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강남 꿈틀에서 래팅할래? (영어회화 동호회)
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[수]-초중급TED Talks! [테드] 장동우 - 활 만들기의 예술(The art of bow-making)
Jonathan Lion 추천 0 조회 369 16.03.19 00:30 댓글 4
게시글 본문내용
첨부된 파일
  • 작성자 16.03.19 02:50

    첫댓글 caveman 원시인
    mulberry 뽕나무
    sneak 몰래 숨겨오다
    sickle 낫
    sawdust 톱밥
    trim 다듬다
    polish 윤내다
    premeditate 미리 계획하다
    arson 방화
    maple 단풍나무
    yew 주목
    springiness 탄력성
    belly 배 부분
    sinew 건, 힘줄
    limb 사지, 큰 가지
    horn 뿔
    heritage 유산, 전통
    consolation 위로, 위안

  • 16.03.22 11:07

    1. Do you agree that "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" ?
    If so, Why do you think such a that ? When do you think such a case ?

    2. When you were in school student under high-pressure environment, What did you response to that ?
    How did you overcome the situation ?

    3. Have you ever concentrated to something except school or company job ?
    If so, What was that ? and Are there episode about that ?

  • 16.03.22 11:08

    4. How do you feel while doing something you concentrate ? Are you still doing that ?

    5. Have you ever tried to shoot a bow ? When, Where, and What did you feel of shooting ?

    6. Do you have somthing you want to do in future ?
    That may be hobby. What is your plan for that ?

  • 작성자 16.03.22 19:22

    질문 제작 감사! 좋네요 ^^
