19. A country where God is present
(1) A country where the Lord can come
There are hundreds of denominations in the world right now, right? Just as there are hundreds of denominations, there are hundreds of nations in the world.
Then, with a particular state as the center, we guide the world into the realm of God's love so that the state may go with God's will, and the family may go with God's will, and individuals may go with God's will. The democratic world is what creates such a sphere.
Therefore, certain countries must appear within the democratic world. That particular country is a Christian country. It is a country that received Jesus' thoughts correctly.
There must be Christianity in such a country. Just as Jesus came, the country of Israel and the country of Judaism should appear. So what kind of people should represent them? God represents a particular race and has divided it into many sects to form a particular church.
Then, the larger the denomination, the better? That's not the case. The smaller the denomination, the better. The bigger the country, the more likely it is for God to achieve his will?That's not the case. The smaller, the more likely it is.
The only country in Israel is Gangwon-do. When I went around Israel, it took less than four and a half hours or five hours. It's such a small country. It's a place where all the rumors spread in a day. For that reason, God is governed around such a particular country.
It is difficult in a country that has laid the foundation throughout its long Christian history. because it perished on the basis of Judaism, which had laid its foundation for thousands of years.
Therefore, it should be a country that suddenly receives benefits and stands on the foundation on which benefits are ignited. In other words, a country with more than one hundred and twenty years of Christianity cannot be a country where the Lord can come.
That's why Korea is the country where the Lord can come. Everyone, how many years is it celebrating in Christianity? How many years has it been since Protestantism came to Korea? It's less than a hundred years old.
As we pass from thirty to sixty years, Christianity must enter into the sphere of persecution. This is the period under Japanese rule. Since Christianity has been persecuted, Christianity in Korea must also be persecuted by the state.
Also, because Christianity has been trampled down so far, it must be a state under tyranny and oppression that can inherit as a particular state. So was the land of Israel in Jesus' time. Korea is the country that meets those conditions. Therefore, all spiritual people know that the Lord will come to Korea.(51-129)
(2) A country where God is present
The purpose of God's 6,000-year history was to find the true founder and ancestor who had lost it. We need to know this. Then how and where will he come? What kind of paths do you take to get to which country? This is the problem.
You can come to the U.S., right? But the trouble is that you can come to Korea. God listens to the prayers of those who beg with sorrow. It became known when you went to a place where you couldn't eat and lived in poverty. In the world, if a son is sick, you think more about him, right? This is how God's love works.
Where then must the Lord come? Where do you want the Lord to come? Koreans would say come to Korea, and Americans would say come to America. Will Americans pray, "Lord! Come to Korea?" Will the English pray, "God! You love our England, but please send the Lord to Korea?" Everyone will just pray like, "Lord! Come to our country, to my room, to my heart."
All those who pray like this are thieves. They make this place an obscene hell and say, "Lord! Come quickly." These are the ones who say "Lord! Come here, come there," as they please, according to their own desires. What a pity for God. Don't you think so? what will the Lord do if he can come where they want him? (20-131)
God's presence is in Korea, but this presence is not unique to Korea. It is said that this point of presence, which represents the world, is automatically recognized when everyone comes forward with sincerity in order to agree and harmonize with each other. You should have that kind of perception. When you pray, think about where God is in the true sense.
God created Adam Eva in the Garden of Eden, creating all things.and he tried to be present with this Adam Eva as the center, but lost his base.
Therefore, the history of comeback has been through adversity and pioneering path of sadness for 6,000 years, and has chosen the gateway to sacrifice in numerous historical processes.
Then, where has God prepared the base point for his presence? That is not Israel, but Korea. In Korea, it is not another place but a unified church. Then, where is the Unification Church? As a result, it comes down to the teacher. (22-46)
(3) Where is the anchor of God's Providence lowered
Don't feel lonely when you say that Korea is a primitive country like Korea. And I felt happy to have been born as a race of this country that had not escaped backwardness until now.
Why? This is because everything that unfolds in front of us is compared to our own, so we have a lot of comparable content and we are more interested in nature. I can't help it.
On the other hand, the people of a country that prides themselves on being a first-class nation will be indifferent to everything as if "what is this?" It's all about what country people see when they come to Seoul, but it's the same as people in Seoul are relatively less interested than people in the country when they come to Seoul.
From this point of view, being born as a citizen of such a backward country rather than any people of such a high cultural level, I am able to have more interests than anyone else to distinguish and compare and analyze everything in the world. Only the people of underdeveloped countries can feel that way.
Will God, who has been a salvation providence, make salvation providence centered on the people of the first-class nation, or will he make relief providence centered on the people of the underdeveloped country? If you look at it shallowly, it seems that the providence is centered on the people of a first-class country, but it is ridiculous.
God does not anchor Providence in an environment where there is no interest in the world, but only in the good things of their own people and their own proud cultures, and in which they think only of their own convenience.
On the other hand, uncivilized peoples have many interests.God will try to anchor Providence among those who have so much interest. I don't know if God appears in a high and precious position, but if he appears in a miserable position, those who recognize themselves as the first citizens of the first-class nation will turn away from him as worthless.
Generally speaking, only when you appear among the people of underdeveloped countries can you have a relationship with God, and many can be interested in him. But if they appear before a particular race, the total number of people who care about God will be limited.(23-77)
(4) A country that can rise to the altar of global debauchery
You've heard a lot that starting with the return of individual debauchery, you have to go on a path to return to debauchery throughout the family, clan, nation, and world. Then, what kind of country can go on a path of debauchery for the world? There must be one country that can represent the world.
Does Japan have authority and prestige as such a country? No. Then is there such a state among those that boast authority and greatness as an advanced country? Is there any country that can represent the world and stand on the altar of debauchery?I don't have any.
They say that the country that enjoys happiness now is not such a country. Only those nations who writhe in the course of history, who have fought bloody battles, who have associated themselves with global events, and who have writhed for themselves, can take responsibility for the world afterwards. You have to know these things.
Then, what kind of race should such a race be? We must be able to pursue such a country and to devote it as a mainstream idea. The people of the whole country, men and women of all ages, ought to be a hundred percent adhering to their ideas and actions, and presenting before them the ideas which can be recalled as symbols of hope, and which can become their mainstream ideas. It has to be such a clan, such a family, such an individual.
Then, which countries in the world are like that? There are many countries in the world today, but Samchully Peninsula, Republic of Korea, is a miserable country with nothing to see, and it has sorrow and misfortune divided in half.
But this is not a country that disappears by bad luck, but rather a country that writhes to break it and wear the armor of a new world. It goes without saying that no matter how much historical resentment clings and blocks the way, if we know the stage of trials that must be held accountable, and if we put our lives into it for a year, 10, 40, or half a century or several centuries, we will become one nation responsible for global debauchery.
From this point of view, can we say that the Republic of Korea has emerged as a nation in the history of many people's destruction and many people's ups and downs over the past 6,000 years? Isn't the history of Korea a history of sadness? I have to be myself who can recognize it.We must now clear up the many twists and turns of history and have the authority to win. I have insisted that the country of Korea where I live can be like this. (27-277)
The countries where the Lord can come must be divided. For this reason, the Republic of Korea was divided into north and south. north of Cain, and south of Abel. The democratic world is idealistic. The democratic world is internal and heavenly, while the communist world is external and Satan. Material and materiality are one. They fight separately without knowing that they are one. (39-123) |