받은바 은혜를 잊지 말고 ...배반하지 말고...대적하지 말고...하나님의 권위에 도전하지 말고...
1 Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. 2 Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the LORD or fully declare his praise? 3 Blessed are they who maintain justice, who constantly do what is right. 4 Remember me, O LORD, when you show favor to your people, come to my aid when you save them, 5 that I may enjoy the prosperity of your chosen ones, that I may share in the joy of your nation and join your inheritance in giving praise. 6 We have sinned, even as our fathers did; we have done wrong and acted wickedly. 7 When our fathers were in Egypt, they gave no thought to your miracles; they did not remember your many kindnesses, and they rebelled by the sea, the Red Sea. 8 Yet he saved them for his name's sake, to make his mighty power known. 9 He rebuked the Red Sea, and it dried up; he led them through the depths as through a desert. 10 He saved them from the hand of the foe; from the hand of the enemy he redeemed them. 11 The waters covered their adversaries; not one of them survived. 12 Then they believed his promises and sang his praise. 13 But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his counsel. 14 In the desert they gave in to their craving; in the wasteland they put God to the test. 15 So he gave them what they asked for, but sent a wasting disease upon them. 16 In the camp they grew envious of Moses and of Aaron, who was consecrated to the LORD. 17 The earth opened up and swallowed Dathan; it buried the company of Abiram. 18 Fire blazed among their followers; a flame consumed the wicked. 19 At Horeb they made a calf and worshiped an idol cast from metal. 20 They exchanged their Glory for an image of a bull, which eats grass. 21 They forgot the God who saved them, who had done great things in Egypt, 22 miracles in the land of Ham and awesome deeds by the Red Sea. 23 So he said he would destroy them--had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him to keep his wrath from destroying them. 24 Then they despised the pleasant land; they did not believe his promise. 25 They grumbled in their tents and did not obey the LORD. 26 So he swore to them with uplifted hand that he would make them fall in the desert, 27 make their descendants fall among the nations and scatter them throughout the lands. 28 They yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor and ate sacrifices offered to lifeless gods; 29 they provoked the LORD to anger by their wicked deeds, and a plague broke out among them. 30 But Phinehas stood up and intervened, and the plague was checked. 31 This was credited to him as righteousness for endless generations to come. 32 By the waters of Meribah they angered the LORD, and trouble came to Moses because of them; 33 for they rebelled against the Spirit of God, and rash words came from Moses' lips. 34 They did not destroy the peoples as the LORD had commanded them, 35 but they mingled with the nations and adopted their customs. 36 They worshiped their idols, which became a snare to them. 37 They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons. 38 They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood. 39 They defiled themselves by what they did; by their deeds they prostituted themselves. 40 Therefore the LORD was angry with his people and abhorred his inheritance. 41 He handed them over to the nations, and their foes ruled over them. 42 Their enemies oppressed them and subjected them to their power. 43 Many times he delivered them, but they were bent on rebellion and they wasted away in their sin. 44 But he took note of their distress when he heard their cry; 45 for their sake he remembered his covenant and out of his great love he relented. 46 He caused them to be pitied by all who held them captive. 47 Save us, O LORD our God, and gather us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise. 48 Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Let all the people say, "Amen!" Praise the LORD.
오늘도 하나님을 향하여 찬양과 감사를 드리라 한다
받은바 은혜를 잊지 말고
배반하지 말고
대적하지 말고
하나님의 권위에 도전하지 말고...
이스라엘은 샘플
하나님은 그들의 역사를 통해서
인류를 향한 당신의 원하심을 노출하신다
하나님의 뜻대로
하나님의 명령 법도 규례를 따라 살라고
한마디로 성경을 통해 알려주시는 하나님의 말씀대로 살라고...
그들은 황금송아지를 비롯
숫한 우상들을 섬기는 혼합신앙(混合信仰)의 모습을 통해서
하나님의 진노를 자극했지만
오늘날의 우상은 돈-명예-권세-이념-이기(利己)
그리고 무식(無識)을 숭상하는
자기착각(自己錯覺)을 정(正)으로 믿고 주장을 굽히지 않음
100% 하나님으로부터의 존재가
100% 하나님의 것을 가지고 살아가면서도
감사(感謝) 찬양(讚揚)할 줄 모르니
마21:33-46의 비유가 현실이 되어
결국 최후심판 계20:14;21:8로의 결과를 자초함이 오늘날이 아닌가... 하는 것
극렬 편향성 안티들은 그렇다 치더라도
하나님을 섬긴다하는
나는 기독교인이라고 주장하는 사람들 가운데에서도
성경독청묵기적왕제중양(聖經讀聽黙祈適往弟重養) 언지신행일치(言知信行一致)를 이루지 못하면서 아예 엄두도 내지 않고 있음을 보노라니...
답답 안타까움 아쉬움의 탄식이
내 마음을 채운다
성령이여 도우소서
다시금 은혜은총자비긍휼복(恩惠恩寵慈悲矜恤福)을 베풀어 주옵소서
마른막대기만도 못한 무지무지무능자(無知無智無能者)인 저로서는
그저 마음 뿐
그저 발바둥을 칠 뿐
그러다가 의미없이 생을 마감할까봐 ...두려울 뿐입니다
13 내게 능력 주시는 자 안에서 내가 모든 것을 할 수 있느니라
♬ (찬 425) 주님의 뜻을 이루소서
(1)주님의 뜻을 이루소서 고요한 중에 기다리니
진흙과 같은 날 빚으사 주님의 형상 만드소서
(2)주님의 뜻을 이루소서 주님 밭앞에 엎드리니
나의 맘속에 살피시사 눈보다 희게 하옵소서
(3)주님의 뜻을 이루소서 병들어 몸이 피곤할때
권능의 손을 내게 펴사 강건케 하여 주옵소서
(4)주님의 뜻을 이루소서 온전히 나를 주장하사
주님과 함께 동행함을 만민이 알게 하옵소서 (아멘)