시작도 끝도, 호주 최고위 공무원들의 부패. 공통점은 약자 재산 약탈 (정동희를 살리자)
(25년 3월 뷰 : 하이 코리아Hi Korea! '정동희를 살리자' Ⅱ
호주 최고위층 정부 비리와 공권력 횡포를 보여주는 내 이야기
시작도 호주 최고위층 공무원 비리였고
끝도 호주 최고위 공무원 조직비리였다)
내 이야기의 시작은 24년 2월에 호주 정부출자 은행으로부터 내 돈 인출과정에서 발생한 은행장의 뇌물 요구이었다.
당시 돈이 묶여 돈이 없었던 나는 그 호주 정부출자 은행장의 나에 대한 뇌물 요구 사건을 the Australian Prudential Supervision Bureau에 신고할 수 밖에 없었다.
신고 후에 호주 금융당국에 의해 이 정부출자 은행자의 비리 규모가 밝혀졌다. 그런데 (한국과 달리) 호주는 내가 최초 신고자였기에, 민사재판으로 이어져야 되며 (그렇지 않을 경우 내 인출을 1년간 주지 않겠다고 하여) 어쩔 수 없이 피동적으로 재판에 응하였다. the Australian Prudential Supervision Bureau와 직접 긴밀하게 관련된 변호사팀이 이 재판에서 이길 확률과 금액이 너무 확정적이라고 부추기었고 그래도 돈이 없어 재판 안하겠다고 나는 버텼는데, 그럼에도 나의 지인이 이미 낸 변호사비 일부에 해당하는 10만불을 호주 금융당국이 못돌려주겠다고 하여 결국 내가 집을 팔아 변호사비를 내게 되었다.
the Australian Prudential Supervision Bureau와 직접 긴밀하게 관련된 변호사팀은 거액의 변호사비를 다 받고 나서야 재판비가 10만불 넘는 걸 뒤늦게 이야기했고, 특히 승소해도 내가 외국인이기에 승소금 10분의 1을 예탁해야 되는 사실을 재판 판결문을 보고 나서야 나는 뒤늦게 알았다.
그리고 재판 종결 절차과정에서 '끝도 호주 최고위 공무원 조직비리'였다
비유를 하면 이렇다
24년11월 재판 승소 트로피를 출고하는데 드는 비용을 the banking supervision bureau에 물었고 출고비(=송금료 등)이 6000달러라고 해서 돈을 지불했다.
그런데 24년 12월에 the banking supervision bureau가 갑자기 이 재판과 전혀 무관한 (예를 들면 나의 과거 교통범칙금이 얼마 발생하여 내었기 때문에) 트집을 잡으면서 189823달러를 내야 출고가 된다고 우겼다.
그래서 호주 정부출자 은행장이 관련된 사건이라 내 사건 종결을 직접 처리하는 Western Australia's Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley에게 나의 대리인을 보내서 '국제법에 반하는 double jeopardy 강행'에 유감을 표하고 약자인 내가 어쩔 수 없이 돈을 내겠는데 '이 돈이 마지막 비용이냐?'고 공식적으로 물었다. 그런데 Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley는 189823달러 외에 38960usd와 12000usd를 더 얹어서 말하고 정부문서로 '이 비용들이 absoulutely final fees'라고 정부 문서로 답을 한 것이다. 이 정도로 정부문서로 법무장관이 발행하고 관련부처에도 배포되었으니, 내가 사실상 내 목숨을 담보로 위험한 사채를 조달하여 돈을 결국 내었다.
그런데 돈 받고 몇 일 뒤에 the banking supervision bureau는 24년11월에 내가 출고비를 물었을 때 답변한 자신의 답을 부정하고, 다시 이중으로 그것도 20만불 넘게 뻥튀기하여 다시 요구하는 만행을 저지른다.
그리고 Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley는 자신의 직전 문서약속을 뒤집고 이 이중청구에 응하지 않으면 거액의 지체금이 붙고 2월20일자로 내 민사소승 승소 트로피를 모두 박탈하겠다는 게 '호주 정부 공권력 만행'의 실제 이야기이다.
(호주는 한국과 달리 사회에 크게 영향을 주는 사건을 가끔 비공개로 지정하는데, 위 정부출자은행장의 뇌물 사건이 그렇게 지정되어, 나름 민사재판의 원고 입장에서 이를 따를 수 밖에 없었는데, 문제는 재판종결 절차 막바지에 사건의 시작인 정부출자은행장의 뇌물사건 만큼이나 부패 냄새를 내며 워낙 자의적으로 국제법에 반하는 3가지 연속적으로 공권력 횡포 속에 제가 죽을 지경이라서 뒤늦게 25년1월23일부터 사실상 제 목숨을 걸고 싸우고 있는 중입니다)
국제법 위반은 물론이고 호주 주 단위의 사법조직을 총괄하는 법무장관의 막강한 위치에서 정부 문서 약속 위반 / 이중 뻥튀기 재청구 등의 믿기 어려운 일들이 실제로 자행되고 있는데, 이를 제 혼자 그동안 처절하게 싸워왔다는 게 제 이야기의 핵심입니다)
(the banking supervision bureau는 개인을 상대로 하지 않고 정부조직과 금융기관만을 상대로 하는 호주 금융감독 최상위 조직입니다. 일반인에게는 생소한데, 서호주 관련 장관 및 호주 재무장관 이메일에서도 이 존재를 확인할 수 있습니다.)
어제도 호주 연방 상하원 의원들과 서호주 의원들에게 이메일 보냈는데, Christine Tonkin 연방 하원의원의 답변이 다음과 같이 왔습니다.
Contact the government in your country and DO NOT contact me again
이걸 이해하기 쉽게 번역하면, 호주 최고위 공무원들이 너 돈을 떼먹더라도 나한테 이야기하지 말고 너희 나라에서 해결하라는 말입니다.
대체 국가란 무엇입니까?
From beginning to end, corruption among Australia's highest officials. What they have in common is the plunder of the property of the weak.
My story showing corruption and tyranny of public power at the highest levels of government in Auz; It all started with corruption at the highest level in Australia.
The end result was organizational corruption among Australia’s highest-ranking civil servants.
My story began with the bank president's request for a bribe while withdrawing my money from an Australian government-owned bank in February 2024.
As I was strapped for money at the time, I had no choice but to report the Australian government-owned bank manager's demand for a bribe from me to the Australian Prudential Supervision Bureau.
After the report, the extent of the government-funded bank's corruption was revealed by the Australian financial authorities. However, in Australia (unlike Korea), since I was the first reporter, it had to proceed to a civil trial (otherwise they said they would not withhold my withdrawal for one year), so I had no choice but to passively submit to the trial.
The team of lawyers directly closely related to the Australian Prudential Supervision Bureau encouraged me by saying that the probability and amount of winning in this trial were too certain, and I persisted, saying that I would not go to trial because I had no money. However, the Australian financial authorities said they would not return $100,000, which was part of the legal fees that my acquaintance had already paid, so I ended up having to sell my house and pay the legal fees.
The team of lawyers directly and closely related to the Australian Prudential Supervision Bureau belatedly told me that the trial fee was over $100,000 only after receiving all of the large amount of legal fees. In particular, even if I won, I belatedly learned after reading the trial decision that I would have to deposit 1/10th of the winning fee because I was a foreigner.
And in the process of concluding the trial, 'the end result was organizational corruption among Australia's highest-ranking officials.'
The analogy goes like this:
In November 24, I asked the banking supervision bureau about the cost of shipping the winning trophy, and they said the shipping fee (= remittance fee, etc.) was $6,000, so I paid the money.
However, in December 24, the banking supervision bureau suddenly made a complaint that had nothing to do with this trial (for example, because I had accrued and paid a lot of traffic fines in the past) and insisted that I had to pay to be released.
So, since it was a case involving the head of an Australian government-owned bank, I sent my representative to Western Australia's Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, who was personally handling the closure of my case, expressed regret for 'enforcing double jeopardy against international law', and formally asked, 'Is this the final cost?', since I, the weak one, had no choice but to pay the money. However, Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley added 38960usd and 12000usd in addition to $189823, and responded in a government document that 'these costs are absoulutely final fees'. To this extent, it was issued by the Minister of Justice as a government document and distributed to relevant ministries, so I actually put my life as collateral to raise a risky private loan and eventually paid the money.
However, a few days after receiving the money, the banking supervision bureau denied the answer I gave when I asked about the shipping fee in November 24, and committed the atrocity of requesting more than $200,000.
And Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, reversed his previous written promise and threatened to impose a large amount of delay money and forfeit all my civil suit victory trophies as of February 20th if I did not respond to this double claim, which is the true story of 'Australian government public power brutality'.
Not only is it a violation of international law, but in the powerful position of the Attorney General who oversees the judicial organization at the Australian state level, unbelievable things such as violation of promises in government documents and double claims for false claims are actually being committed, and the core of my story is that I have been fiercely fighting this all alone.
The Auz government = ‘the shepherd boy from Aesop’s fable’! The Korean people trust in the Australian government has fallen to the level of a fraud, and view the Western Australia Attorney General's brutality against me as a perfect fraud.
('Three consecutive incidents of violence by public power' that occurred during the process of finalizing the trial by the Attorney General of Western Australia, destroying international trust in the Australian government.)
I have contacted the Australian Attorney General and the National Human Rights Commission of Korea 20 times so far, but there has been no response, so I shouldn't get my hopes up. However, the Australian Federal Finance Minister sent an official response to my inquiry yesterday, as attached.
In particular, the Korean people view the Western Australia Attorney General's brutality against me as a complete fraud, and their trust in the Australian government has fallen to the level of a fraudster (to the point where they shake their heads in excitement and refuse to listen even when they talk about the Australian government).
The Attorney General of Western Australia has committed three atrocities by public power that are against international law, and I have become a complete beggar, and Koreans who have witnessed this behavior no longer trust the Australian government.
Naturally, responsibility for the current situation lies with the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau (who lied as much as the shepherd boy did).
First, considering the actual situation of Koreans who feel that the Australian government is a fraud against me, who is bankrupt, only Abedi Platform, which acted as my agent during my Australian trial, does not view these double billed costs as such, so please allow me to borrow from them and pay them.
Second, please allow the 'two-step approach' method of using the entire deposit of $50,000 or $25,000 that I paid in connection with the withdrawal in February of last year, which is completely separate from this trial, receiving the trial winnings for it as a temporary account first, and then paying the remaining 'balance of double billed expenses' from there.
(Auz Attorney General's large-scale fraud at the case closing stage) The director is Western Australia's Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley. and the main character is the banking supervision bureau.
This true story consists of three consecutive acts of fraud by public power (against international law and common sense), turning good-intentioned trial winners into complete beggars and, as a result, helping criminals.
(At the end of the trial, the plaintiff who won the good faith trial (not the two parties, but the Australian Attorney General himself) used three violence in succession in the following order)
The Australian Attorney General must stop the 'barbaric tyranny of public power' that violates international law by forcing Double Jeopardy, ⓑ breaking promises in government documents he issued, and ⓒ forcing 'hige' double payment of costs and ⓓ destroying the property of those who win the trial.
ⓐ They violate international law by forcing Double Jeopardy (At 30th Dec 2024)
ⓑ breaking promises 'this is absolutely final fees' in government document he issued (at 6th Jan 2025)
ⓒ forcing 'hige' double payment of costs (at 23th Jan 2025)
ⓓ destroying the property of those who win the trial. (From Nov 2024 to Now)
I was so outraged by the tyranny of public power by Western Australia's Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau, that I sent an email to the attorneys general of other Commonwealth countries and law professors in Australia, the UK, Canada and the US last night.
I also contacted some professors.
Their common view is that ''violates international law by forcing Double Jeopardy, ⓑ breaking promises in government documents he issued, and ⓒ forcing double payment of costs and destroying the property of those who win the trial.''
‘Western Australia’ tarnishes national trust in Australia at the level of international common sense.
'The Australian government's violation of its promises in government documents and double billing' financially ruined the successful trial winner and his parents and virtually killed his father physically.
(the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau must show 'minimum morality' so that Zheng Dong-hee, who is weak in breach of promise and double billing, can respond in two stages)
Australia must coexist with Asia! (I hope the Australian government shows that it is not a robber Ⅱ)
Western Australia must not ignore East Asia!
Western Australia the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau must show 'minimum morality' so that Zheng Dong-hee, who is weak in breach of promise and double billing, can respond in two stages!
I am attaching the 'official confirmation email from the Attorney General of South Australia (located between Western Australia and New South Wales), right next to Western Australia' that I received yesterday.
At that time, I could not have imagined that the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, would break the government promise he had issued in writing a few days later. And he has not responded to my desperate appeals, which have been close to 20 times since then. So I appealed to the Attorney General in the area twice, and Hon Kyam Maher MLC, Minister for Aorney-General, sympathized with what I said and sent an official email even though it was not under his jurisdiction. Australian financial regulators are also surprised by the 'public power violence that speaks two stories with one mouth at a time' in the blind spot of 'the banking supervision bureau that only deals with government agencies and financial platforms'.
Australian federal ministers and an overwhelming majority of Australian parliamentarians are 'watching a fire across the river' in silence about my nearly 20 desperate appeals, but the number of Australian parliamentarians who respond like beans in a drought is just as many as the British House of Commons members who respond to my single email.
I have not thought of complaining to the press for two weeks since January 23, 2025, when the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, broke his document promise. They have no self-reflection at all and are so obsessed with the principle of killing me that when I consulted with journalists yesterday, the British journalist was surprised, and the Singaporean journalist was especially surprised.
[Let's show the Australian government is not a robber. (I ask for a "two-step exit plan")]My 84-year-old mother, who taught at a university for many years, describes Western Australia's Attorney-General Minister Quigley's recent breach of a promise made in a government document and the re-charging of remittance fees by the banking supervision in one word: 'It's robbery.'
The Australian government, which commits such an inhumane atrocity that ruins the winner of the trial, is barbaric and a fraud for a government agency to arbitrarily seize all the rights and property of a good-intentioned individual (without even 0.1% self-reflection).
Now, my parents and I cannot even imagine that the Australian government would not keep the minimum level of common sense and trust, so we sent all our assets to the Australian government and have become beggars, suffering miserably from debt collection by creditors in Korea.
I have been so aggrieved that I have continued to tell the Western Australian Ombudsman about the abuse of power by the Attorney General of Western Australia and the banking supervision, but the Western Australian Ombudsman only briefly replied twice, saying (without saying a word about this) 'we cannot investigate complaints about private individuals or organisations. Accordingly, your complaint is now closed and we will not respond to you any further about this matter'.
Please do not let the winner of the trial be defeated in this inhumane way, and please also (acknowledge at least a little of your own wrongdoing) so that I and my parents, who have trusted the Australian government and sent all their assets to the Australian government, will at least not be laughed at ('Look, don't trust the Australian government regarding Australia either' to Koreans and other Asians inwardly) and so that the following realistic win-win exit strategy can be dramatically concluded today.
Even if I do not receive all of the court winnings, I beg the Australian government to help me and my parents escape this long suffering by 'please do not be harassed by debtors in Korea'.
Trusting Minister Quigley's promise in a government document that "Absolutely this is final fees," and considering the extreme situation of "me and my parents, who have once again raised risky debt and sent it to the Australian government and become completely penniless," I ask for a "two-step exit plan of paying the next fee by depositing a trial victory fee equivalent to the cost within the remaining $50,000 of the deposit related to the withdrawal in February of last year (which is separate from this trial) from a temporary account to pay the next fee."
(I completely believed in the promises made in the previous the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley's document and the answer from the banking supervision bureau in November of last year, so please don’t die as a result of believing that.)
(Key Summary and My Demands: Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau, please stop killing me with a minimum of conscience and international common sense!
I was already insolvent at the end of last year while responding to the continuous request for remittance of expenses after the Australian court victory. In particular, I was shocked by the fact that the expenses on December 30th last year were an anti-international act of the Australian government that violates international law prohibiting Double Jeopardy.
With these concerns, I asked the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, 'Is this really the final fee?'. The Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley responded in writing on January 6th, 2025, by government document, 'This is absolutely final fees.'
So I borrowed a dangerous private loan that I could never borrow, using my life as collateral, and paid the money to the banking supervision bureau in Australia.
However, a few days after receiving this money, which was like my life, the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley broke his promise in writing.
And the banking supervision bureau asked for my expenses in November last year. The Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley is threatening that if I do not pay by this Friday, a daily late fee of USD 9,870 will be charged and that on February 20th, I will be considered as giving up and lose all my assets in an instant. I earnestly request that the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau resolve this by using the USD 50,000 paid in relation to the withdrawal in February last year, which is completely separate from this trial, to pay part of the costs that the banking supervision bureau is now charging me in double, and receiving the corresponding litigation money into a temporary account managed by the Australian government to pay the remaining costs. This claim is because the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley broke his document promise of 'This is absolutely final fees' by government document dated 6 January 25 and the banking supervision bureau did not answer correctly when they asked about my costs in November last year, which is not entirely my fault.)