발발, 돌발 ; 돌연한 발생[출현];격증, 급증

** the outbreak of war 전쟁의 발발

** an outbreak of hives 꿀벌의 급증

3 Korean economic experts cite real estate issue and household debt as major drag on economy next year.

전문가들은 집값 불안과 가계대출 급증을 내년 우리나라 금융 불안 요인으로 지목했습니다.

drag 잡아 끌다..질질 끌다..컴퓨터에서 드래그...

4 Iran reacted defiantly to the United Nations Security Council resolution imposing sanctions because of the country’s nuclear program.

이란이 우라늄 농축 등 핵 활동 중단을 거부한 데에 대한 유엔안전보장이사회의 제재 결의를 전면 거부하겠다는 뜻을 밝혔습니다.

defiant 도전적인, 반항적인, 시비조의;거만한(insolent)

** be defiant of ~을 무시하다

** with a defiant air 반항적인 태도로

5 Ethiopian warplanes bombed the main airport in Mogadishu, where Islamists have their stronghold.

에티오피아 정부가 이슬람군벌이 장악하고 있는 소말리아의 모가디슈 국제공항을 전투기로 공습했습니다.

where Islamists have their stronghold. 이슬람의 거점인...

stronghold ~의 근거지, 거점. 또는 (사상·신앙 등의) 본거지...

Buying spirit lifts on Boxing Day

WHILE some shoppers will be starting to relax today after the rush of pre-Christmas shopping, many are preparing for the post-Christmas sales. Boxing Day has become the biggest shopping day of the year as shoppers hit the streets to pick up bargains and even some items they didn't plan on buying.

And retail staff have worked over-time to prepare their stores for today. Retailers are expected shoppers to be queueing outside the store early morning and expected their store also to be bursting with people.

(1st) queueing  머리를 땋다... 길게 줄을 서다.

(2nd) bursting 폭발하다... 가득차다 팽팽해 지다

*burst out with laughter (out burst)

*burst into tears

Legendary singer James Brown dies at 73

James Brown, the dynamic, "Godfather of Soul," whose rasping vocals and revolutionary rhythms made him a founder of rap, funk and disco as well, died early Monday, his agent said. He was 73. and was hospitalized with pneumonia.

Along with Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan and a handful of others, Brown was one of the major musical influences of the past 50 years. At least one generation idolized him, and sometimes openly copied him. His rapid-footed dancing inspired Mick Jagger and Michael Jackson among others.

rasping 신경을 자극하는, 뛰어넘기 어려운

pneumonia 폐렴

handful 한 움큼의, 소수의

idolized (worship) 우상화하다. 숭배하다.
