18. Formation of the Realm of Unified Global Culture Centering on the Korean Peninsula The difference between the ancient Jewish people and the Korean people is that the Jewish people didn't have global-level thoughts. This is the problem. Judaism did not have the background Korean people have. It was only Korea that combined all major religions in the oriental sphere.
Providentially, if Jesus had not been crucified, he would have united Indian and Chinese culture centering on Judaism. Representing the Indian culture, Buddhism entered into Korea, and Confucianism represents the Chinese culture.
Representing the Western sphere, Christianity won the victory in the Roman Empire and finally came into Korea and bore fruit. Therefore, replacing the Jewish nation, Korea became the base of God's blessings. A fruit of India is Buddhism, which was sown in Korea. The Confucianism of China was also sown in Korea. So, the cultural harmony that was intended to be made in Jesus' time, was sown and flourished in Korea. Do you understand?
After Jesus' time, Christianity failed to unite the world centering on the foundation of such blessings. After 2,000 years, God has found the base in Asia, Korea, where the unification of the Buddhist sphere, Confucian sphere, and Christian sphere will form the whole new world of unification. Providentially, is an undeniable conclusion. (168-67) Centering on the Vatican in Rome, a new civilization and the unification of the Western world were formed; However, the papacy weakened. Hence, not only could they not unite the Western world, but also the unification of the Eastern world could not occur.
Accordingly, centering on the Unification Church, the realm of culture which can bring the unification of East and West must be formed. The realm of the new culture at the global level must be established.
Therefore, just as 1,200 years of Western history centering on the Western culture has been exalted by the Western powers, so, centering on Asia, in the Korean peninsula, a new eternal culture must be formed through the history of a new millennium. This is indemnity for the failure in the Roman peninsula. Then, why is a peninsula important? The Mediterranean is like a woman's womb. It is woman's private part. That's why they established the Atlantic cultural sphere. The Korean peninsula is like a man's genital.
Japan is described as a woman, and dominates the Pacific cultural sphere today. That's why I started fish farming in the Pacific Ocean, Alaska, and South America.
The reason why I started this is that the natural resources from the ocean have a direct relationship with the land resources. Proportionally speaking, resource-wise, the ocean dominates the land. It is a different shape, but water can be compared with the land's air, and fish symbolize the land's people. So, from now on, as in the Roman peninsula, which generated the Atlantic cultural sphere, centering on the Korean peninsula we are entering into the new era of kingship, an ideal era of the unified cultural sphere. This is God's providence. (168-68) |